





That's assuming an awful lot. That they all feel this way.


I respect your opinion GlenEllyn - apparently , I am not allowed to express mine


When did I say anything about your rights to express your opinion? We're both entitled to do so. I'm just questioning your source. I know there are approximately 2 billion Christians in the world today, but I feel you're assuming that they're all ascribing to your beliefs. I'm a Christian and I don't. I believe homosexuals are here to teach us tolerance.


That's sweet of you to say.
Perhaps on an intellectual level, one might argue different levels, but on it's face, that's a very accepting remark.
And I'm not gay. but I get the difficulty it must be to operate in a world where you don't feel you belong.


I can only imagine how awful it must be. I read a book about a reporter who left New York City to return to his small Missouri hometown to care for his ailing mother. It's a well-written account of not being able to be who you are. When he was a child, he knew he was different but couldn't quite figure out what it was. For most of his life he had to hide his sexuality. His father constantly harped on him to do the typical guy things like playing football, etc. A lot of guilt was laid on him. The book really helped me understand how gays must feel about not being themselves. My heart breaks for him.


You've expressed your opinions plenty, right in this thread.


Yet , I am being told not to


I don't see any of your posts in this thread deleted, yet you've posted a good number of your opinions.


Yeah , lots of opinions on these opinion boards - good for a free exchanges of different points of view.

You know the age old saying about opinions: they are like buttholes -we all have one


And they all stink.


yes , everyone's bung hole stinks


So you believe everything in the bible?


I think it's down to interpretation, to be honest.


I totally agree.

I just find it funny people fixate on this one subject
There's 10 commandments. From what I remember this isn't listed as one of them.
It didn't even make the top 10! How important can it be?

From what I remember this subject was only even mentioned a few times.
Yet here we are.

The bible also stated you should be put to death if you work on a Sunday.
You should be put to death if you commit adultery.
Hell, you're not even supposed to eat shellfish according to the bible.
That would certainly cut down on a fair amount of the population.

With all this going on this subject always seem to be one that people preach about.
I honestly don't understand it.
Why can't you believe in anything you want to without spreading all the hate.
I always thought religion should be comforting not hateful.


I totally agree with this. Religion and beliefs are personal.


I'm with you and GlenEllyn.

My new landlord told me about a conversation he had with a pastor, who's a friend or acquaintance, on a conflicting point in the bible. It was about animals having souls or not. Anyway, the pastor referred to the bible as "an anthology of opinions," and I thought what a perfect way of putting it, and so true!


That's a good way of looking at it.
You're going to believe what you're going to believe.
Just keep hateful comments to yourself. There's already enough of that in this world.






"There's 10 commandments. From what I remember this isn't listed as one of them.
It didn't even make the top 10! How important can it be?"

LOL! That says it all!
i am not about to get pissed off. People are going to believe what they are going to believe.
The only thing that makes me mad and turns my stomach are the hateful names and the vicious attacks. That doesn't seem very Christian like.... It only promotes more hate and violence. That is something we don't need.


Totally agree!

Using words like abomination?
I'll never ever get it.


A few weeks ago, I read a few choice names here on these boards. They turned my stomach.
It isn't my place to tell people what they should think or how to feel. I do think that it is Jim's right to set the rules here, so we should abide by his laws. Hate Speech wasn't allowed on IMDb. To my knowledge, it isn't allowed here.
If some want to speak freely, perhaps they should move on to that other film site. Pretty much anything goes over there. It's either that or start a site of their own.


A few weeks ago, I read a few choice names here on these boards. They turned my stomach.

You turned your own stomach. You wrote those choice names, buster.


After reading some of those threads you sometimes wonder what's allowed and what isn't.

I'm sure "that other site" would welcome this.
I think they would welcome everything from the looks of it.

We've all been there. Got into a heated debate and let one go.
This is not that. This is just straight up hatred.


Well, let them hash it out.
I'm off to bed.
Once again, I welcome Cat back! LOL! She's probably thinking it's just like she never left. Good night!


...let the bed bugs bite.


Good point!

Welcome back Cat!


