MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Frozen food that's actually good

Frozen food that's actually good

Or at least decent. A lot of it's terrible.

Marie Callender's chicken pot pies. A bit too much crust for me, but the gravy/sauce is creamy and tasty, the chicken isn't spongy and weird, and the veggies are good for frozen. I've tried many of their others, didn't like them except turkey's okay.

Stouffer's Mac and cheese, done in the oven so the top gets a nice golden brown crust. I don't buy it often but I love it.

Stouffer's chicken ala king with rice. I like it for most of the reasons I like MC's chicken pot pies.

Most all frozen pizzas. The only exceptions are those awful Celeste individual pizzas and Stouffer's French bread pizza. Some are better than others but almost all are at least decent.

Tonight I had a pizza with cauliflower crust, which I wasn't at all sure about getting. It had uncured pepperoni on top and I doctored it up with fresh garlic, fresh basil, fresh zucchini, and (don't everyone groan at once) anchovies. It was good! The crust was slightly strange but if I didn't know, I'd have never guessed it was cauliflower.


Bernard Matthews Cheese Hamwich


I had to Google 😊👌


French fries
Fried chicken

They always seem to be much crunchier when frozen.

I'm not a fan of frozen pizzas, I much prefer fresh Italian style pizzas.

Also broad beans. No need to cook. Just defrost them and you can eat them straight out of the shell.


Except at a restaurant that may have served them, I've never had frozen French fries. Agree frozen fried chicken is decent, although I'm not a big fan of fried food.

Absolutely, a fresh pizza is almost always going to beat frozen. I've never had broad beans, but being able to eat them without cooking is a plus 🐰


We eat a lot of fries over here, very often at a stand but also at home, usually frozen.

Double-shelled broad beans are so tasty, I can't stand them any other way.😖



French fries is the one fried food I really do like, but rarely eat them. What do you eat them with? I go the usual American route with catsup.

I had to Google broad beans. I'll look for them. Found this which looks good!



Even John Travolta knows how we eat them!😁

Ooh yeah, pecorino, excellent choice! I always add bacon bits as well.


Wait, is this the infamous green mayo?

Now I'm hungry 😁


Eating my famous green mayo with fries would be sacrilege!😤

Me too! Not a good idea when I'm trying to lose those Christmas pounds!😫


Then what do you eat it with/on? 🤷‍♀️

Ha, me too! We should start a disgusting thread, along the lines of Andy's zit juice thread 🤢


In a salad with fresh baby spinach and shredded cooked chicken, of course!

Uhm, that's quite alright, Cat, I'll just think of Brussels sprouts instead!😬


I knew that! 😄 (😬)

All right, you go with the Brussels sprouts. I like them so it looks like I'm stuck thinking about the zit juice unless I can think up something else that's an appetite-killer, but not so extreme 😄


No more zit juice! Please!🤢🤮




Most of the Ben & Jerry's frozen products I've bought are pretty good!


When it comes to frozen pizza, Paul Newman's is pretty good. The one that I find to be truly awful (tasteless sauce) is The Red Baron. Our grocery store has it on sale sometimes. I grabbed it a few times without thinking. When I made it I remember why I don't like it!

I buy bags of frozen cauliflower. I like to steam it and stir fry it. A regular head of cauliflower is just too big for me. I live alone and I don't make the whole thing. It goes bad before I use it up. The same with frozen broccoli. I can use half the bag and keep the rest frozen for later.


Red Baron may be one of the few I've tried that I didn't like. Is the sauce sort of sweet?

I like both steamed and stir fried veggies. You're right, a whole head of cauliflower (or cabbage) is going to rot if you're just one person. I bought some frozen cauliflower "mashed potatoes" and didn't like it.


Catbookss- I think the Red Baron sauce is so bland. I actually do like a sweet sauce. There was a place my aunt used to order from when I was a kid and I loved their pizza. It had a sweetish sauce.
Most of the frozen small snack type pizzas taste like cheese covered cardboard to me.

I do buy a lot of frozen veggies since, like I wrote, I can just used what I need. Sometimes I'll get a bag of frozen diced onions. I only use a little in certain recipes and whole onions start to sprout and get mushy in the summer before I can use them. Of course, you can just dice up a fresh one and put it in the freezer! I do that too.


