MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Simple pleasures you enjoy?

Simple pleasures you enjoy?

Some of mine:
A fireside cup of hot cocoa on a cold day.
Watching children playing outside.
Stretching out on the chaise lounge on a summer day. (A cold adult beverage adds to the ambiance. 😁)
Listening to a favorite song on the radio.
Discovering and reading a good book.
Looking at Christmas lights around the neighborhood.
Watching the snow fall.
A walk in the park.
Watching puppies play.
Going for a bike ride.
Window-shopping. Just looking, not buying anything.
The arrival of spring.


Just getting out of bed.


Mine are:

1) playing piano
2) riding my bike at night and feeling the night's air (summer here)
3) listening to music
4) drifting off to sleep into a nice dream and being aware of it
5) watching trees sway in the breeze
6) how babies lock eyes with me and smile
7) discovering something in a movie I've seen 100 times that I had never noticed before
8) wearing one of my nice watches (watch fan here)


Great list! How did I leave off 'trees swaying in the breeze' from my list?? How about the different sounds the wind makes when it blows through deciduous trees vs evergreens? Or a quiet, still evening when a storm front approaches and the wind picks up?


I love a nice breeze on a tall tree.


Whiskey , sex, sports on tv, wandering the hallways of my apartment building with my son


Cannibalism, listening to heavy metal albums in reverse for hours at a time, the weird part of youtube.

Just typical stuff like that, really. Pretty boring.


I mean, if you’re gonna killum, eatum!


Being with my family
Working out at the gym
Eating burritos
Drinking tea after dinner

Not enjoying:


Having planted new bulbs in the fall and wild flower seeds in early spring... You are always surprised by what blooms in the summer. I love that!
Getting a LETTER in the MAIL from a friend. That still happens.... I just recived a nice chatty one today!
Watching our cat playing and chasing a plastic zipper tie all over the house. (forget buying toys in the pet dept......)
Looking at my husband across the room at a party and knowing that we are thinking the same thing at that moment.
Watching the snow fly and knowing that we don't have to be anywhere at any particular time. That's always nice!
Marathons of my favorite TV shows.


I would love to send you a letter via USPS, but alas, I haven't the knowledge. I hope and pray others Step into the Breach.


Letting hot water into a luke warm bathtub and feeling the temperature gradient travel up the length of my body.


I have many but my top three would be:

Riding my bike.


Here are some of my pleasures, in no particular order:

Doing my artwork

Playing with and stroking my pet female Congo African Grey, Aziza, who I purchased at a very reputable pet shop south of Boston when she was a 2.5 month old baby, and will be 9 years old the first of February.

Visiting friends

Having an annual birthday party for Aziza and having friends over (It's always a dinner)

Going to the movies, especially to see my all time favorite film, West Side Story.

Going for a walk

Having a glass of milk with each meal.

Going to my Tae Kwon Do classes

Looking at Christmas lights and decoration.

Listening to and singing Christmas Carols

Going to my weekly voice (singing) lesson.

Playing my guitar and singing folk songs.

performing/singing in front of an audience.

Having a good meal, either at home, at my family's house, or at a restaurant.

Eating, generally.

The arrival of spring in earnest.

Going back to Eastern Standard Time during the really cold months and getting an extra hour of sleep.

Singing, generally

Seeing my whole family once a week.

Seeing and/or talking to my sister, who lives on the opposite side of the country from me.

Conversing and writing about subjects that really interest me.

Driving long distances to go to special events, or to visit family.

Knitting boatneck sweaters for both myself and other people.


You sound a lot like my sister, she is very creative, always writing or painting...she loves the arts and is pretty talented


Thank you, Shogun.

Glad you had a good Christmas visiting your sister.
