MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How in the world did Get Out win?

How in the world did Get Out win?

So Get Out just won Best Original Screenplay which is bonkers. Are you serious? Of all the original screenplays of this year, how is it even remotely possible that a movie about white people performing brain switching surgery on black people won? What a f'd up world we live in today.


This is the simple reality of our times. A few years ago the Academy Awards came under fire for a lack of black representation,so now they stack as many black films as they can in the awards section based on the color of peoples skin versus the quality of the movie. No real movie fans can say that this movie or any movie like this EVER would have been considered for a nomination if it didn't have a social agenda. There is a long history of film to base this on, and horror films that have been huge critical and financial successes wouldn't have gotten a second thought. This film is a nominee simply to appease the outraged left,and nothing more. You can pretend that is a racist comment,or that this movie is better than it was,but that doesn't change reality. This goes back to the year that 12 years a slave got votes from people who hadn't even seen it. That really happened. This isn't about talent anymore,it's about patting themselves on their backs for how enlightened they are. Here is an excerpt from cinemablend about the story, before people start claiming I made it up. Google it if you want more. Sad times we live in. Can't we get back to trying to make us all equal instead of stacking the deck?

Article from cinemablend: That’s because in the wake of the film’s victory, two Oscar voters privately admitted to the L.A. Times that they voted for McQueen’s movie without even seeing it. They feared that actually watching the movie would be "upsetting," but confessed that they felt "obligated" to vote for the movie because of its "social relevance.


Out of curiousity, which movie would you have preferred win that award?


[x] Hype
[x] It probably is actually somewhat original
[x] Minority quota


That and the fish-screwing movie winning best picture show what a toilet Hollywood has flushed itself into today.


Get Out was the most racist film I've ever seen. Apparently, the Academy and black people agree that all white people are monsters just like Josef Mengele. No, it wasn't a comedy. It was an attack on the white race and if you flipped it around it never would have gotten made. Every white person should be offended by the way they were portrayed. Until Hollywood is allowed to make a film showing that blacks are evil monsters films like this should never be allowed to get backing. We're allowed to watch hateful junk like this but not films like Song of the South because that would offend blacks? The whole idea of this "film" makes me sick.


But they have made a flipped around version. Skeleton Key. It might not have played race as much, but essentially the black servants took over the white's bodies through Hoodoo.


A lot of this thread is mundane commentary and another reason I look elsewhere for discussion. The most recent comments regarding progressive left conspiracies and racism against Whites are fucking ridiculous. Racism DOES still exist in society, and a horror film having garnered praise for exploring these issues, therefore lifting it above it's type, triggers the usual people.

As for the OP, what's your criticism of the film exactly and who do you think should have won Best Oringinal Screenplay? And just because you think the film sucked without explanation, doesn't mean that it doesn't deserve to be appreciated by anyone.


So go look elsewhere. Bye.


Do not call us mundane when you are telling us racism exists. I read it on a bumper sticker. You have nothing to say on the matter.


Because it's a white guilt movie. Because white people are responsible for what their ancestors did hundreds of years ago, and shame on them for what they were born into!


I like the concept of the movie, but the script falls apart and is terrible by the end. It was tense before it became a dumbest possible actions thriller. Thriller is my favorite genre and I think this was a bad example, especially because everything that it built up was wasted. I don’t think we needed to be shown the hypnosis. The hypnosis is a contrivance to explain how blacks were controlled. Why did it have to be literal? We see the movie through the eyes of the black as he is brought into the white. Their methods are secret. We must imagine for ourselves, like he does.

Why did this win? It had good idea and bad execution which is the opposite of what the Oscars look for. They don’t like risks. They don’t like art. They like larger grander attempts at formula. I think they also like blacks and moralizing.