I prefer a savoury sauce myself. Looks like we won't be ordering pizza together anytime soon. Plus, I like anchovies and most likely you don't like them 😃

I can't buy those snack size or individual pizzas. They taste like a lot of nothing. But last night I had the rest of the frozen pizza with the cauliflower crust, cooked it a little longer so the edges were crispier, and boy was it good. I'll definitely be buying more of them in the future.

Good idea to slice or dice up onions and freeze them! Unless I make soup, I only make it halfway through an onion before it has to be tossed.


😄 Ha! I don't know many people who make their own ice cream.


We have tried all frozen pot pies. Marie Callender used to be good, but we cannot tolerate them any longer. They along with the frozen dinners have gone down hill. My 2 favorite Marie Callender dinners were the Turkey Medallion with stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans and the Sweet & Sour Chicken. The last time I purchased the turkey dinner it no longer had medallions...just some chopped turkey! The Sweet & Sour became unpalatable. No more Marie Callender except for her pie crusts which are not available in Mississippi.

If you want a tasty pot pie try KFC. It’s the only one I purchase now. When they are on sale I purchase 6, slip them still in the box into zipper freezer bags and freeze. To reheat, remove from the boxes, put foil on the edges, set oven @ 350 deg. and reheat for about 35 minutes. They are so yummy. No, pot pie should be heated in the it ruins the crust.

If I don’t prepare homemade mac n cheese it’s Resers for us. No store bought mac n cheese beats Resers. You could fool someone into thinking it is homemade! Many sides to choose from this company...all very good.

No frozen pizza for us. When we buy from Schwans home delivery they have a good frozen cheese pizza. The only Stouffer’s we eat are the stuffed bell peppers. I cannot stand most frozen food on the market today. If it’s the one pot meals like Voila’ we buy the those which have chicken then pick out the chicken and feed the pieces to the disposal! Processed chicken! Yucky!

Everything it seems is going the cauliflower way. Some I’ve eaten; some thrown into the trash.


The MC chicken pot pies are still good here, but I agree now none of the frozen dinners are any good. For me the turkey has that weird spongy texture and no turkey flavour, and the sweet and sour chicken too much breading. I used to like their meat loaf/mashed potatoes/green beans dinner, but now it's awful.

No KFC frozen food here, but I do put foil around the edges of MC pot pies when I get them. No Resers here either. But since I know you make a mean mac & cheese, and say it's so good it can be mistaken for homemade, too bad it's not available.

Stouffer's stuffed bell peppers are good. I buy them every once in a while.


I didn’t mean to mislead you about the KFC pot pies. They are available at the KFC brick & mortar locations. I go thru the drive-thru. BTW, I’m very finicky when it comes to coleslaw, but I like KFC’s. The only item I don’t like is the water based mashed potatoes. There are a few KFC buffets here in the South and the food is very good. Check your area for KFC buildings.

Back to MC pot pies. My daughter’s favorite is the Creamy Mushroom, so I bought her one and got the chicken for he and me. She hadn’t eat one lately and was surprised they had went downhill. He & she definitely enjoyed the KFC. I also like “The Bowl” for a quick meal also purchased at KFC.


Oh. I never go to KFC because I'm not a fan of fried chicken, or fried food except French fries. I agree their mashed potatoes, and the gravy, suck.

I have to say their pot pies do look very good. But holy COW, 790
calories, 66 grams of carbs, 45 grams of fat, and 1970 of sodium 😳. "The Bowl" isn't something that'd interest me either because of the fried chicken and too many carbs. Once I've shed some of these pounds I might try a pot pie and have half one day, half the next, because they really do look great.

I tried the creamy mushroom MC pot pie once because it sounded good, but I didn't enjoy it much.


Did you notice KFC now has grilled chicken. I don’t think many of us eat pot pies that often so treat yourself to a KFC pot the whole thing. It doesn’t have a bottom crust which was your complaint about the MC pies. The chicken is real, largely shredded...not the stuff I pick out and toss. I won’t eat MC chicken.

