Who is that poster? Emoji quiz!
Here is an easy one to get the ball rolling.
How do I upload a photo to a chat room instead of the link on an iPad Air 2?
shareWhat is the second symbol?
shareAmazing, especially since my name in Sioux means "Cannot Be Represented Using Emojis."
I swear y’all are seein’ things I’m not seein’. I see no jack and the flag is missing the most important item...the ⭐️.
Another way: 🇨🇱 🎃
You got me! If it was a true Texas flag the blue side bar would run from top to bottom with the star in the middle of the blue bar. It was the closest I could find. I did my best to locate a jack from a deck of cards.
I’m working with an iPad. Besides...you’re joshing me! Turn my “☎️ around and look at it from the other side”? Good one! 😏
I’m not good working with emojis. Y’all are much more adept than I am. Can’t wait for someone to solve this one.
shareI love these emojie games but some clues come across as blank white boxes...many of us are using different brand devices and some of us are more 'updated' than others...
Lots of fun anyway!
ETA: i see a kissy face, a toilet and a blank box...its driving me mad!!!
Reasons for my guess:
😘 everybody loves him
🚽 the handle...c'mon it sounds a little like bathroom time...
the ⚾️Cap...i think dewey has mentioned a high school/college career in baseball...i may be reaching here!
So i saw...too late
Great now dewey is gonna be pissed😆
I'm surprised no one has successfully done him yet considering his status here.
shareDazed did one of me and it was quite brilliant.
shareThat makes sense. Can you somehow direct me to it ?
shareI'll bring it right to you.
[–] Dazed (3167) 18 hours ago
And another 🙏😇🐏+y
[–] godewey (13342) 10 hours ago
This is very clever.
[–] Dazed (3167) 10 hours ago
There is no show without punch!
[–] godewey (13342) 10 hours ago
I couldn't agree more.
Okay, I do remember this one but sure didn't connect it to you, namely because I was struggling to figure out the emojis. So I zoomed this to 200% and can now see what the first one is. Then the third one puzzled me because it looks like a mouse. So is that supposed to mean " ew, a mouse ? " If so, that's tricky, but I would have to agree, also clever.
shareThe third emoji is actually a sheep.
In this case a female sheep. "ewe" then add the Y
That's exactly what I was thinking while pondering it, that I would have used an emoji representing an ewe but even zoomed to 200% that looked like a gray mouse with big ears to me.
shareI think on some devices it's looks like a ram.
So what looks like ears may actually be horns.
All these emojis and we all still see different things.
It's amazing we answer as many as we do.
I've been trying to figure out one for her since last night.
Luckily my name in Apache means "yes he can"
share® ⚡ 🍻 (bolt refers to a character who feels the "quickening")
shareAre you referring to quickening as in pregnancy?
Use your imagination.
😷 🔫 ✈️ 🕵️
Ok dewey, I think I've got it here. Once again, I zoomed to 200% but I'm still struggling with the first one. To me it looks like he's wearing a surgical mask.
shareIt's supposed to be a face wearing glasses like the iconic sketch.
You are correct though. This picture is wearing a surgical mask. Not the one I intended.
That's the 3rd time that's happened on this thread. It never happened before.
Ohhh db, I think I'm slippin.
My emoji days are behind me.
👨✈️ ♂️🦌+y
shareIs it that excellent poster boyplanefemalemoosey?
shareFor as much as we all love boyplanefemalemoosey it's not that poster!
When I looked up this word that's what came up.
If you do a copy and search for the first two emojis it is meant to be just one.
Person in charge of a plane
male deer
shareOk, we're getting somewhere.
What do they call a pilot? Or perhaps on a ship.
Over here we have another name for a male deer. Or perhaps a dollar bill.
Oh, CaptainBucky! I'd have never gotten that without your hints. Also can't see several of the emojis.
I actually thought this would be an easy one.
Also the one above it. I may have to add something to it.
Still working on all your house emojis!
I just had one of those simultaneous Carl Jung moments with this one, dewey, which told me I'm perfectly aligned with the present astral vibes.