...where you didn't see nor speak to another human being? (watching videos of people online don't count as having seen someone)
An entire day where you were all by yourself. I can recount one occasion where I have.
sure, i've had a few days where i've cocooned, didn't leave the apartment.
i know someone who fairly regularly would go on weekend camping trips by himself, just to get away. i've never done that myself, but i've always thought there was something enormously appealing in that idea, of having two or three days only with yourself & your thoughts. sam harris's book 'waking up' has a few interesting passages on meditation retreats, and sometimes those involve long periods of imposed isolation & silence. i'm not sure i have the kind of rigor & stamina that would take, but i'd very much like to try something like that one day.
One Saturday in Feb - Mrs How was in the Dominican and it was freezing out. I stayed in and binged Broadchurch and I can't recall talking to anyone. Maybe a short telephone conversation. Not a bad way to spend a day.
I'm definitely not an extrovert but the thought of not speaking to my boyfriend for a day sounds awful. My off days we are usually hunkered in. I like staying home away from everyone else :)