Thanks, Mr Dewey, & doggy crew!


Thanks, MissMargo, and you're not kidding, that's exactly how I'm starting to feel! 😷

We can do with more people like that little kid singing Imagine.


It would be nice if some of these fine Christians would take a look at that video.


That it would, and take it to heart. Night, MissMargo!


Sticking it in some guys balloon knot is an abomination, god.


Not all gay guys do that. It's just assumed. Plenty of straight guys enjoy the balloon knot thing.
Either way, who cares.

What about women?
I see people who say this then watch porn with two women going at it.
You can't pick and choose.


Yes you can pick and choose. Why not?


When somebody says they believe everything that's in the bible that means everything.
Not just the good stuff or the bad stuff.


When somebody says they believe everything it means nothing. Cause the fact is everybody pick and choose.


You're right everybody does pick and choose.
Then don't say it.
Especially when you're talking about these kinds of things and killing people.



"You're right everybody does pick and choose"

Yeah! You can pick your friends; you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose! So there!

Uh oh! I'm in the wrong thread! Damn Solo cup along with my Ipad that got juiced with LSD! I'll find my way out of here Toto...on the yellow brick road on the way to Tara. After all "Tomorrow is another day!" I think.....


I hope you survied your red solo cup adventure!

Reminds me of some old joke.
Wearing tight jeans are like a crowded movie theater.
It’s really hard to pick your seat.



Good one! But maybe for the benefit of others, especially if wearing thick material, the flatus will be contained.😷

BTW, y'all gave up on my emojis for a poster. Well, here goes:

👮🏻‍ 💦💩🐑 👦

Deputy dew or doo ewe boy!


We can only hope nothing seeps out of those jeans!

We all kind of gave up on those emoji’s.
I think we got emoji’d out after awhile.

That’s a good one.
I’m honored you thought of me.


Hey, I guessed Dewey and you said that was wrong!



I'm sorry if I misled you. I did write "right path, wrong road". You had the correct poster, but I wanted the answer to be his pet name. I even wrote Stratego might be the one to give the correct answer....she was the one to give him his pet name. I suppose it wasn't fair to add emoji pet names for posters so I should have stuck to his MC screen ID. Forgive?


Oh right, I should have added abomination to the list. Thanks 👍


The only thing that makes me mad and turns my stomach are the hateful names and the vicious attacks.

Clean you own house before you start in on others.

You got no room.


Hey, MissMargo. For some strange reason I've always looked for your posts just to be assured I'm talking with a reasonable person. One of those random things, you were almost the very first person I ran into a MC and I like your fictitious "handle", so whenever I see you posting something sensible, it makes me feel so good.
Seems so strange, since we don't know each other at all.
The other day there was a GD discussion about song lyrics, and it resurrected a song I really love:

Every Time We Say Goodbye
I die a little
Every time we say goodbye
I wonder why a little
Why the Gods above me
(Who must be in the know)
Think so little of me
They allow you to go

When You're near there's such an Air
Of Spring about it
I can hear a Lark somewhere
Begin to Sing about it
There's no love song finer
But how strange the change
From major to minor
Every time we say




So everybody who has ever worked on a Sunday should be killed?

Then most people here shouldn't be here.
How very Christian of you.


Yep, I'd be a goner.


I drive people to their medical appointments, like dialysis, and I get paid for it. I'm a sinner.


Tsk, tsk, eh? I forgive you.


"So everybody who has ever worked on a Sunday should be killed?"

I'd love to see Colorado answer that, but doubt he will.


The Bible does not kill people for working on Sunday , are you mental


The bible states that's what should happen to people who work on Sundays, and also if they commit adultery.

Are you fine with that too?


No it does not state that at all.

9-10,000 years ago , there were countries that stoned women to death that committed adultery.
Then came a New Covenant with Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour and changed all that.

For the record , all I did was express joy at today's Supreme Court ruling and I must have offended some " snowflake "


Actually, yes, it does state exactly that, as well as death being the punishment for many other things.

Do you not believe in the old testament? Is it not a part of your bible(s)?

If you referred to homosexuals as perverted or perverts, or abominations*, expressing joy isn't all you did.

