What's the deal Stratego?
Is she always That arrogant? Why no one reported her yet? I won't report her because I think it's really childish to do it. But I know many people here like to do it.
shareIs she always That arrogant? Why no one reported her yet? I won't report her because I think it's really childish to do it. But I know many people here like to do it.
shareThere's an ignore option.
Better to use that button instead of starting a thread.
Oh, I've seen that other thread -- so now I get "the joke".
You're frustrated with Stratego so it's spilling over into your replies to others who you assume are women for some weird reason. But it comes off more like anger than humor.
And reporting her is as childish as starting a whiny thread in General Discussion to call her out.
Just ignore her as I did with you after writing this reply.
I've never had any issues. She's always been nice enough.
shareThere is something wrong if people can't just have discussions in a forum. If you personalize issues, don't like people, and so forth, there's something wrong with you.
I can sit all day and have distance from stuff like that, but really enjoy the discussion part, when that actually happens.
YOU are saying that?
I like talking about subjects.
You will be unlikely to find me attacking someone first. I am good at attacking back though, lol.
I'm not necessarily talking about you specifically. But, if there's a topic and you can't talk about it or get insulted that other people are, or you don't know what else to say, there is something wrong.
I know a huge amount of information about a variety of topics. That or I have first hand experience with topics that interest many people. That makes a certain type angry, which is crazy. They end up never talking about the actual topic.
Like defending Nazis or talking shit about people's choice to use drugs?
shareYou aren't intelligent, that's why you wrote that.
Understanding the motives of Nazis isn't the same as defending them. I have gotten this nonsense, always from women, so you must think like one. Typically, when I have told women I work with criminals they would conclude "I like criminals" and "must want to be with them" because I would with them. The real goal is to defuse criminals and so you must understand everything about them.
Drugs are illegal and as long as they are, it's criminal types who use and buy them. In addition, there is something losery about creating artificial feelings in your body when you can get real ones doing real things. So, I have little respect for druggies.
"Drugs are illegal and as long as they are, it's criminal types who use and buy them."
.... your own fucking girlfriend is a drug user (or a former)!! Isn't this supposed to, at some degree, make you more tolerant about it? Are you retarded or something?
And criminal? Really? Buy a drug for personal use makes a person a criminal? As far as I know, people don't get arrested for consuming drugs. You can get arrested for possession, but not by using them at your house. Yeah, what a closed-minded mindset.
Yes. It's all criminal, because it is, lol.
It's "okay" with drug users to commit crimes because of their selfishness and "fuck it" attitude. I discuss with everyone I know where drugs come from and their part in supporting mass murderers, etc so they can "get high" for a few minutes.
It is disgusting.
There's many people who won't buy clothes and stuff because they are made in factories that have unethical practices. Meanwhile, druggies don't mind supporting the cartels, etc that kill people horribly all the time. Dealers make girls suck their dick for drugs, rape girls, sell to kids, pregnant women, etc. I have known a lot of dealers, from working in jail, who would make girls fuck their pit bulls, just for fun so the girls could get free drugs if they were out of money. I have met girls who told me they did it.
I have zero tolerance for drugs with my gf.
Could you, please, go get castrated so we are sure you don't reproduce? Thank you.
sharejust defuse crime hun
shareYes, I'm an arrogant biotch ALL THE TIME. My advice: You either deal with it or put me on ignore. Good luck!👍
sharewhat happened with this guy??
shareProbably some childhood trauma.🤷♀️
shareYeah, it can't be simply that I really don't think that arrogance is sexy on a woman...
shareWhy should I even care about what you think is sexy on a woman???
shareI don't say you should care, I just say that you don't have to do all the possible efforts to look unattractive. That's all.
I once dated an arrogant girl like you and, oh boy, did I lose my patience fast.
shareI don't report her, I just put gypsy curses on her, or put my thumb on my nose and waggle my fingers at her. That usually puts her in her place.
Are you a Micheal Moorcock fan?
That I am. Excellent writer!
shareYeah, me too.
I used to talk to him a lot when he had his own forum.
Seems like he would be an interesting guy to chat with. And if not for him , I never would have discovered my all time favorite band Hawkwind.
shareIt's crazy, but I have never really listened to them. I don't think they ever hit it off with America.
Anyway, the Corum story was awesome. I find myself thinking about it once in awhile.
He was an interesting guy to talk to. I was interested in writing and he provided some good ideas about how not to care so as to produce a lot of work.
Anyway, it's crazy none of his stories became movies.
I liked his Nomad in Time series.
And the short story where God is standing at the pub with his back toward the fireplace, farting gently, "A Slow Saturday Night at the Surrealist Sporting Club"
I never read that last one lol!
He has quite an imagination.
According to him, he never planned any of his stories. He would sit down, think it up, and just turn the work in. He didn't care how it turned out and would let his publisher edit it whatever way they wanted.
There’s supposedly been an Elric movie in the works for a while now, but it’s hard to imagine how theyre going to translate to the big screen with all the nuances of the different Eternal Champion incarnations throughout the multiverse.
shareThat could be something for the end! Like a hint at the multiverse.
That concept is heavily used by DC comics so maybe they can pull it off without it being puzzling.
If they did Elric correctly, with his perverted people, and all of that stuff, it would be awesome. Plus, people love vampire stories and that's what his sword makes him. Plus, the idea that that thing is actually alive and manipulating him is interesting. If you gut all that though and make him a warrior with a magic sword they will ruin it. They need to keep the meat of the story.
I can still remember where they would mutilate and torture people in Melnibone to make them "sing" because people enjoyed the sounds of torture.
Moorcock suggested that was actually future Earth. He wrote this story where there was a nuclear war or something like that. There were people with advanced technology living on the moon in a colony. They got trapped there and the low gravity was making them elflike in appearance.
Elrics people may have come from those people and the "magic" used was actually advanced tech.
The end of the books is the end of Earth that gets reborn again which is the Ragnarok myth of the Vikings. That when this terrible world ends a nice one comes into being. But, in Elric it got ruined because the sword survives.
Two things I’d like to see, before God strikes me dead for my insolence, are faithful adaptations of the Elric series and Lovecraft’s At The Mountains of Madness. They’ve already done the Lord of the Rings as well as can be done , so 1 down, 2 to go.
shareI never read Mountains but have read about it, so I'd be interested.
LOTR was very well done. I remember seeing the trailer and thinking, I hope I live long enough to see this! It was very good.
I have given up hope on Elric.
I don't get it though because it would be a hit if done right.
So it’s childish to report someone, but not childish to make a thread to talk shit about someone? Weird. Sly would be unimpressed by this cattiness.
shareMy thoughts exactly. He’s taking Sly’s name in vain.
Not cool bro.
My thoughts exactly - Not cool.