What don't you miss about being a kid?
Going back to school. Those ads that start popping up on TV around late July/early August always fill me with dread.
shareGoing back to school. Those ads that start popping up on TV around late July/early August always fill me with dread.
shareOnly getting an allowance instead of an actual income!
shareI don't miss having to keep my mouth shut. Now I can tell someone to fuck off if I want to. Something I couldn't do at 9.
shareBeing told when to eat, what to eat, when you go to bed, what I coulD and couldn't watch, etc.
I had some adults in my life growing up who genuinely deserved my respect. But, a lot of them, were limited people with a lot of power ... a combination that rarely leads to anything good.
shareBeing a kid had it's good points and I really can't think of anything that I don't miss. It was all fun for me.
shareCurfews and getting a smacked arse for missing them.