The solution is to not give a shit what people think about you. If you’re confident in who you are, other people’s perceptions of you are meaningless. I’m proud of the person I am. If someone doesn’t like me that’s their problem.
So what if you’re thought of as a sociopath. Boring people pass judgement on others because their lives suck and they gotta have something to talk about.
It is impossible for me to be fake. I can’t do it, it’s not in my dna. Society wants us all to fall in line and “act right”. Well fuck that. If someone tells a bad joke, I laugh and say that joke sucked dude! If you hate being fake, don’t be! If you aren’t sorry, don’t apologize. I live my life out loud and unapologetically. I speak my mind and remain genuine. I’m sure people think all kinds of things about me and that’s fine. The people that know me know exactly what I’m about.
Fuck being fake intothenight. Just be who you are and own it.
There’s a word for it. It’s called grinfucking. It’s like someone smiling and being polite while mugging you.
I think this polite act we’re supposed to put on is hindering us. It discourages people from being honest. I’d rather talk about things that matter and hear people’s honest opinions than talk about the weather or whatever is considered appropriate conversation topics. I don’t walk around being rude to people, but if someone is disrespectful to me, they are going to be taught not to do it again. If someone is being a dick I think it’s perfectly acceptable to tell them to quit acting like a dick.
I hope you give it a try. Say what you think and be who you are. It will free you, and it’s a much more fun way to live. If you are being genuine, being your true self, people are drawn to that. Break out of the invisible prison they try to keep us in, and go enjoy your damn life being exactly who you are!!!✌️
It’s only fake if you dislike the people around you. I like my friends. I like my family. I like the people I work with. I want them to be happy and to lead rich and fulfilling lives. So, I laugh at jokes I’ve heard before and smile when I see them. The smile is genuine. I’m happy I have these people around me.
Being polite is not being fake, it doesn't mean that you always must say "yes and amen" or to be always in the good mood but to be polite to others is fine (of course if you are treated respectfully)
Is it "being fake" when you don't leap on top of every female you find attractive? Is it also being fake when you don't seize someone else's food that smells good to you?
You can not laugh at a joke and still be civilized and good natured. I think your issue is resentment. Societal norms can breed that. I have felt it at times.
Just think about other people and their feelings at least on the same level as your own. Empathize.
Agree. The cool thing I’ve discovered is that if you can get people to quit worrying about societal norms, they get a lot more interesting and entertaining. So many people hide the best parts about themselves because they’re afraid of how others will perceive them.
I don't consider myself fake. I smile at people I don't know all the time. In stores, out for a walk, etc. I don't ever feel that it's not genuine. I use my manners with people because I actually appreciate people who do things for me; holding the door, bringing me something, helping me in any way etc.
I don't usually force a laugh at something I don't find funny, but I don't consider that rude. If I told them off or made fun of them, that might be rude.
I'm Canadian, sorry is just part of our vocabulary, but I don't really consider it an apology, it's more of an empathy. I am not perfect and I F@#k up all the time, but when I do, I have no problem expressing remorse, and that's not fake.
I guess the difference is that I try to genuinely like people. I hope that I am a kind person and I don't consider courtesy as a fakeness.
Look here. I’ve read plenty of your posts and I would never describe you as fake in any way. I think you’re one of the coolest chicks here, with plenty of cool shit to say.