* Added. Forgot about that one.


No - If one defiles the Holy Tabernacle they shall be put to death
If one works on the Sabbath , they shall be banished


Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death.
Exodus 35:2

It's but one of a number of items the bible calls for death as punishment. Oddly enough, homosexuality isn't one of them.


Under their Law at that time sexual perversion was , too.
That is why Jesus , Our Lord and Saviour was brought into this world -to exercise a New Covenant

So that we may Redeem ourselves


Is this where we don't condemn someone for having a speck in there eye when they have a log in their own?


If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death
Leviticus 20:10

It's in the bible so it must be so.


Yes , that was the Law , at that time.
Christ , Our Redeemer changed all that


But it's in the bible?
You said you believe everything that's in the bible.

So if this is in the bible then you must believe it based on what you said.
You don't get to just pick and choose what to believe after you say you believe everything.


I am not the one picking and choosing


You said believe everything that is in the bible.
This is in the bible. This is part of the everything.


I think that in the bible Jesus supposedly came along and changed some of the Jewish laws? I'm not sure which ones those were, though.


That may very well be.
When you say everything in the bible is correct and is what you believe
this is included. If it got changed so be it. Things like this are still in it and
are part of everything in the bible.

If feels like "I believe everything in the bible, except what I don't and oh yeah,
they changed some things."
Everything is still everything. No matter what you believe.


To me personally, it's all one big fairy tale, to be honest.


I really do agree.
I just don't like when people hide behind religion to spread this kind of stuff.
Spent way too much time on this already.

Wasted all this time when I could have been dreaming of hownos!


Mitch taking over the X-files. That would be such a cool dream!


I'll be working on that one tonight.


I will only let you down dewey


I don't think that's possible.

I always go in with low expectations so you're safe.
No where to go but up.


so I am lower than croft ?? that's hard to take.


Who's this croft you speak of?
Oh, your computer guy. Right.

He would have to climb up Mt. Everest just to get half of where you are.
I just don't expect much. With you being Canadian and all that.
I'm sure you can understand.


To be fair hownos is super sexy...jes sayin'


You don't have to tell me!
I just keep telling myself he's from Montana or somewhere and I'm in.
Anywhere but Canada.



'Brokeback hownos...'

Quite a story!

Canada...is THAT even real???


It's a great story. It's our story.

I've heard rumors of Canada and that's about it.
Just because it says Canadian bacon doesn't mean it is.


Seriously...any place where they wear denim, play Hockey and blast Metal all day cant be real...Canada has to be made up


All I've seen is a bridge and a sign.
Big deal. I can get a sign. Anybody can get a sign.

Three "A's". Who cares.
Australia has three "A's" and that's a real place.
Plus it starts with an "A" not a "C"
Such copy cats.


Oh if they even exist im sure a Battle of the Bands is brewing!


Oh it's coming. I can feel it !


In the time of King David, perhaps before , laws were changed regarding sabbath , etc.
Jesus , descended from David formed a New Covenant.

The laws changed , the timeline - these are ponderous things -Many Biblical scholars have studied them for ages in Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek and various other languages.

I simply go with Faith

John 14:26


Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death.
Exodus 35:2

I'm sure they aren't being killed WITH the bible. I'll give you that.
That would be one hell of a beating!


The unicorns and dragons were a tough pill to swallow...but the walking on water brought me back around😉


I still miss unicorns.
Haven't seen one in years. 😭
What was Noah thinking?


What about those battle unicorns? I hear they're still around, so Noah must have rounded up a couple of them!


I'll have to look into this. I'm intrigued.

He rounded up mosquitoes but not unicorns.


See GlenEllyn's thread for the straight dope on battle unicorns. They exist!

Also ticks, fleas, and leeches 😬. I wouldn't have wanted that job.


Screw Christianity. It's all a farce. Try thinking for yourself instead of believing what you read in a fiction book.


I will pray for you


Stuff you prayers in a sack!

The Pope and many others in the Church are starting to accept the LGBT community. Only the old school, die hard types, like the losers at the Westboro Church, discriminate against gay people. As a straight person, I'm here to stand up for whats right!


