What a load of BS prohibitionist propaganda. You really took what they taught you in DARE and ran with it, didn't you? The gateway theory has been debunked long ago and the only people who still believe this are out of touch dinosaurs like Joe Biden. Seriously, if weed is a gateway drug, what about alcohol? And if it kills brain cells, how did I buy my first investment property in my late 20's? I seem to be doing pretty good for myself, same as my friends and family who responsibly use the stuff.
And no, you clearly have no idea why it was made legal. It has nothing to do with taxes. Cannabis was legalized through Citizen Ballot Initiatives. Signatures were collected from the citizens to get something but on the ballot.
Where in hell are you getting your information? CA and CO didn't profit from retail sales? You've got to be friggin kidding me! Colorado has now generated more than $1 billion in total state revenue from the legal marijuana industry, another milestone for the state that legalized cannabis in 2014. Yes, when prices were initially high at the beginning due to supply and demand, but now you can buy a gram of weed in Colorado for the price of a beer!.
Legalization was pointless? People aren't being arrested for personal possession and growing in their own homes, countless jobs, tourism, etc. How can you say with a straight face that legalization was pointless?
Do you have a non-biased citation that's not an opinion piece on how legalization directly correlates with crime increases? I doubt it..And as for traffic accidents, driving under the influence is obviously illegal. Like with alcohol, anyone caught breaking the law will be arrested.
Sorry to be blunt, I'm not sure if you're brainwashed by your conservative parents who you still live with as a grown ass adult, but you need to start thinking for yourself and stop buying into these ridiculous stereotypes about cannabis. Its 2020 and 67% of Americans want it legalized. Get with the times, sweetheart, or get the out of the way.