I did this once on a "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" episode. If you haven't watched this series, (it's the fun 90s one, not that crappy horror-fest from Netflix), you might not understand what I'm gonna tell below:
Sabrina's best friend, Valerie, was Editor of the school newspaper in Season 2. However, Valerie is an extremely shy girl and lets people walk all over her. This caused her to make a very lousy deal with Libby, the bitchy Queen Bee of the school, to temporarily be Editor of the school newspaper for a week, in exchange for "helping" Valerie to ask a cute guy out. As you can expect, Libby didn't quite fulfill her end of the deal, and was a total jerk that week about what would be printed in the paper. She got rid of an article Sabrina wrote, mainly because Sabrina wrote it, but also because she claimed it was "offensive to cheerleaders." (Sound familiar, guys? They had this snowflake crapola going on even in the 90s! Just on a smaller scale!)
So Sabrina got back at Libby by offering to take the final prints to the copier instead of one of the helper students, and she magically changed the way the front page was set up. Instead of a picture glorifying how great Libby was as a cheerleader, it showed her in a pie-eating contest and getting all messy. (Turns out she doesn't like pie). Then Sabrina switched out the article Libby had written and put her own "censored" article in there.
One time, I was curious as to what the articles said, so I paused the tv at least twice to see what Libby wrote, vs. what Sabrina wrote. Libby's article was basically a lame gush-fest about everything she had worn that week. Sabrina's article was about the real reason students attended Westbridge High, in order to learn new things, meet new people, and make a difference. She also complained about how preferential treatment was given to jocks and cheerleaders ahead of all the other students. So you can guess who wrote the better article.
Sadly, despite having a magical advantage, Sabrina got into serious trouble for sabotaging Libby.