Can anyone ever disagree with a liberal and not be called "______phobic"?
I know people who are religious (even some not religious) and believe marriage should be a man and a woman. They are not "afraid" of gay people.
I know people who believe that if you want to move to the US, you should do it legally. They are not "afraid" of immigrants.
I know people who do not think any form of Sharia law belongs anywhere in the US. They are not "afraid" of Muslims.
I know people who believe if you are born with a penis, you are a boy, and if you were born with a vagina, you are a girl. They are not "afraid" of men in dresses or women dressed like men.
The list can go on and on. Yet, anyone who voices any of these opinions is called "_____phobic" by liberals. If liberals are so "open-minded" why is there no room for any opinion other than their own?