whats your least favorite trope in modern tv shows and movies
shareI really hate.
Kick ass female.
That is, I believe, a male invention that is promoted as feminist but is really a form of prejudice. I say that because it doesn't capture what it takes to be tough and cunning as a female.
Black Widow from Avengers is one of the most heinous examples. The males have superpowers, super armor with an AI helping, god status, a super energy monster, high tech weapons, but she is totally without anything except fighting skill and the strength of a women, yet she is totally fine. She's not smart, she didn't invent anything, she has no armor, weapons, etc she is just a "force of nature" like a woman.
It reminds me of the other horrible trope:
The Magical Negro. That's where a black person will have magical knowledge, insight, etc that helps white people.
That kind of character needs nothing like a normal person because day have dat wisdom, ya'll.
The kick ass female could also be called The Magical Woman.
On the flipside, the "helpless" female. Someone or something is attacking them or someone else and they just cower helplessly and let themselves or other be killed.
I think "the magical negro" can also be extended to the magical indigenous person. You know the sage "tribal" person full of otherworldly wisdom, etc.
Another one is when someone is hiding from some eminent threat and they put THEIR OWN HAND over their mouth to keep from making noise!! Seriously? Just stay quiet, dumbass!!
I hate the magical indigenous person!!
It was popular in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, to have characters encounter a magical "Native American" who is wise and knows everything. I have even seen this crap in Japanese anime.
Meanwhile, Indians are pathetically poor alcoholics that live in poverty.
BUT---if white rich people think they are magical, they don't have to fix all that because the Indians like it because they are "in touch" with nature, or whatever the hell.
In real life I have seen women cower and put their hand over their mouths in dangerous situations. But, it's an annoying cliche. In the 70s women would bite their curled up index finger when stressed!
I do that comically in real life, lol.
"On the flipside, the "helpless" female. Someone or something is attacking them or someone else and they just cower helplessly and let themselves or other be killed."
I thought you liked realism in movies, or do I have you mixed up with someone else?
I think just mixed up, in general. ;)
shareSo it wasn't you who was defending unlikable characters in movies because unlikable people exist in reality?
shareOf course it was me but you clearly didn't understand what I was talking about, whatsoever.
share"Of course it was me"
So you're in a state of self-contradiction. On the one hand you defend unlikable characters because it's realistic, and on the other hand, you deride helpless female characters, despite it being realistic.
"but you clearly didn't understand what I was talking about, whatsoever."
Your non sequitur is dismissed.
Go you. Your lack of basic cognitive process is similarly dismissed.
Your non sequitur is dismissed, and since you have no arguments, your tacit concession is noted.
Comical Irony Alert (you know, coming from the simpleton who thinks there's such a thing as food ingredients that inherently "healthy" or "unhealthy," and who is in a state of self-contradiction, and who produces non sequiturs)
Enjoy a nice healthy bowl of dick, troll.
shareYour non sequitur (which includes a laughable attempt to redefine the word "troll") is dismissed, and your tacit concession (due to lack of arguments of any kind) remains noted.
shareBlah, blah, blah.
shareYour non sequitur is dismissed, and your tacit concession remains noted.
shareBlah, blah, blah.
shareYour non sequitur is dismissed, and your tacit concession remains noted.
shareIf it's dismissed, why do you keep responding?
shareYour non sequitur is dismissed, and your tacit concession remains noted.
shareSo you respond to a question with your idiotic phrase that you use constantly on MC? Do you think anyone is impressed with it? I'll save you from trying to think: No. You sound like a tool of the highest order. Now please, have the last word so you can tell yourself you won an internet fight!
share"So you respond to a question with your idiotic phrase"
Any reply that's irrelevant to the argument (i.e., doesn't follow) is a non sequitur, simpleton, and that includes questions. Every one of your replies to me in this thread has consisted of nothing but non sequiturs (with the exception of "Of course it was me"), including the one I'm replying to right now.
"that you use constantly on MC"
That's because people constantly post non sequiturs in arguments, obviously, and not just on this site. It's characteristic of idiots, and most people are idiots.
"Do you think anyone is impressed with it?"
Your non sequitur is dismissed, Slow Doug.
"I'll save you from trying to think"
Comical Irony Alert: Part II
"Now please, have the last word so you can tell yourself you won an internet fight!"
Your tacit concession remains noted and your resignation is accepted.
"On the flipside, the "helpless" female. Someone or something is attacking them or someone else and they just cower helplessly and let themselves or other be killed."
Yes! This one used to drive me nuts in old movies. A woman would be standing nearby watching the good guy fighting with the bad guy, choosing the worst time ever to have a case of the vapours. I'd be yelling at the screen "Come ON! Pick up a rock, anything, this is life a death!"
