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Do you want to play a game?

Growing up I used to play a lot of board games.
Still like to play games. Now it's more Cards Against Humanity and things like that.

I still have some .
Clue, Stratego, Payday, Battleship etc...

Also a lot of games like
Hi Ho Cherry‑O, Trouble, Cooties, Don't Spill the Beans etc...

One of my favorites was called Gambler.

What were your favorites growing up ?


The best most ancient game that is still amazing is Backgammon.


Haven't played Backgammon in years.

Used to love playing this with my grandma.


I never tired of it, and while I am playing I always marvel at how anyone could come up with this amazing game that has so much random chance and yet so many different aspects of strategy in it too.


Yes, there is a lot of strategy to it.

My grandma always said "you can't just move you have to think"
"You should already know what you want to do before it's your turn"

Now I want to play.


I remember on Windows 95 I think it was, maybe 98 that there used to be an online backgammon game though the game zone ... it was fun and you could chat with your opponent though that was not always a positive thing. Now there are client apps though the FIBS ( first internet backgammon server ) server, but lately they have been unreliable. I love backgammon.


The first game I ever played as a child was Uncle Wiggly.
I wonder if anyone even remembers that now, I know I don't.

First card game was "War". ;-)


I remember Uncle Wiggly.

Kind of like a Candy Land type game wasn't it?

Of course War. Also Crazy Eights.


I don't know, I think I was 4 or something when I played it, so I probably had no idea what I was doing or what was going on. I do remember the name.


Can't remember.
You were 4. It's not like you were 3 or something. ;)


I might have been 3 or 5, I have no idea anymore.


Occasionally Ludo.
Playing cards with my Grandad.


What card games did you play with him?

My grandma and I would plays for hours just chatting.
Yahtzee was her main game of choice.

Those days were so much simpler and so much fun.


Rummy and also a game he called Blacks and Reds we placed bets on this game using matchsticks.There were two piles of matches one (I think) was the house pile.I've no idea what the game is or how to play it now but it was great fun.

We also had a board game called Don't miss the boat.

I was a complete nightmare to play Monopoly with,if I couldn't win forget it!
I wasn't like it with any other game!


Rummy seems to be the go to. We also played Hearts.

I totally believe you and Monopoly.
We’re you the race car or the top hat?
I bet you liked to be banker too.

There is something about Monopoly that brings that out though.


I was the doggy,ALWAYS!
And that was just the start of the trouble.


Hard believe that such sweet little puppy could be the cause of such trouble.

It's a little hard for me to believe that the sweet Dazed that we all know and love
could be such a problem in a little old board game.


I was a monster,but only at Monopoly!

I was naturally an angel otherwise.


Of course you are. My little angel of lightness.


Chinese Checkers
Mystery Date! 0_0


Mystery date sound intriguing.

I remember learning cribbage and Euchre as a kid.
Do you remember Tripoley?

Card game with chips and a big plastic mat. A lot like royal rummy.


I take it that you were never a little 10 year old boy crazy girl in some past life....
Mystery Date was a cute little board game designed for tweens before there was such a name for little girls. You must look it up. I have no doubt that there is an old commercial on YouTube. I can still remember the little Mystery Date jingle.
We girls played it at our slumber partys.

An old boyfriend and his sister taught me how to play Euchre. I loved that game!
Years later, when my husband tried to teach me Sheep's Head, It was so similar to Euchre, I kept getting things mixed up. I developed this block. I never did learn how to play Sheep's Head.
My husband also taught me how to play Cribbage. I still enjoy it. With the internet and all of the other distractions these days, we seldom play now. I don't think that we even own a deck of cards now. Such a shame.


I was never a 10 year old boy crazy girl. For that I have regrets.
Maybe in my next life though, or a boy crazy boy or just plain crazy.

I looked up the game and don't remember that at all.

I remember Sheep's Head but I never really played it much.
I played Euchre a lot but now couldn't tell which bower is which.
I used to play a lot of cribbage too.
I remember another game we called "Shit on Your Neighbor".
It was a lot like Uno but with real cards if I remember correctly.

When I have people over we usually always end up playing games.
I remember growing up Fridays and Saturdays were card nights. When it wasn't a bowling night.
We'd go with the parents to a friends house and they would play cards all night.
I remember listening to them laugh, swear and cuss up a storm.
Those really are some great memories.

It really is a shame we've forgotten about the simpler pleasures.


