I know people who are religious (even some not religious) and believe marriage should be a man and a woman. They are not "afraid" of gay people.
I know people who believe that if you want to move to the US, you should do it legally. They are not "afraid" of immigrants.
I know people who do not think any form of Sharia law belongs anywhere in the US. They are not "afraid" of Muslims.
I know people who believe if you are born with a penis, you are a boy, and if you were born with a vagina, you are a girl. They are not "afraid" of men in dresses or women dressed like men.
The list can go on and on. Yet, anyone who voices any of these opinions is called "_____phobic" by liberals. If liberals are so "open-minded" why is there no room for any opinion other than their own?
I'm not surprised you have trouble communicating. I agree with you to some extent but your use of liberal as a slur tells me you are a dittohead and trying to have a reasonable conversation is futile.
As you know, dittohead is a conservative term of endearment for Rush conservatives. Odd that you would consider it insulting.
No, trying to have a reasonable conversation with a liberal is futile. It's also funny the ASSumptions you make.
I don't just blindly agree. And unlike liberals, I don't form an opinion based on one CNN news story that tells just enough of the story to make liberals form a certain opinion.
It's interesting that the behavior you despise is exactly how dittoheads have been behaving for a long time. You want a real conversation or just people to reaffirm your biases?
Not an American, but I am certainly considered liberal by American standards. I think that name calling, especially on these boards is out of control from both sides. I will say that most liberals want safe immigration in this world. There is such panic over certain groups of people, and most of that panic seems to be coming from right wing media sources like Fox and the Rebel.
As a liberal, I don't think that Sharia Law belongs in the west at all. I think that if one immigrates to a country they must abide by that country's laws. I can also appreciate the fact that much of the world was colonized by westerners who changed the laws of those countries. I can appreciate countries, like the US, have done much meddling in governments around the world which has led to the current migrant crisis. I can also appreciate that when travelling or migrating a lot of westerners want things to be just like they are at home, but don't understand when others who wish for the same.
So, when I see comments from yellow vest supporters or other types of groups that are saying that the New Zealand shooter had the right idea, I'm going to call a spade, a spade.
You are more than free to voice your opinion, I certainly see no benefit to living in an echo chamber. If you want someone to have a conversation, you need to be willing to listen as well as just voice your opinion over and over. The comments I read on here almost daily by many people are meant to incite hostility, not communication. Both the right and left inhabit this world, and neither is going anywhere. If one does not wish to be called _______ phobic, then try to engage in conversations that are full of hate.
How is saying any of the things I said above "hate"? Not once did I say "gays should die", "Nobody should be allowed to move to the US", etc.
I am always willing to listen. The trouble is, when I start talking, most of the times, the liberals get a smug look on their faces, then I know the conversation is over. Their "open" mind just slammed shut. They also like to create issues where there are none, and insert "racism" where it does not exist. Ever hear of the band "Great White"? The band with a shark as their logo? One liberal I worked with insisted the name was because they were "white supremacists" even though they never had one "hate" song and never were known as racists. Again, smug look when I showed her pictures of their shark logo, she said it was "good cover-up". She even went so far as to say they "deserved it" when the nightclub caught fire, and the only "shame" was that more band members were not killed. But I guess when a liberal says it, it's "not hate".
Also, as I said above, as soon as I say, "If someone wants to move to this country, they should do it legally" I am called "bigot" and "xenophobic" Did I mention any specific groups? No.
By the way, I used to work for the department of motor vehicles in my state. There was a "crackdown" specifically targets a group of Polish immigrants who had overstayed their visas, and were using false IDs to get licenses and stay illegally in the US. Many were arrested and later deported, including the "ringleader". I didn't notice anyone crying "foul" over it. So when is it "ok" to deport those here illegally and breaking laws and when is it "not ok"?
I don't know the liberals you are speaking about or the actual conversations you are having. I didn't say in my comment that it was just conservatives that are not listening. Both sides are too busy shouting at each other to listen.