Some movies have gone too far in the opposite direction more recently, I'll agree with that.
I haven’t really seen the magical negro trope in a while, it was more of a 90’s thing. But yes, it was stupid and annoying that the wise ol’ timey black guy could see into the future or whatever.
shareI hate it and noticed it before I knew that term.
I had to search around for it.
Steven King loved it.
I had to stop reading the Dark Tower series because he had a "crazy black lady" with wisdom who was also fucking in a wheelchair! Later, a friend of mine suggested the Green Mile because I worked in a prison and it featured the most magical negro ever.
People will like black people more if they are magic angels!
Homosexuals get the same treatment. They are born knowing they're gay, when heteros know nothing. They aren't weird, nothing they do is bizarre or gross, they are just being who are "that way".
It's a thing liars do that I guess actually cannot accept these people.
King (among others) is also fond of the Magical kid in touch with the supernatural forces or with unexplained mystical powers that save the day.
shareI hate those! Do not watch Midnight Special (2016)...
shareOH GOD!!
I hate that very much!
I hate kids in any show where they "know stuff" and are on some adventure. I even hated it as a kid because I wanted to be a man as a kid, not a kid.
Karma. Karma is overrated. It's fine on a soap opera, but terrible in serious movies / tv series. It's basically favoritism. So nothing bad can really happen to audience's favorite characters. Even when they die, the will be ressurected somehow. And all the bad things will happen to the least favorite characters. This ruins all the suspense. Making everything become, well, a soap opera.
Also, I hate kid characters in movies. When a movie has a kid character, I automatically wince. Because nothing bad can happen to them. Even when they're in the most dangerous situations, they surely WILL leave unschatched. Magically. From the moment they first appear, I would know that they will be fine. The same as karma trope, this, too, ruins any suspense.
The bumbling idiot man needing to be rescued by the super smart women for the simplest shit.
shareI don't even know where to start on this one...IIRC 1950s TV shows didn't have this (in the 1960s I watched re-runs of 1950s shows). But maybe some did.
When did it start? I'm not sure, but even Dr. Huxtable (Cosby) was a helpless idiot at home who had to be led by his super smart lawyer wife (as if he, a doctor, wasn't super smart as well).
But I remember some talking about this as early as the late 1960s. The husband is a shmuck. It was all over the place by the 1970s.
Personally I didn't really start noticing it in pop-culture until the late 80, early 90s.
Most of this subversion shit started during the 60s.
I hate a lot, but the first one that comes to mind is the Men Act, Women Are trope:
It's so outdated you wouldn't expect it much anymore, but, despite how much work film and tv does to undermine it, it's still so prevalent, especially in shows and films I love. I can't tell you how many times I've watched an episode of The Flash and watched a female character literally just stand there for the entirety of the episode while three or four male characters rush into action.
I like that one, never thought of it.
shareCheers. And ditto to the kick ass woman trope - hate that shit. Especially because, despite being "kickass", her job usually involves looking hot doing dude stuff...until there are actual dudes around to do it. Then she becomes much like the trope I mentioned.
shareI don't know why they don't have SMART female action characters who use their mind to solve problems. That or weapons is okay.
If a female is a super being, I'm totally cool with it, but most aren't.
Black Widow is the best example of this crap. I like Scarlet but I can't stand it. I don't even know what kind of trope you call this character. She has no powers or weapons really at all but she can outrun Hulk, fight bionic people, strong aliens, etc and she needs no help because she knows "martial arts" when Captain America is struggling.
What is that?
I don't know if it has an exact name. It's quite similar to the Mary Sue, but with some Deux ex Machina elements. Basically, this character is infallible wherever it is convenient for her to be so, and likewise, when the plot requires us to forget all of this, then this character suddenly vanishes.
shareThat's a good description.
Whatever you call it I hate it on many levels.
It's accurate though. When the shit goes down in real life it does tend to be men who are taking action.
shareIt's not accurate that the shit is always happening to a man or men, caused by another man or men, and is only fixable by another man or men. It's also not accurate that the women featured simply stand around while the shit is happening because they have nothing to offer in regards to a solution to the shit or at the very least some commentary on the shit. In conclusion, the shit happens to us all.
shareHmmm sorry but in my observations it is generally a man or men who take action.
shareSo, in fictional stories about fictional characters, it's your observation that only men take action? Even in stories featuring only women? That's some observation.
shareI said real life. What happens in fictional stories is well, just fiction. It actually makes my point even more glaring. You see in films and TV all these super women and useless men and yet in real life, when the shit goes down, where are the women??????
shareI think you actually made my point more glaring. If there are super women everywhere in media, why do they suddenly disappear when they're needed?
