A volcano erupts. There are four directors. Three will die. You can only choose to save one.
Who do you choose? I'm voting PTA.
Quentin Tarantino
Christopher Nolan
Paul Thomas Anderson
David Fincher
Who do you choose? I'm voting PTA.
Quentin Tarantino
Christopher Nolan
Paul Thomas Anderson
David Fincher
shareDavid Fincher
shareDon't think much of any of them but the only one who makes complete shit is Tarantino so as long as he is vaporized I'm ok.
shareHe's my least favourite there.
shareI mean none of them have made masterpieces every time but you really didn't think Pulp Fiction, Memento, Boogie Nights, Insomnia, Seven, Fight Club, Zodiac, The Dark Knight, Reservoir Dogs, Hard Eight were great movies?
shareNever been able to make it through Pulp Fiction, Tarantino in general is just awful. But kudos to him for being able to make big budget C grade style films. He has them suckered in real good.
I liked Boogie Nights the first time, second time I really didn't care, more style than substance. Memento was ok. I like Fight Club. Zodiac, Se7en ok films. I guess I just didn't get into them the way others did.