When you talk about when is it okay to deport, as I liberal, it should be fine to deport illegals. The issue comes when your president has targeted specific groups. There is also a difference between refugees and illegal immigrants, but in the comment section on the internet you'd be hard pressed to know the difference. There is also the optic of the American government putting children in cages and the gloating about it. It's not that other countries or even American presidents haven't done similar, it's the gloating about it. It's creating crises where there are none and making people fear each other, that I have an issue with. You say that you don't fear immigrants, and that's fine, but look around you at those speaking the loudest. They may not actually fear anyone, but what they say certainly sounds like they don't really see others as people in the same way that they seem themselves. There is so much hate. That is phobia. Look at the definition of the word, it's already been posted somewhere here but I'll share it again.
Used to form nouns meaning fear of a specific thing.
e.g. claustrophobia
(analogy) Used to form nouns meaning hate, dislike, or repression of a specific thing.
e.g. homophobia
Tell me one hateful statement I made. "If you want to come to the country, do it legally." Explain how that is hateful, if you can.
You speak of the president "targeting" specific groups. Did you see my post about my former job, and how the Polish illegal immigrants were targeted? What is the difference? Two groups of people breaking laws. Two groups being treated equally (arrested/deported). Why is one "ok" and the other "not"?
I do not believe that I said that you have said anything hateful. You didn't say that you were the one called _____ phobic and I do not believe that I called you _____ phobic.
I have also said that it's not the legality that seems to be the issue. It's optics. I think that it's fine deporting illegals. I just like to see it done humanely.
Your original post was about phobia meaning that someone is scared, I countered that. Those that don't believe that others should have the same rights they do can be considered _____phobic especially if they are trying to repress those rights. Targeting a specific group of people and imposing bans on them is also phobic.
> "If you want to come to the country, do it legally."
I can tell you the problem with that statement is not the statement itself,
but who and when it is invoked. For example it is usually directed at
Hispanics coming from the Southern border. Very rarely is it directed at
Europeans who come here and overstay their visas.
I find that a lot of Right-wingers have a problem with how to argue and
symbolic logic. The argue from the specific to the general. Such as a
lot of terrorists are Muslims, so they must all be Muslims or support terrorism.
They seem to care more about forcing an argument into their format than
applying truth to the facts.
Not always, I agree with some Conservative arguments, but usually not how
they are made or how they are supported by falsehoods in large part.
This is another example of someone making broad statements about people they don't like. You don't speak for liberals so stop thinking you do. You don't have any idea what liberals say and think, it's some big smoke screen for intolerant people to beg for tolerance. Get so sick of posters saying, why do liberals blah blah blah. Stick to what YOU know and comment on your own people.
Sure ... why not. Ever considered maybe you are ______phobic ?
I am about as Liberal as possible, but I understand what Judge Jeanine
Pierrot (sp?) meant when she questioned, and it was questioning, Ilhan
Omar. Omar seems to deliberately go out of her way to provoke people,
much like Donald Trump
So here is a Lefty calling another Lefty Anti-Semitic. She stumbles over
her comments as bad as Trump does. She should just stay away from
certain subjects, but it shows her hatred for Jews and Israel.
It depends how and what you say. To consistently oppose any gun safety legislation on the grounds that the Libs want to repeal the 2nd Amendment to me seems silly. I will soon be moving out to the country and intend to own several guns. Pistol, shotgun and rifle. I do not oppose gun rights and most Liberals do not either. Bernie Sanders is one example.
I think the discussion on these shootings has to continue with an open mind on both sides. They are horrific. I think there are some places people ought not to be allowed with guns. I don't think the final answer to guns is to have everyone armed ... that is a gun seller's wet dream.
BRUX - Did you remove your reply to my question about why it is "wrong" to say that if a person wants to move to this country, they should do so legally? I got the notification of it, but cannot seem to find it.
By the way, I work with several immigrants who told me about what they had to do in order to come here legally, and eventually become citizens. Guess what? They feel the same way. Just mention the subject to one in particular, she gets really angry about how she and her family went through it all, and others think they shouldn't have to follow the same rules and wait their turn too. And her father is still waiting to be able to come here legally.
No, because I am not "afraid" of any of these groups of people. But my opinions are not the politically correct ones, so I am called "_____phobic".
As far as there being places people should not be allowed to have guns, that would be great if criminals followed that rule also. The problem is, they don't.
No, I don't think guns should be given out freely. But I do think a law-abiding person with no criminal record should be allowed to protect themself, by any means necessary, if attacked.