"I was never a 10 year old boy crazy girl. For that I have regrets.
Maybe in my next life though, or a boy crazy boy or just plain crazy."

Boy crazy boy????
Personally, I think that you are still a girl crazy boy!

I do remember Shit on Your Neighbor! We use to play that too! I would definitely need a refresher course for a few of these games now.

I almost forgot another that we played a great deal..... Yahtzee! I still play that on line.


"Boy crazy boy????
Personally, I think that you are still a girl crazy boy!"

Well that may be true I always like to keep my options open.

Yahtzee will always have a special place with me.
I used to play it with my grandma all the time.
She played a little different. We would go at the same time and use the whole score card.
She of course had a nice leather cup and I was stuck with the plastic one.

I don't ever remember winning.
My dad used to tell me "Watch out because she cheats" ;)
I remember watching her to see if she ever actually cheated. lol
To this day I still don't know if she was the world's best Yahtzee player
or the world's best cheater. lol


My wife and I used to play Yahtzee a lot because she was practically addicted to it.


There must be something to that.

My grandma couldn't get enough.
We used to play for hours and hours.


Hi honey! Sorry.... I was away for a couple of days. It's the ANIMALS in my life. Talk about your WILD THINGS!
No. Seriously, I like working at the local animal shelter. Some of my best friends reside there. The best news is when they get a home. This dosn't always happen, so I urge folks who would like a good friend to consider adopting a pal. I will say this though.... don't do this if it doesn't fit your life style. If you don't have the time or the finances or the love to give , it's best not to bother.
Ok. I will step off my soap box. I've had sort of a sad weekend....
Your grandma sounds like a real HOOT! I never understood the need to cheat at games. What is the challenge???
Perhaps the leather cup was the advantage?????
Personally, I would say that she was probably a great player. There is a strategy when it comes to playing the game. When you play enough, you can figure out all sorts of angles. I have over the years.
I doubt that she would have ever cheated such a sweet boy like you. She simply had to be the world's best Yahtzee player!


Well said MissMargo.
Too many people think having a pet is fun and easy.
It is fun but not always easy. When they realize they actually have to do some work
they aren't interested any more. Animals get sick too. They need to go to the vet.
I'm very sorry about your weekend. I've been there numerous times.

That was my conclusion too. She was a legend at that game.
She knew all the strategies.
Sad thing is I don't think I've played since she died.
Just wouldn't be the same playing without her.

Yes, she was a hoot. One minute with her and you had a friend for life.
She had a laugh that would fill the room and you couldn't help but feel good.
A special lady.


Good Lord! I just went to YouTube! The damned commercial is there! Good ole YouTube!
There are LOADS of 60's Milton Bradly game and toy commercials.


I just saw this after I replied to you.

It is there. That was too good.
I know what I'll be doing tonight.
Watching all those old commercials.


I love Clue(do) and quiz games like Trivial Pursuit and Party & Co. As a kid I liked to play The Leaning Tower of Pisa, Guess Who?, Labyrinth and Pim Pam Pet (Tell Me Quiz?). I always wanted to have Which Witch?, but never got it. I bought a new version a couple of years ago and it's loads of fun. But we have all kinds of games at home and we still play them, even the childish ones.


I still have a closet full of games.
Still break them out whenever I have people over.

We've been getting into a game called Monikers and having fun with Two Rooms and a Boom.


I have no idea what games those are, but I'm sure it's always fun if it's with you.


AWWW, so sweet.

Monikers - 3 rounds. Have to guess the thing. People give clues.
round 1- anything goes
round 2- only one word to describe with charades
round 3- only charades

Of course alcohol make everything more fun !


I bet you only do sexy charades.


Last time I played I got Magic Mike in the 3rd round.
Nobody guessed it but I killed it.
Made like $1.37 that night.


I'm sure they knew, they just wanted you to keep on going. Who can blame them.


Naturally when I thought of you is when I hit my stride.


"Of course alcohol make everything more fun !"

Do you like drinking games???? We should all get together one of these nights. We all have our various poisons. We should decide on some game at a certain time and PLAY!


That would be incredible.
Drink and drunk post all night long.
We would bring MC to it's knees.

I haven't played a drinking game since we played "Hi Bob" back in school.


I'm gonna let you and a few others set this up. I'm almost DEFINITELY certain that there are willing participants.
Meanwhile, I'll check in from time to time to find out what the game is.... what the rules are... when we do this thing!
Start a sign up thread!


