MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Losing hope for this site

Losing hope for this site

It seems so far for the most part only the worst people from IMDb are posting here on moviechat.

Now I am not saying I am a perfect poster, I have a bad temper and get annoyed with people probably a little too fast. But on IMDb I would at least half the time have good engaging and informative conversations or debates with people.

But the good exchange to bad exchange ratio here so far in my experience has been less than a 1:10 (less than 1 good conversation for every 10). It seems like the good commentators loss interest fast too when they are discussing so I can't seem to keep a good conversation alive and only the bad ones seems dedicated to making this site as unpleasant as possible.

I don't know I may give up here soon.


I like this site better than the imdb one, in some ways. You might have got quicker answers to a post over there, but so many of the people were horrible and out of control.

The Game of Thrones board was a virtual cesspool, but just yesterday I asked some questions about the show here and got a lot of nice, very informative replies.

It kind of depends on what you value...


way better


I usually try to read most of a thread before commenting, but I agree that a lot of right wing types seem to really enjoy picking fights here and wanting to get away with calling names and then saying people need to "grow a pair" and such nonsense.
I imagine most of us have had to attend school and have been graded on compositions, and if some people think taking ugly and extreme views and vilifying their fellow citizens as enemies, while echoing propaganda, would allow them passing grades in high school, then I am at a loss.


"I agree that a lot of right wing types seem to really enjoy picking fights here and wanting to get away with calling names and then saying people need to "grow a pair" and such nonsense."

Interesting because most of the nastiness I have seen has been from the left or 'Anti-Trump' posters. In fact all the nastiness I have seen is from the left. Wonder why our experiences have been different.


I'm not saying this to be disrespectful to you, but Obama was a statesman, a community organizer, a smooth black man widely admired over the world. Trump is an utter boob. A list of his gaffes since his election would take up pages and pages. I'm not sure HRC is guilty of anything, but the right wing believes whatever garbage is thrown in front of them.
Almost by definition, the right wing is behind every bad movement in history, the repression of science, figurative and literal witch hunts, racial segregation with lynchings, ad nauseum. People are rightly outraged by those who continue to endorse this sort of thinking. And with the recent advent of Fox News, there now is an organized, determined effort to mainstream right wing extremism, where merely shouting and accusing lies is to be taken as truth. So while the right wing on a grand scale conducts a vicious agenda, the occasional bad actor on the left is held up as an example of some unholy tendency of liberals as intolerant. It's like a bully that picks fights, cries and complains, and then can't understand why no one likes them.
I know Big Government is general has a lot of problems, but thinking dopes like Trump and W somehow are an answer is an utter joke, and I think Trump's real base are ultra-nationalists who think the USA should have white Christian capitalists in charge of everything, and anyone who is unfortunate might as well live a third-world life.
Sorry, no disrespect to you personally, but also in my personal life I've found conservatives ill-tempered and lacking empathy and any sort of world view. It's depressing how this country keeps regressing back to McCarthyism and Reaganomics,etc. Every other developed country has a type a universal health care, like our friends up North. But not exceptional USA. Ridiculous.


Good thing you're not being disrespectful. I'd hate to see what happens when you throw decorum to the wind and savage people with whom you disagree.



Obama was a " silver-tongued-devil " ( euphemism for an adept shit-talker ) and still is.

You're not; you're too obvious.



As per you:"but thinking dopes like Trump and W somehow are an answer is an utter joke, and I think Trump's real base are ultra-nationalists who think the USA should have white Christian capitalists in charge of everything, and anyone who is unfortunate might as well live a third-world life. who is unfortunate might as well live a third-world life."

How dare you! You don't know me! And you don't know why others voted for Pres.Trump. Pres. Obama a statesman? My arse! A community organizer slithered into the oval office. You write about hateful rhetoric coming from the "right wing". I do believe those of us who were against his ideology were called racist by your ilk. He ruled by edict. He thought of himself as a king.