I gave up on the pound shedding. I finally have come to the conclusion I’m an old fart...never thought I would be one. I look at my she-devil black yorkie only to realize it’s rather disconcerting, in all probability, she will outlive me. 😔 My Miss Molly will be my first fur baby to do so.


Nope, I went straight for the pot pie info. I do like a pie without a bottom crust. Stouffer's used to have one. But I can't justify that many calories, fat, everything in one meal. MC's has half of that! Not that I'll be eating them for a while either, with a only microwave and hot plate to cook with 👎. I like the MC chicken, myself. Taste and texture is real chicken, so I'm good with that.

I want to shed these spare pounds. I LOVE hiking and being out in nature, and I'll feel and look like myself again. My pup will appreciate the part about being up for longer hikes, too.

Yikes, that is disconcerting to think Miss Molly may outlive you 😔. Sometimes I think "Okay, how many more dogs can I get?"


Unless I’ve missed it, have you found a permanent? place to live yet?

Miss Molly was cheated when she became a member of our household. “I’m sorry baby girl you came to live with 2 old farts!” Everything is a game to her and she wants to play constantly which with our age it’s not always possible. The most I can do is throw a ball or toy for her to run after. I have hardwood floors so it’s hilarious to see her start to run. She’s so fast the back legs can’t get traction and she just slides! If we have the ball she goes into a football stance. Head & shoulders lowered, front legs spread, back legs spread and rigid.

Daughter is still here and she takes a lot of time with Miss Molly. After being in her “castle” (kennel) all night she’s revved up...full of piss and vinegar as we southerners say. Santa brought this ball for her:

She growls and scoots it all over especially on my toes! Damn it hurts. I put her on the front porch with the dang thing, but she doesn’t like being alone. In a short while she wants back inside.


Not yet, hence the no kitchen/hot plate/microwave deal.

As adorable as puppies are, this is partly why the last and current I adopted as adults. (Plus they're more difficult to adopt.) Even so, this guy who's literally the perfect dog when I take him out in the world becomes a whiny, chronically restless one when he's home with me. Although lately he's been improving! 👍

It's very entertaining to watch and play with puppies and young dogs, but unless you've got the energy to keep up with them, 😳

Ha ha, that ball is great! She must be having a, er, ball with it 😊


I forgot to let you know Amazon now will donate part of what you spend to a charity of your choice. I chose Yorkie Haven Rescue. I just have to remember to order from Not


👌 I donate to the World Wildlife Fund. 99% of the time I remember to use the smile URL.


So sad, Australia’s fires have killed an estimated 500 Million, yes million animals. “ Almost 500,000,000 kangaroos, koalas, possums and wallabies have been killed”

Burnt koala who saved her joey on the path to recovery


Resers sides (Resers Fine Foods corporate) is located in Oregon. Surely they are available in CA. Check the web site on Where to Buy I don’t know the area of CA you live so. I couldn’t enter the zip.


Weird. According to their locator I can buy Reser's mac and cheese at TWO stores I shop regularly, yet have never seen it. Thanks :)


Banquet pot pies are solid.

Gorton's Fisherman, ditto.

Smart Ones are also very good.


Sorry, but omg the lowest of the low. I would love to cook for you because you don’t seem to be picky. You wouldn’t complain if I goofed and would enjoy left overs. 😋




I didn't know MC made a BBQ pulled pork and mac 'n cheese bowl. Not the healthiest dinner, but I'm sure it's tasty 😋


AT 6'6" 195...I HAVE ROOM FOR YUM.


Are you serious? You're really 6'6" and 195? I'm going to start calling you slim.




Wow, impressive weight loss. How did you do it, Slim?


TGI Friday's potato skins and those SeaPak Beer Batter Mini Crab Cakes.

Most frozen foods are unhealthy and disgusting so I avoid them like the plague, but I like to buy those frozen food items so i can eat on cheat days.

Shit's good, mayne.


They both sound good.

Yep, most are unhealthy, too much fat, too much sodium, and a lot of them taste terrible too. But some are decent to good, and some are actually healthy *and* good.


I agreed with everything you said until the last paragraph. Now I don’t love you anymore


😭 It was the anchovies, wasn't it.