As for real life, I think you'd be surprised by how often women taking action is overlooked because it's not considered the norm, even when it is. For example, if I was to consider who takes more charge out of, say, my parents, my mother would 9/10 times be that person over my father. I think women generally stand down more if a male wants to step up, but I don't think men automatically jump to action more than women do.
Because TV and Movies aren't real life.
It's not that hard to understand. Unless you are desperately trying to push a lost cause.
The point that I'm making is that, in fiction, superwomen tend to disappear and reappear at the convenience of the plot, whereas supermen don't tend to do that. Since it's fiction, that makes no sense because in fiction, anyone should be able to be a hero, be it a man, woman, kid, robot, alien, etc.
I think the fact that you're now using terms like desperate and lost cause without actually really conveying anything means this conversation can now end. Have a pleasant day.
The conversation ended a while ago when you never started making sense.
shareThe Token Gays.
It seems like every other tv show/film is shoving them into the limelight and showing off how gross their kissing and making out can be, and acting like it's the most awesome thing in the world, or having teens coming out of the closet and their families are being all sympathetic and loving towards them (which does not happen in real life in a lot of cases, unless you're in a deep blue state), or worse, they're painted as victims and make all the Velvet Mafia's enemies look like evil, prejudiced people who have no real reason to be and are being backwards.
It's a miracle these days if you don't find that crap being smeared all over the screen all the time on tv shows and movies.
Gays in the media annoy me.
They are always "feminine" male gays.
Meanwhile, in real life, there are gays who are "Hypermasculine" and they are into bodybuilding, being bikers, and so forth. They refer to femme gays and "twinks".
There are big fat guy "bear" gays who are hyper masculine in a sloppy fat way.
There never show these guys in the media. They show femme eunuch type gays, not dudes down to fuck other masculine macho dudes.
It is a intense form of prejudice much like I said about women in my first post.
They also represent the lesbians poorly as well. They try to make nearly all lesbians on tv either look like unrealistically beautiful supermodels, or really mean, ugly butch dikes that are ready to punch you if you so much as look at them the wrong way. The majority of lesbians I've seen in real life are typically fat, either plain or ugly, and have their hair chopped off, and wear the least feminine clothes they can get their hands on. I even mistook one for a man once! I have read of what are called "lipstick lesbians," the kind who actually try to look pretty, but I haven't met any yet. I've also never met a butch dyke, though I've unfortunately met a lot of straight women who dress that way, including school teachers! Cringes
I do find it annoying they're having all the attractive, young gay men always featured, because they kinda ruin it for the straight guys, and any girls who fantasize about this beautiful man on tv, only to find out he doesn't like girls. The only thing worse than that is seeing mean, horrible, Alpha females kicking around the weak effeminate gays and treating them like their butt monkeys.
Yes, I have known a lot of lesbians in real life. There are many in Philly due to the massively dysfunctional families here.
They are always "bois" or what they call "shims" and aren't attractive. Typically, these are small white girls who act like black ghetto dudes. I do an imitation of all of their poses they do on facebook. It's insane in that they all act the same way.
They call themselves "studs" and it's hilarious. You can look that up and find pics. They will put their hand on their jaw like they're thinking, make an incredulous look like "wut you say gurl!", have disconnected look with a baseball hat lightly sitting on their head sideways, etc.
There's also the fat super grumpy looking lesbian type as you mentioned.
Most of they are predatory people who are always "looking to fuck" and got through a string of fairly feminine busted looking girl.
All are involved with drugs and crime.
I enjoying distantly observing their antics on facebook.
Anything "masculine" in the media seems to get ignored a lot. Masculine guys and all forms of homosexuals never show up. Again, this has to be part of some weird plan or rule they have.
Coming Next: The Token Transgender or Non-Binary
shareThat one hasn't caught on yet, but I have seen two minor characters involved in cop shows (both were murder victims), and the shows really did not represent the characters very well. They had real, biologically female actresses playing the "girls," when in fact, transgender men really don't fool anybody, even if they work very hard at looking like women. Their voices still sound like very feminine gay guys, and there are minor facial features and body shapes they can't hide, even with plastic surgery, makeup, and long, styled hair.
shareGraduate High school>>never return to their hometown for decades.
shareProbably the one that grinds my gears the most is when danger is most eminent, we hear.... wait for it.... "Let's split up." or "You wait here". That is a sure sign that someone's dyin'.
shareYeah, those suckers are as doomed as the cop or soldier short timer who utters the line 'when I retire I'm going to see the world with my best gal'