The main ones coming to mind are Monopoly, Life, Scrabble and Nightmare. Nightmare was cool because you watched a VHS tape to play the game. But then I also like games like Scattergories and stuff that didn't require a board - games are fun.


I remember Nightmare but never played.
There were a few of VHS games. I played one about a murder mystery although I can't remember the name.

I just played Scattergories last month. Still have a lot of fun with that one.


Scattergories is fun. Nightmare was okay, but unrealistic - the tape took so long you could never really keep up with it.


You sly fox! I believe you are a “player” and not necessarily of board games. You named all of them so I only have the following to add. My game of choice was Poker....5 card stud. Thoughts of those gets me flustered....😏☺️


I can only imagine what gets you flustered.

Oh, the games people play ksp, oh the games people play.
Now that would be some stories.


I forgot one: Risk.



I can't believe nobody mentioned this yet.
GREAT call.
Loved this game. I remember being so happy when this game came out on the NES or the SNES.

My mind has been spinning thinking of the games I played.

Gnip Gnop
Toss a Cross
Hands Down

Then later on the electronic games
the little hand held football game.
They had basketball and baseball too.


“My mind has been spinning thinking of the games I played.”

I’m sure it has, you girl crazy boy! After all you are the masta’! You are Deputy Dewey Boy! I think we’ve got that straight! You went from boy crazy girl to boy crazy boy....😱🤔 Back to poker...strip poker that is. After a few screwdrivers or whatever or anything that was in my Solo red cup, I seemed to always lose. I couldn’t swear by it, but I think we had cheaters at the table. Hmmm? Now that I think about it, I’m positive we did. Of course no one would tell me anything the next fact they never did.


Strip poker yes.
Let's not forget strip Twister. An all time favorite.

There's always cheaters at the table.
You got to know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em

At the end of the day just remember you did it your way.
At least the times you weren't snockered that is. 😉


Twister was a riot with half inebriated crazies around a pool. I attended a Halloween party dressed as a pumpkin. Needless to say I got so twisted with no chance of standing upright. I laughed so hard there were water works from both ends! Then pass the damn cucumber between the knees without holding on to the other person. It was hard enough trying to do the feat with the huge bulk around me....the damn cucumber was flaccid by the time it got to me! “Those were the days my friend, I thought they’d never end....”


I always love a good cucumber story. You know that.
Add in Twister and it's a win on all levels.

Long live the red cup!!!!

You might just qualify.
We may need a judgement though.
Dazed will be able to say for sure.
She is an amazing person and we're lucky to have her.


Hear! Hear! Long live the red Solo cup...and everything good that’s in it! And for those who missed the link the first time around here tis:

I know! I know! I derailed the OP, but you know I can’t help it. Little ole mischievous me...😏


I will always picture this song when I think of you.


Ha! Cut it out! Do you know how difficult it is to stifle a laugh😂 while drinking iced tea? I choke big time, so here’s back at ya!


That's a classic.

This is old school


OMGosh! I never knew they were that naughty! It’s do learn something everyday...”Blow Me..a Kiss” I wonder if Stratego’s kiss 💋 card is filled.


I'm sure it is but I always continue to hold out hope.


First time I've ever heard of a cucumber going flaccid , though.


They are the most stout and ready of all the vegetables


Well, a cucumber being passed around all squeezed and squashed between knees would make it limp...wouldn’t it?


Now db, who are we to judge?

Nothing like a good squeezed cucumber.
I'll take that every time.



she took his flaccid hand in hers or
lacking force or effectiveness.”


Too many romance novels or too much real life experiences? 😉

I think I already know that answer.


Ask me no questions; I’ll tell you no lies.😌☺️🤫🍻🍹🍷


Miss ksp jump in the fire
Fire too hot, jump in the pot,
Pot to black, jump in the crack,
Crack to high, jump in the sky,
Sky to blue, jump in canoe,
Canoe too shallow, jump in the tallow,
Tallow too soft, jump in the loft,
Loft to rotten, jump in the cotton,
Cotton so white she stay there all night.


Talk about derailment of an OP! They can’t put us into the same room together! We make hay where the sun shines...


It's my damn post so anything goes.

We'd make much more than hay sweetie. 😉


Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow. 😘


Would I be considered as one of your cyberfloozies? As per Dazed, bless her little heart!