Padeen...didn't anybody tell you...I'll pray for you is Christian for go fuck yourself😉


LOL almost spit my beer out


Glad it was almost...to spit beer would be a sin👍😉


Thanks for saying that. Homosexual acceptance isn't a fight I need to weigh in to, but it is important to say Minority Rights are Human Rights.


Exactly correct
Well said


Exactly, good sir! I strongly believe in free speech, however, there are sometimes consequences.


This board is someone else's property, and if you want to post here, you will obey the rules set by the owner.



Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, Froggy. You got nary room.


Hey, your perogative to believe that, but I don't see the point in discussing it on a movie site.




Sorry mom.
I'm no better. :(


You kids play nicely or I'll get out my whip!


Don't make promises you don't intend to keep!


I'm always serious when it concerns my whip!


I'm counting on it! ;)


there are many threads on the " General Discussion " board that do not have anything at all to do with movies

wake up and smell the coffee


You really think homosexuality and religion belong in "general discussion"? They're more topical. They are also very political and controversial. At least discuss them on the appropriate boards.

I just don't think a movie site is the best place to have a fruitful discussion about topics like that.


try the Religion Faith and Spiritually board


or Politics





Excellent advice from The Dean👍


For sure. 👍


You have added some interesting insights and opinions during our time here on MC
I must say that i frequently enjoy the things you have to add to our fun discussions about movies and Television
You are often very fun

Having said that and with all due respect why the muck-stirring nonsense now coloradotex?
We all just spent the last week clearing the air, beating each other up and reaching some general understandings and now this..?

We really dont need hateful and hurtful talk here
I dont like the political or religious 'chat but i happen to be a Christian too...
Im certain that Jesus was a very accepting fellow

Try to be kind man
Kindness and good humor...a winning combo buddy!


We all just spent the last week clearing the air, beating each other up and reaching some general understandings and now this..?

What "general understandings" was that, Yonk?


This is the best Movie talk site on the web, we have some of the classiest posters ever (show me another GlenEllyn or hownos or Cat out there...you simply cant Amigo!)

I figured we had all buried the hatchet, resolved to be calmer and cast the vulgarities by the wayside...
I hope i was not wrong

I intend to help this place grow and i love to welcome new users...we are stronger when we are together and getting better all the time

NO more divisive posts...ALL are welcome

PS: i think you know that i really admire your creative writing, movie knowledge and incredible recall...but could you think about toning down the angry stuff...that is beneath you my friend


This is the best Movie talk site on the web,

Nonsense. We rarely talk movies. As soon as it gets started, everybody runs away & sticks in their head in the sand.

I make a question, comment, or concern on the Movie line, they die on the line.

I too thought this an oasis. I was mistaken.


Cully, you really think people want to converse with you if you keep taking potshots at Margo? I mean, joking about her peeing in her pants? Really? Just ignore her and move on.


Let's be frank here, nobody would converse with me BEFORE Margo & I.


I don't remember that.


I liked you and conversed with you from the start...i recall mentioning you as a winning new poster early on

I really enjoy most of your posts

Civility is very important to me
Lets all just enjoy the fine company Cubby


We have had plenty of good discussions here on movies and music.


Not true my man...not in
my experience

I try to start a movie or music thread 3-4 times a month
We have a blast here on entertainment matters...
This is a pretty fine crowd

Your contributions are always deep and fun...hell, a lot of times they are really informative

You have been a true gent and an interesting duellist with me a number of times...i really enjoy our exchanges

I just know that there is a time to make peace and be cool...this is not a war zone and the Regulars here are not political in the least

Just hang out, post a fun trivia or a game thread every so often...i really hope you stay Cubby

But lets always be polite
This MC has great value
Douse the flames and lets carry on with good feelings!
All of us


"Kindness and good humor...a winning combo buddy!"



With a mug like this i find it usefull to be nice and funny;)


I don't know about yer mug, Shogie, but I do know your heart is pure gold!


No more anger
Left the hate on the curb some time ago
Thank you❤️Means a lot to me!




