MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Which genre is outside of your comfort z...

Which genre is outside of your comfort zone?

Inspired by Catbookss's confession that she's never seen Terminator I was wondering what is a turn off for you.
I can watch Sci-fi, horror, fantasy, animated/cgi kids films, comedy, chick flick, comic book and historical drama but the thought of sitting through anything like James Bond, Mission Impossible, Bourne Identity or similar is really unappealing.
Not even sure what those would be described as, action maybe?


Period dramas.


For films, I don't like horror. If I'm trying to lose myself in a movie, I don't want to feel this awful stuff might be really happening. Too creepy for me.
A particularly well-crafted film like Silence Of The Lambs would be an exception, but I don't search out this stuff.
As for TV, I really don't like Criminal Minds and all the John Walsh stuff. Makes people think there are threats everywhere, regular people are treated like suspects. It's disgusting.


Outside my zone: anything by and/or with Tyler Perry, any contemporary American comedy (the Brit comedies still often have some actual wit), any cinema release from MTV except for Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, torture porn, gay porn, movies based on a book series concerning teens in a dystopian future, movies (and TV series) based on a book series about a klutzy teen girl in a love affair with an impossibly handsome teen boy who is also a powerful occult creature and were written by portly Jewish women, movie series whose final story is broken into two parts just to suck more money out of their teen audience, every Peter Jackson movie after The Lord of the Rings and every Woody Allen movie after 1980.


I know exactly the types you mean. I watched the first two Hunger Games films and they left me underwhelmed!
Also those films where a teen is dying of something rare and tragic, I mean WHY??


It sounds like you have an aversion to spy thrillers, based on the examples you gave. Almost no genre is outside my comfort zone, but romantic comedies is probably my least favorite. I like a few, but most of them are awful.


I know what you mean, most romantic comedies are highly predictable these days. It's like they hit on a formula and have rigidly stuck to it.


"It's like they hit on a formula and have rigidly stuck to it."

Yes! Very annoying, and boring. There have been some good ones. Sleepless in Seattle is a classic, regardless of genre. 500 Days of Summer. I still love Bridget Jones 1, and one other was good (disliked one).


1. Slasher movies
2. Chick Flicks



I always struggle to get through most 'Film Noir' and such like.
