MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Scorsese and Coppola are right, superher...

Scorsese and Coppola are right, superhero movies are garbage and a plague on Hollywood

I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone objectively defend or praise them without some sort of bias; ie childhood nostalgia, pre-existing interest in/obsession with comics, etc.

Other than Tim Burton’s Batman (1989), almost all of them are trash, which plenty of trash gets made in Hollywood and comprises 99% of the content released in all forms of media. The problem with superhero movies is they are overrepresented and have almost completely wiped out original content from the theaters. They are cranking these turds out 3 a month and alongside Disney Movies (which I’m perfectly fine with because they’ve always been around), rom-coms and shitty horror movies they are pretty much all you can find now if you want to go to the theaters. Who wants to shell out $20 (if you’re single) or $100 if you have a family to see this garbage? This is Scorsese’s point, they have almost singlehandedly creatively bankrupted Hollywood in the last decade, he had to go to Netflix with his tail between his legs to get his movie made. Sad state of affairs.


I think they're fine for the reasons you mentioned. I think what makes them good are the relatively good faithfulness to their source material much like Scorsese and Coppola's works.

The shelling out of money, that is a long going issue for theaters. I hardly see movies in theater nor do people I know. This is pretty evident for other too as Cinemas have been taking hits for some time. Going to Netflix or otherwise is what many creators seem to be doing.


I disagree. There are several good to great superhero films. The Dark Knight trilogy is excellent, Black Panther is very well made, Wonder Woman is good, the last couple Avengers movies were fantastic, Spiderman 2, the first couple X-Men movies were good too. Several superhero films have been nominated for and won various awards and have gotten really good reviews. There are high quality actors and directors who have done superhero movies. I am not a big fan of comic books and I don't have any childhood nostalgia or bias and I call tell you that there are definitely some good superhero movies out there.


I prefer them to any films by Scorsese.


I’d think you’d be one of very few people who feels that way


True. I think he is interesting to listen to but I don't care for his films.


Clearly Scorsese has not seen the Toxic Avenger.


My favorite superhero film 👆


Yes one of the greatest superheroes of all time!


I don’t understand why it’s not talked about more during superhero movie discussions. In fact, it’s the only superhero movie I own. 😀


I agree! Despite him knowing I have a general disdain for superhero movies, my brother took me to see The Dark Knight and told me it was different and better then other superhero films. It was same old same old for me.

The problem is it seems most people love superhero films and get more popular each year. I don't remember the 90's being over saturated with nothing but superhero films during the summer.

Even as a kid I never got into them, I much preferred horror.
I watch a lot superhero stuff since my 8 yr old loves all of it, but I still find them boring. Even the ones that critics love (which seem like the majority ) like Spiderman into the Spider verse was just another superhero film.

It sucks that the choices for movies are becoming more superhero fluff and less diverse choices.


Yeah for sure, I thought the dark knight sucked pretty bad honestly


i really think its the only movie i fell asleep in.

at least i think it was the dark knight.
last thing i remember was a motorcycle climbed a wall and did a transformer thing and i was out.


I may be the last man at The Alamo on this one but I love 'the capes, I've seen everyone of them, many more than one time
Call me nuts but there's plenty of room for more serious 'oscar' level dramas out don't see the supes at the awards shows after all

Most personal friends enjoy a mix of the two; big silly blockbusters and more serious fare and I don't see the harm
in it


Uncle Shogie on the set, bringing levity to this well-documented subject...well done...

Besides, we’re all disposable...


How did you know my wedding song?!?
I wanted War Pigs but the Missus chose this instead😃


My favorite song from Metallica, easy....Hetfield is a good lyricist when he wants to be....


Kirk Hacket... I mean Hammet ruins Metallica, for me.



hard disagree for the most part. while i think it's fair to say they're not creative, blockbuster action films have not been the home more marxist art terrorist experimentation in general.

judging by the standards of most large scale action films of the past few decades, i think most of the mcu films come out looking pretty good.

when you consider that they've made 23 films in about a decade, all of them successful, many of them smashingly so, and quite a few of them really fun and enjoyable, it becomes pretty apparent that they've achieved something quite substantial and unique. you just have to look at the failures of other franchises who haven't been able to replicate that success to see it's not a small thing to make so many films in such a short period of time that are enjoyed by so many people.

and i will also say that i think into the spider-verse is not just a great cbm, it's a great movie, one of the best animated films of all time, and one of my personal favourites of any era.