Your sort seem to forget that "smooth black man" is and always has been HALF WHITE! He did as he said he would...he transformed America. And not for the better. We will forever attempt to dig ourselves out of the cesspool he and his co-horts created. He is a bigot, he's against the military, he's biased against law enforcement, etc. He has set race relations so far back I don't think we can ever recover. He traded five high ranking terrorists for a damn deserter!

So, get over it...we won! If I had to put up with that Community Organizer (Wow! What a resume) for eight of the longest years in my life, you can tolerate the "boob" for however long he's in office.

BTW, you do seem to be a learned person, but you need to read your history more carefully. It was southern democrats behind Jim Crow. It was democrats who did the lynchings (an unforgivable sin and stain on this country), it was democrats who organized the KKK. Remember the democrat Robert Byrd? He had a high ranking in the klan. FYI, read the following:


"BTW, you do seem to be a learned person, but you need to read your history more carefully. It was southern democrats behind Jim Crow. It was democrats who did the lynchings (an unforgivable sin and stain on this country), it was democrats who organized the KKK. Remember the democrat Robert Byrd? He had a high ranking in the klan."

YEAH, back when the Democratic party was the conservative party and the Republican party were the new progressives on the block!

Democrat and Republican are just labels, not ideologies. Get your facts straight.



" Obama was a statesman, a community organizer, a smooth black man widely admired over the world"

Oh I agree with this, well not the last part (only Muslim nations and weak PC European nations loved him many allies such as Israel, Poland, Britain and a lot of Eastern Europe countries saw him as weak backstabbing and ineffectual). But he was a charismatic and highly polished speaker. He gave the impression of being great statesman for sure. but the political double talk and Anti-American policy lead directly to Trumps election. Trump is a reaction to the Obama years.

"Trump is an utter boob."

Not disagreeing. I may have voted for him but so far I am mostly disappointed with his lack of clear policy and ineffectual implementation of his 'promises'. But I do like some of what he has done.

"I'm not sure HRC is guilty of anything, but the right wing believes whatever garbage is thrown in front of them."

Well the multiple lies before congress in addition obstruction and destruction of evidence is actual known to have like really happened. now to what degree she directly involved is questionable at best though it still would be a accomplice. Even if this did not warrant jail time; which for a service member it would have and she would have been the commander and chief; it still should have disqualified her from running. Now I may not like trump very much but the thought that it could have been her makes me a lot more forgiving.

"People are rightly outraged by those who continue to endorse this sort of thinking."

Okay now you are starting to go into liberal lala land. I do have to time or patients to explain away why your thoughts are riddled with liberal/left wing talking points but I would highly encourage you to read some actual books on American history, economics, the age of enlightenment, the birth of science, and what the conservatives actually stand for. Also do not conflate all the right with conservatives. I try not to do so with liberals


OK, serious response here....I was never in love with HC, but jhate el trumpo even more. I think he's an incompetent idiot, but realize that's my opinion. My reasoning in voting for HC was that if it came out that she committed an impeachable offense, she deserved to be impeached, and then we would've ended up with tthe drunk Mr. Rogers for president; likely not too effective, but relatively harmless. Should el trumpo get impeached, look who the hell we end up with.

But whatever Donald does -- and if you're objective, you have to admit he's said/done some amazingly ignorant/stupid things lately -- he has a large contingency of clueless rabid supporters who still continue to defend him.

Believe it or not, I don't see every con/right winger as a blind neanderthal, but it seems like that group always manages to have the loudest voice.


Yea the loudest voice

All the loud mouth idiots are on the left.


Way to miss the entire point, chief.

"All the loud mouth idiots are on the left."

Total and complete nonsense. The right has tons of loud-mouth idiots, too. But you obviously want to be in denial about that fact (not conjecture or opinion. Fact.)


