When the IMDb boards shut down, everyone was devastated. But then someone created this website and archived all the old threads. It's almost like the IMDB boards were never shut down. But nobody really uses this website. It seems like nobody ever really did care about the IMDB boards being shut down.
Nope, I haven't. I don't think it would hold up, so I'll pass. I certainly heard of it though. From what I remember hearing it was like a teenage sex movie? haha
This is what I wrote in another thread about "Porky's":
"The scene with Miss Balbricker telling the principal she wants to line 5 guys up for "inspection" has to be the most hilarious scene ever filmed!"
I still believe it. I recently purchased most of the '80's teen flicks. Raunchy is a mild word for "Porky's"! But, I have to confess "Mike Hunt" didn't register.
We watched it again recently with our 25 yr old granddaughter. She told us "You all really had some dirty movies back then. I think this is the dirtiest movie I've ever watched!"
Well, we all have different senses of humour and what has one rolling in the aisles, has another mildly tittering, and no doubt others rolling their eyes :D
The comment about the 25 yr old granddaughter is priceless, because its probably true. I really do think nudity has gone down in movies since then. Would you agree?
IDK...maybe? Instead the F-bomb is every other word! We recently watched "London Has Fallen". It was so laced with it to the point if edited out, there wouldn't be any dialogue left! It could have been a good action movie. I like Gerard Butler as an actor but in this movie he didn't need a script. Most of the time he just strung as many F- bombs he could together to make a sentence!
Yes, I do have to agree that there is too much of the F-bomb. Sometimes movies that would be otherwise appropriate for younger people are ruined by how much unnecessary cursing is in the movie. Yeah not sure why writers think this is a good idea. Filler? It can be distracting too and take away from a scene.
I don't understand people's fascination with swear words, the f-bomb in particular. People use them all the time, but there does seem to be a bit of an over saturation of it in movies and shows.
If you ever had any inclination to, do not watch the show The Affair.
I'm not offended by the F word, but its rampant overuse even got to me. I either posted a thread about it, or responded to someone else's about the same.
What irritated me was it was so constant! And I think every.single.character, including the kids and a grandmother said it. Sometimes it's realistic. If they had one character who constantly dropped them, *maybe* two, it wouldn't have bugged me so much. So it wasn't the F word that bothered me so much as it was the bad writing.
Thanks for the heads up! That was exactly the script for Gerard Butler! The scriptwriters either are unable to think beyond the F-bomb or they don't have a good lexicon available....which means they are unable to think! It's much more easier to be ignorant than to attempt to use those "little gray cells" as stated by Agatha Christie's "Poirot".
BTW, did you get Fido squared away for your upcoming very long trip?
You're welcome :). No sense in watching a film or starting a show that'll offend or but the heck out of you, right?
I don't know Gerard Butler, or that film, but it sounds like it was over the top with the cursing.
With The Affair I kept getting the feeling the showrunner/s thought because it was on Showtime and they *could* F-bomb as much as they liked, that's why they did it. Because oooh, so edgy! [eyeroll] Yeah, that makes for such great writing and character development.
I've gotten a lot squared away. Found a local low cost clinic for her rabies shot -- $19 as compared to the $70 my vet wanted. And I have a possible lead on the heartworm meds, which were also way too expensive and he insisted she was first tested, for an additional $50. Never mind she's a Californian dog and the chances of her having them are infinitesimal.
Do you not have the vet mobile groups who sets up a staging area? They come to town twice a month. They are definitely more cost effective. You also can get a script from the vet then order the meds online.
"IDK...maybe? Instead the F-bomb is every other word! We recently watched "London Has Fallen". It was so laced with it to the point if edited out, there wouldn't be any dialogue left!"
i have always felt that way about Casino..... Interesting movie, but every other WORD!
A few years back, I had it on. My husband was in another room. After about half an hour he came out to where I was watching it and asked who the heck wrote the sparkling dialogue. I had to laugh. We usually don't get our panties in a twist over swearing in a movie, but I have to say it's a bit much and that Casino would be constant bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep without those F bombs!
I never saw porkys.
Mike Hunt is just another one of those "crank call" names that sound dirty when you say it out loud.
Like Ben Dover, Jack Hoff, Seymore Butts
Did you say it out loud or in your head when you read it? I just thought, if I thought anything at all, eh, Mike's a common name, Hunt's a common name, adding numbers to the end of a user name is common.
Why are you such a troll? But to answer your question, yeah, you're right. Nobody uses this site. You should leave it immediately and find something better. Bye.
That would explain me not getting the reference. Never did see that movie back in the day and I'm totally guessing it would not hold up. Haha. I think that's one of those movies you had to see when it came out! :)