Get a room! 😉



Heyyyyy, you're harshing my mellow, man!


That was getting so romantic


Dream on. She's just leading you on.


Being led on...Oh, me in a nutshell!

Im hopeless lololol😁


But you're a hoot!


😎im the worst


Heck, no! You're the best, mate! You provide a lot of energy to this site. Please don't stop!


Thanks Dear GlenEllyn

Im pretty sure i couldnt stop if i wanted to!

Meanwhile, your legend continues to grow

I think the world of you lady
Class ALL the way


💋 Love ya, Shogie!




Yes , Jesus was very tolerant , but as his Father - some things he would not abide - thus he has taught us to forgive each other of our sins , and God knows I have very many . But , while we forgive sinners , we are not to forgive the sin itself.


I am no judge...i meet them all, arms open, a witty word and a pat on the back

Seems to be working just fine and the thought of condemning others all day sounds simply exhausting


I do not condemn anyone


You called homosexuals 'abominations...'

Pretty damning talk colorado...

I have a couple of gay guys in my close family and they are more decent and kind than the rest of my family of lunatics
Im simply astounded that this anti-gay stuff goes on anymore

Who cares?

Anyway, i really prefer your movie comments colorado, you really shine in those entertainment threads👍
Maybe drop the politics and religious stuff...it does no good and makes you look cheaper than the cool guy you are

Best wishes dude




If you can dish it out you had better be able to take it buddy;)

See you around coloradotex


take what - I am not the snowflake here - I respect your opinion and the other posters
If you and others have a problem with my views , then simply ignore them.

qed , whatever


Did you just make that up bro??

Yes, you seem to be very respectful

If you want to express your views, be better prepared to defend them
And i dont ignore anybody...im watching you every time you post
Keep your game tight Pal...

You go and have a good one


No , the term has been in use for some time , as far as I know.
I always try to respect other's opinions , tho I often disagree with them.
I have done my best to defend them - as many others have for many years
I do not comprehend the game comment


Oh thats interesting!

Yes, you are probably very gracious when you arent calling other people 'abominations'

Your 'best' was lacking

If you dont get 'the game' i dont know what to tell you
This isnt a college class pal


In the eyes of Christians , homosexuality is an abomination.
You simply disagree.
Yet you cannot seem to accept other people's point of view.

It is not that complicated.


The term 'Abomination' refers to a person that should be hated, feared and treated like an outcast

'Abomination' is a poor choice of words...its cruel and hateful

Gays get messed with all the time...so do Jews and Blacks and Mexicans, etc...

We should try to be more peaceful in our dealings with other people...accept and befriend

Thats the way to peace and happiness

What i have just stated is not complicated...why do i suspect you will miss the point again?


I know plenty of Christians who don't believe this.
Different god or is your god better or are they just wrong?

So god loves all his children except gay people?
Must be a private club. Are there no gays served signs in heaven?

I would find it very difficult to believe in something that is so comfortable
in spreading hatred like this.
Believing in something that puts yourself ahead of anybody else.

My god would be loving and compassionate for everybody equally.

Good luck to you in spreading more hate and repugnance in the future.


Im certain that Jesus was a very accepting fellow

And He was continually lambasted for that very quality.


I respect Him for that very reason above all

MLK said the same to his flock as he educated my country regarding equality and fairness

Its way harder to take a punch than to deliver one... Peace seems more difficult than a war


Honest question. How do you feel about the Westboro Baptist Church?


Please don't go there, Padeen! There's more than enough gasoline on this here 🔥

I'll send you a box of KitKats!


I know....It just really pisses me off when bigots like coloradotex gives Christians a bad name. They actually think they are being righteous too LOL. Most of my family are religious and they are not hateful. Most religious people I know are tolerant of all who walk this earth.


I know. There are Christians, and people of other faiths, who really do walk the walk.



I once read that, more than anything else, it was hypocrisy that put Jesus on the cross and I'm inclined to agree with that.


Hypocrisy and ignorance. Same thing?? Kissing cousins at least!


Pretty accurate...
Seriously awful combination at the very least