We've come to the point where we can not defend him. I just could not take anymore of Obama/Hillary so I voted for Trump with a big gulp. Now I wish he would SHUT UP! Stop the damn tweeting! If he has a problem with someone in his administration, talk to whomever it is privately in the Oval Office. Quit humiliating people! He has what is known as "hoof & mouth disease". Open mouth, insert foot! This is not the tv program where he would say "You're fired!" He is the president of the United States. Behave and quit being a bully!

BTW, he can't be impeached due to the Rep. holding all three branches. Why would he be? He hasn't committed any impeachable offenses. All he's done is to cause his administration to self implode. If he continues to behave the way he is doing the Dems have nothing to worry about. All they have to do is sit patiently back, rubbing their hands together while salivating and watch while he hangs him self! He doesn't have many defenders. That's the difference between the Dems and Reps. The Dems are street fighters and it doesn't matter how much Obama/Hillary lied. They will circle the wagons defending anything and everything those two did. The Reps when told to defend their chief will also circle the wagons. But, for some reason they end up aiming inward! Snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory!

Also, there's nothing wrong with VP Pence. I wish he was sitting where Trump is. And no, we don't have the loudest voice. We have one fair news station. Try listening to FOX NEWS with an open mind. Check the facts. The Dems have NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and the damnable lying bunch on MSNBC.


"there's nothing wrong with VP Pence. I wish he was sitting where Trump is."
For God's sake, why?

"And no, we don't have the loudest voice."
Yeah, actually, KSP, you do. If you didn't, el trumpo would've likely been impeached by now. He does have defenders; WAAAAYYYYY too many of them.


Kasich would have been a good President


I tend to agree with you. I think Webb would've been decent as well.


I've avoided getting into political discussions with you Naps due to you making your opinion of Trump well known. I opined about snepts comments with much consternation; as I don't appreciate being tagged as a right wing dope! Also, I'm so frustrated with Trump's behavior I had to let loose. Right is right....wrong is wrong. I call it as I see it. I attempt to be objective which is more than most Dems. do. Obama/Hillary are liars. He has harmed this country with his "transformation". I absolutely detest the man so I admit I am biased. I have yet to hear a supporter tell the truth in regards to his bigotry...Hillary's crimes, etc.

Obamacare has hurt so many, loss of full time jobs, loss of the good health insurance so many of us had. I now have three policies with no drug coverage; whereas we had one good retirement policy which covered everything. There are people who are paying the fine because they are unable to pay the premium and the high deductible.

BTW, I repeat, he cannot be impeached. The Reps. hold all three branches. Nothing has been proven to warrant impeachment. Other than your utter dislike of him, please state your reasons for impeachment. You Dems. throw that word around like the easy off the tongue words such as RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, FASCIST, if we happen to have a different ideology from yours.

I've stated my piece. I will state no more. Discussing politics with people who have different views is like beating a dead horse. I scream enough at Trump with his mouth and tweets when he goes off the rail. I don't need to scream at my cyber buddies. Are we good?


Yeah, this past election cycle was so polarizing, it actually led to divorces and the destruction of long-term friendships.


This is why my dear friend of 55 yrs. and I avoid the subject. She's a Dem. through and through and I'm a conservative who has voted for Dems. in the past. It's not worth losing friends. Are you serious about the divorces?


Yes! I remember the news reports and while I didn't pursue the stories for details, they stand out because they seemed so extreme.

I'm a centrist leaning slightly to the right.


Yeah, this past election cycle was so polarizing, it actually led to divorces and the destruction of long-term friendships.

This is nuts. The two parties, and their respective candidates, have been polarized enough as it is throughout the years, without getting *worse*.

It reminds me all too much of rabid fans of sports teams, hating the other team just because it's the other team, and hating anyone who supports that team.

Good god, no wonder war is and has been so prevalent. Most people, in the U.S. in any event, act like children, or even worse.


