What is the CORRECT dosage of BALANCE between...
... forgiveness and punishment of offenders for various crimes and bad deeds, condemnation of the perpetrator versus NO condemnation or ANY form of victim blaming of the victims, having intelligent discussions on such matters on the internet versus having a large set of incredibly (however justifiable) ANGRY ones, being and not being angry for less or more sentences for the offending perpetrators, ignoring or condemning ignorant societies in one form or another, talking about it all versus NOT talking about it at all, recognizing and getting rid of certain prejudices organically and naturally versus doing it all angrily and forcefully, recognizing the existence of wrongs versus either not recognizing them or worse condoning them for one reason or another, recognizing and talking about the existence of certain double standards here or other correctly versus doing it emotionally and denying their existence and being put off by it all, philosophically wondering how it would all exist in a perfect or even a MORE JUST world versus just FACING the various HARSH aspects of the existence of all those things (with all the real and recognizable trouble, injustice, misfortune, suffering, hurtfulness and a million other etceteras, as civilized people nonetheless, even if we STILL can't REALLY do anything about it) in our never ending loop of human REALITY?
Anyone know or think they know? Any ratios or percentages here? Yay, let's hit the bull's eye, thank you.