MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why are we still praying to invisible de...

Why are we still praying to invisible deities in the sky?

Why can't we move on from that?


You think you're gonna find the answer here?


It's a good of a place as any.


People pray for different reasons. For some it is due to tradition and how they were raised. For some, prayer is a source of comfort, encouragement, and strength. There are plenty of worse things people can do and I see no reason why it should bother anyone who or what someone else prays to.


A perfectly reasonable post and all that needs to be said on the matter



But please, keep it private. Do not attempt to impose your beliefs, faith, convictions, or religious practices and traditions on anyone else. And do not judge or condemn others if they do not have the religious beliefs you do. Live and let live, okay?


Probably because not everyone is dumb edgelord Atheist going to hell like you.


But you're going to Heaven? Typical. Ransacking the Bible to rake the promises to yourself while flinging its curses at your neighbors.


You can move as far as you want from Him....but He is going to be right behind you. When you ask questions such as these, you insult me and others who by faith believe in God and His son Jesus Christ who died for us.

So, you take your path and I’ll stay on my faith believing Godly path. Just remember....There are no atheists in a foxhole. Better safe than sorry!


Ah, Pascal's Wager.

So, you don't really believe? You just want to get on this God's good side lest he hurl you into the lake of fire that has my name on it? Don't you think though he'll see through your artifice? That you're just kissing his ass because you want to live forever and be spared the lake of fire and not because you love him or give a shit about him (after all, it's hard to give a shit about something you can't even see)?


What are you rambling about? How in the heck did you take my reply and twist it into such an asinine reply from you? No Pascal’s Wager from my part...I do believe from deep within my soul. I was aiming the last sentence at you, you twit! You seem to be twisting in the wind. And...I’m done!



You sure are done. You and your God. Twit.


Now where is that Ignore button? The button for those who think, no believe they know all there is about life. Everyone else is beneath (in thought, in deed, all facets of life) the one who knows all. One who is full of grandiose narcissism. Found it! 👏🏻


Because the thought of their being nothing is too stark to imagine? Does it really make a difference provided people aren't killing each other over it whether it be religion or non religion?


I consider myself very Progressive and respectful, but I always wonder when I see a woman with a hijab on, what are they trying to say? She's afraid I might think her hair is pretty? She's so wrapped in her religion she needs to announce it to the world at large? I have absolutely nothing against women who dress like this, but philosophically, I have to wonder what the point is.