Cat, you nailed it! Add to that the "safe zones" demanded by the college kids, the PC bunch (we must not offend!) the free speech advocates until you say or attempt to say a different point of view contrary to theirs. Their answer to that different thought is to become thugs and hoodlums rioting, burning, destroying and whatever else they feel they have a right to do. Law Enforcement is ordered to stand down. The little darlings are "protesting" which they feel is their right to do so without compunction. They are nothing but anarchists! They suffer no consequences for their riotous behavior. Throw their arses in jail, take away their scholarships. Do whatever is necessary to have them realize their actions will not be tolerated. I'm not advocating another Kent State reaction, but IMO when they hurl deadly weapons at police in order to seriously injure them, the police have the right to use deadly force.



ksp, we were always good. Just for clarity's sake, I wasn't calling you specifically a "right-wing dope." The "you" I was referring to was right-wing people in general. As I said before, I don't believe all right-wingers are blind neanderthals; you're a perfect example of one who definitely isn't. But it's the neanderthals among you who have the loudest voice and support el trumpo no matter what he does.

"You Dems. throw that word around like the easy off the tongue words such as RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, FASCIST, if we happen to have a different ideology from yours."
Now who's painting everyone with the same brush? C' honest.

Your opinion of Obama is just that; opinion. I hardly believe he was perfect, but not the demon many seem to think he is. At least the man was far more intelligent and competent than his predecessor and follower.

Regarding HC, so far, she still hasn't been proven to be guilty of any crime. If she had, she would've been prosecuted by now. I repeat, I was never a fan of hers, and do believe she's likely crooked in some areas, and, should proof emerge, should be prosecuted.

Regarding trumpo's being impeached, he's "guilty" of many of the same things repubs say Obama should've been impeached for, but never was. And more. Do a quick Google search, disregarding the obviously biased sources. The man, currently at least, is Teflon for some reason.

Insofar as Obamacare goes, yes, I agree it is FAR, FAR, FAR from perfect, but it was at least a step in the right direction; the idea that all Americans deserve affordable healthcare, the key word being affordable. The reason it has hurt jobs, raised costs, killed some existing plans, etc isn't the concept's fault; it's a combination of what the bill looked like after it got through congress and, far more so, the still-unchecked outright greed of the insurance companies. Let's be real; before Obamacare, it was basically, "Can't afford healthcare? Sorry. Die."

That's a simplification, of course, but really what it came down to...the whole "I can afford mine, the hell with you" concept, which many seem to want to return to. Those who do pay are being asked to pay for those those who can't? That's nothing new. Prior to Obamacare, who do you think footed the bill when parents took kids with sniffles to the emergency room instead of a doctor? WE did. And if you break it down, it likely cost us even more then.

My own opinion is that the insurance companies need to be reigned in and, if necessary, have some controls instituted on them. Anti-capitalist? Tough. This is peoples' lives we're talking about. I've always believed this country has needed socialized medicine for a long time. Again, it's not perfect, but it's still managed to work in Europe and other countries for almost 50 years. Waiting lists? Sure, they exist. Still better than simply waiting to die because you can't afford to get medical attention at all, isn't it?


"Now who's painting everyone with the same brush? C' honest."

You're right I was painting all with a broad brush; I should have wrote most of them.

As far as the healthcare debate. Healthcare and health insurance are two different entities. Forgive me if I'm not correct, but you also use the term healthcare in place of health insurance. That was the vernacular used in order to pass the blasted lie. People may not be able to afford health insurance, but they can receive healthcare. It's the law. Hospitals can not turn away those seeking treatment. The ER's are still full and we have the great Obamacare!

"I can afford mine, the hell with you" concept, which many seem to want to return to. Those who do pay are being asked to pay for those those who can't?"

It's not right to take from me and give to others. My benefits through Medicare have been cut since Obamacare. This is the death tax put on us Medicare recipients. To use as an analogy, have an IRS agent accompany you to your neighbors for the sole purpose to demand they pay your medical bills. See how far you would get!

Next will come auto insurance. Some of your neighbors can not afford auto insurance so they are unable to drive to work. The government can't let this happen so they step in to force the insurance cos. to raise your premium in order to pay for the neighbor's lack of insurance. We had four hurricanes hit Florida in 2004. Our homeowner's insurance was active; but there were many who did not have coverage. Well you guessed it...our rates skyrocketed in order to pay for those who didn't have the insurance!


