MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How in the world did Get Out win?

How in the world did Get Out win?

So Get Out just won Best Original Screenplay which is bonkers. Are you serious? Of all the original screenplays of this year, how is it even remotely possible that a movie about white people performing brain switching surgery on black people won? What a f'd up world we live in today.


I quite liked the script to Get Out.

Sure it is a little bit cliche Twilight Zone stuff, but once you accept that the writing was a lot of fun and helped put context to the various characters and their motivations.

The stuff of Oscars? No, not in my opinion but it's a fair enough script to go up against something like Scream.


" What a f'd up world we live in today."



Word, squared.

Yet another reason why not to waste time (including commercials) watching this bunk.

Call me in 20 years and tell me how esteemed Get Out is. Kinda like Titanic today?


Maybe something like Zaat


I respectfully disagree. I thought it was actually the second best film of the year, after Three Billboards.

Jordon Peele the director, said that at the first of the film we view Chris as a black man, but then by the end of the film we see him simply as a man, and we're all rooting for him. I agree completely, but that's partially he hits us over the head repeatedly with that fact in the first third of the film.

It's still an excellent film.



I find it funny how you refute that ridiculous, stupid, racist claim yet use it as an example of the movie being good? Do you think it's better than the Shape of Water, Phantom Thread, and the rest of the nominees, that I assume you saw?


Hold on there, smith. Exactly what "racist claim" are you talking about here? And yes, I thought it was a better film than any of the others EXCEPT "Three Billboards", which was the best film imho.



His statement that first we view him as a black man but then simply as a man, wtf is that supposed to mean? What's the difference between a black man and a man? Would we not be rooting for him as a black man? That sounds like an utterly asinine thing to say or accuse people of but it's typical and about what I'd expect from the director of this overrated fluff movie.


That's the point he was making: that's sort of how things work in America, and truth be told in other countries also.
Apparently you missed that.



Nope, and let me reiterate that YOU brought up the reason why that statement was stupid, not me. The movie beats you over the head with his 'blackness'. It's not subtle. If the movie wants to emphasize that point of course we're going to pay attention to it.


Okay, smitty. Whatever. You're just babbling now.



Hah ! What's that bs you've been babbling in other threads about Saul Alinsky ( I spelled his name correctly, btw ) countering logic with smear tactics ? It sure looks to me like that's what you're employing here. πŸ™„


I'm bored now, so I'm not reading your post. All I see through the haze of my indifference is blah blah blah blah blah blah Alinsky blah blah blah blah.



Yeah, that's why you're responding to both me and gsmith, because you're not reading our posts. πŸ˜† That's some really penetrating logic you've got going on there. So, is dismissiveness another Saul Alinsky tactic you've adopted ?


Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah!



Coming from the most over posting, repetitive member here. πŸ™„πŸ˜†


No? What part of that is babbling in any way? Just because you don't like the truth?


The whole thing is babbling now because I got bored and stopped reading it. All it says now is "blah blah blah blah blah blah...."



Oh OK fool. Carry on.


Because these days movie in general are pretty awful.


Well yeah, there's that too.



I haven't seen it but all the description sounds really good, and all the clips I saw looked good, so yeah, did OP watch said movie and have any sort of thoughtful objection?


I just finally saw it a few weeks ago. I remembered hearing a lot of praise and talk about it breaking conventions for horror back in early 2017, so I was pretty disappointed to find it to be typical Blumhouse status-quo horror mediocrity injected with super on the nose racial satire. I thought it was passable as far modern horror goes (which imho is the lowest tier of horror films so far in history by far) – I'd put it in a category along with the Annabelle / Insidious / Sinister flicks. I cringed so hard at all the Oscar nominations – it just really feels like tokenism and paying lip service to ""diversity"" to make up for accusations of whiteness at the awards...


I'm thinking a lot of general moviegoers who don't watch a lot of horror movies saw this based on word of mouth about its "social commentary", and it gained a reputation for being different? I can't fathom how this flick could be anything new to anyone well versed in horror... It's amazing and hilarious how seriously people are taking it. I really was expecting something way smarter. The bar is mindbogglingly low.


"They were coming over there like "I'm a suck a little dick, maybe jiggle some balls or shit. No. They didn't get a chance to jiggle shit because their heads was off their bodies. Yeah they still sucked the dick, but without their heads."

^This was nice tho
