Life is unbearable.
Truly, it is, anyone care or dare to disagree? (For me?)
shareIt kind of depends on the conditions of the times. People's living conditions, security, opportunities, prospects. I would say it's pretty bad for the last decade or two. Poverty, war, racism, reaction, hopelessness, economic stagnation and decay. The first three of those things (poverty, war, racism) are not new problems, but they've been getting worse and worse lately and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Then there's ecological disaster and climate change. The world has been heading in a bad direction for the last few decades, and people's lives reflect this. Ours is probably the unhappiest generation in the post-WWII world, born into the worst conditions since the Great Depression. And I'm speaking on a global scale. So I would say that, right now, yeah, life is pretty shitty.
shareSome problems have no solution to them.
shareWhat has sent you off the rails into that dark hole? Your manifesto is too depressing with too many run-on sentences. As a result I gave up attempting to understand your “woe is me” attitude. It might behoove you to seek professional help from a psychologist to assist you into sorting and compartmentalizing your thoughts.
We humans are either good...or evil. For those who believe otherwise begin viewing (if you haven’t done so) the Investigative Discovery channel, “ID” for short which also has an app. I have seen episodes about the lowest of the low, those who seem soulless, no empathy for their victims, no compunction when committing their “evil” deeds, etc.
When the perpetrator is finally apprehended and made known to us, I believe we are looking into the face of other words...Satan, Lucifer or whatever you choose to name him. For those who don’t believe there is the “Evil One” explain to me how a human being (a matter of debate) can decide to sic their pit bulls on their neighbor in order for the victim to be torn to shreds while the dog owner looks on! Or what (or who) would think it’s okay to put two victims into a trunk/boot then set it ablaze while the victims were alive. Or what (or who) would possess someone to stab a victim 90 times! Or to make lampshades out of the victim’s skin...Hitler’s henchmen did! Or to be able to dismember a victim and tossed to the hogs or into a burn pit! Take your pick of how to explain the murderer’s crimes which have occurred over centuries.
Good or Evil? I may not be able to explain it, but I know it when I see it.
Nazis making lampshades of their victims' skin is simply a myth. They did horrible things, but not that. Ed Gein did do some disgusting things with human skin.
I don't think "Satan" has anything to do with it. Some humans are just incapable of developing a conscience or empathy. That's the way the human brain works, it's not perfect.
“Nazis making lampshades of their victims' skin is simply a myth.”
Not absolutely debunked as far as the lampshade goes. Remnants of tattooed skin were recovered. The making of soap is another question. One located bar had human fat.
As far as I know only Ilse Koch was actually charged with creating lampshades out of human skin, but that myth has been debunked by the American military and she was never convicted for it. The tattooed skin that was found had not been turned into lampshades and was most likely used for some weird research purposes. I don't think it was ever suggested it was meant to be turned into lampshades.
Thanks Ruby Red 👄 for the info. I believe most of the stories about the atrocities such as these came from testimony at the Nuremberg trials. How do you challenge a survivor or rescuer who truly believes what s/he testified about seeing or hearing? How can any of us prove or disprove what occurred during those dark years of horror?
I hang my head in shame over the treatment of the American Indian. Giving them blankets laced with smallpox! The atrocities done to blacks in this country during my lifetime!
Man’s inhumanity to man! Will it ever cease?
I wish you the best dude
Hang in is much better than the alternative
Please seek professional help if you are really down (im a nice bro and thats not a put down...i have 2 war heroes in my family that often speak with therapists so i get that people feel emotional pain and need to 'air it out' sometimes)
It hurts to hear a nice fellow post this sort of thing
Be well Amigo-dont do anything foolish
You are important and pretty damn cool👍
I've been to both free and paid psychologists in the last 6 years, they had to a degree helped but I still feel down and also down with the world, OBJECTIVELY SPEAKING.
The recent feeling of badness came from reading a recent scandalous article around Germaine Grier's sexual ab*se comments, and whilst I agreed with one of the replies, it presented yet another tragic reminder of not only how terrible it is and how sadly commonplace the problem is with victims practically receiving no justice they deserve, but how both law and society is at best indifferent and at worst indulges in victim blaming, but also of how bad our WORLD is in general, and it just made me feel sad and depressed, well, AGAIN.
Especially since I reminded myself how in my past times, people only spoke about how bad it is and how horrible the perpetrators are, not about "shaming the victims", but I suppose in my case, I must've grown up in a more civilized society then, right?
And existence of other evils in our world also gets me down, I mean, will humanity ever learn to live in harmony?
I like you very much and i dont want to seem glib here so please take this as truth...because it is the truth Man18
We are here and that means not certain what it all means but if all of that stardust and happenstance put us here together there must be some reason for it all-
I prefer not to think on stuff like should follow suit bub
Average fellows like us just continue to muddle through the workday, earn our pay, smooch our women, tend to the chores...some effort is involved but hey, we are men and can handle it right?
Again Amigo, i wish you the best
You are well regarded and fun
Stop thinking so much about stuff you cant control
Life is awesome
Best wishes Dude🍻
"society is at best indifferent and at worst indulges in victim blaming"
Oh please, there's nothing wrong with being a bit skeptical. How do I know you're not talking out of your azz right now?
" will humanity ever learn to live in harmony"
No. They haven't for thousands of years, why will they ever?
I just find the whole thing very sad to be honest.
By the way, in my life, OK its not as big a deal to me personally as I make it sound, but I got told off and punished for far less, or even had people read and teach me morals in a serious way, but do we all go through all that? Including "bad" people? Or?
I also ironically sometimes wondered.
You know if I was rich since I was born, born in a country that I knew the language off without moving to another one, got great education, had rich parents and never was short of money and material possessions, would I necessarily be a lot happier now in my life, regardless of what happens in the world, or even, if it was all happening in the country I live in? (Is life overall hard in America? Harder than in other parts of Europe, like Norway, Switzerland and Sweden?)
I know how you feel,it's a constant pain in my soul.
shareLife has it's ups and downs. Sometimes I wonder what life is all about, given all the suffering in the world, but there is also a lot of happiness too. Someone told me a long time ago. . ..."The past is gone, the future isn't here yet, all we have is the present, and it is indeed a Present." That has stayed with me always and gives me hope that when I am going through a struggle, things will get better. I hope this works for you. We only have so much time on this earth, so make the most of it, and find what comfort you can with friends, relatives, religion, etc. Best wishes.
shareLife is life. You are in control of you.
A lot in life you can't control You can't worry about that.
Worry about what you can control.
If life was good all the time we wouldn't appreciate it. We need the bad to better appreciate the good.
Surround yourself with positive people and doing something to help people.
I've been down some of the darkest caverns around. It's not easy but you can get out.
Life is way to short to. You will lose people. Believe me on this.
There will come a time when you'll realize that your time is winding down.
You don't want to look back and think of everything that you should have or could have done.
Embrace what and who you have in your life. Appreciate all the good that life offers.
If something is not working change it. If it's broken then fix it.
It's all up to.
Well TheMan18 if you won't watch the Jordan Peterson video which I strongly suggest you do and in fact plenty of them, then perhaps you can console yourself with the thought that if you aren't a Targeted Individual then your life could be very much worse than it is if you were. So at least there is that...
Life can be unbearable but it doesn't have to be. Mine once felt unbearable but I made a change and I'm so happy. Life is amazing.