Your home insurance likely also increased because of it being a high risk area surely?


Sorry if I bother...but I think the companies are getinn' greedy.


Ain't no think about it. Insurance companies are worse slime than oil companies...and that's sayin' somethin'


Not at all. We lived in Central Florida and sustained no damage, except for a huge limb which snapped off the live oak tree. It was a known fact why the separate exclusion for coverage was enacted. They added a wind storm addendum. We had to go with a high deductible. The powers that be are requiring flood insurance for all who have mortgages. For places that never flooded! Without a doubt it's to pay for those who live in flood prone areas.

You know, I really am sick and tired of paying for everyone else. Able bodied working people are receiving Medicaid benefits! It was supposed to be a program for the poor and the elderly. One boondoggle after another....and on and on it goes.


I get that,I accept it as a fact of life here.I think I have to otherwise I'd be driven insane!
We have the NHS and a benefit system.Both do get abused and we do see evidence that being on benefits is a career choice for some.The NHS is underfunded and overused...

However one never knows when hard times are going to hit.Illness,death and redundancy can happen to the best of us and I like that there is a safety net available to everyone.It could be me one day,I hope not of course.


"one never knows when hard times are going to hit.Illness,death and redundancy can happen to the best of us"

Exactly. Things can turn on a dime.


I fervently hope that the UK never adopts a system like the US.
Yes the NHS gets abused.Doctors surgeries are clogged with people who catch a cold and can't wait it out, or who eat too much and disable themselves,people who eat too little..and so on.
Yet it works,everyone can have access to healthcare.Every single living person rich,poor,homeless can be taken care of,should they need it.That's a wonderful thing.Not something I'd give up readily.

It's natural,of course, to care first about you and yours.I totally understand that but if we stop caring about those less fortunate then we're not decent people.
Just my opinion.😊


And a very good opinion!!


We have the same situation here,also.


Where are you located, alice?


I'm located in the north-eastern part of Romania😉


"I really am sick and tired of paying for everyone else. Able bodied working people are receiving Medicaid benefits!"

True, and it's not right...but for the third time, this did not start with Obamacare. I remember people bitching about the same thing as far back as the early 80s. And yes, while there are indeed those who abuse the system and have been doing so for years, sometimes decades (and I think they should be dealt with by, at minimum, making them do some sort of work, even community service if necessary) not everyone who doesn't work doesn't want to, especially those over 50; many simply cannot find decent-paying jobs.

Let me ask you a serious question, ksp...God forbid, suppose for whatever reason you suddenly found yourself broke or close to it, absolutely unable to afford any medical insurance. And try as hard as you can, you cannot find any job where the pay can come even close to cover it. If someone told you they were sick of paying for people like you, an able-bodied person who isn't working, would you simply say, "You're right; I don't deserve insurance?"


"If someone told you they were sick of paying for people like you, an able-bodied person who isn't working, would you simply say, "You're right; I don't deserve insurance?"

There's always part-time jobs. I would take three if needed. Also, I would be treated either at the ER or the walk-in clinics. Many companies now have a PA with a mini clinic....such as Walmart.

"we were ALWAYS paying for others in one way or another." That maybe true, but it sure didn't hit me with the proverbial sledge hammer due to Obamacare! I now have four separate policies including Medicare...but no Part D which is drug coverage.

I don't believe I stated Dems. are dimwits, I was actually giving them a slap on the back for standing by their man/woman when they actually know their leaders are prevaricators. They don't give an inch. "You can keep your doctor." You can keep your insurance." "We have to pass the bill to know what's in the bill." "A video caused Benghazi" "We couldn't reach them in time." "Here's the Blackberrys, but hey the SIM cards are gone." "He served with honor and distinction" (knowing full well he was a deserter)

I repeat: My homeowner's premiums skyrocketed to pay the bill for those who didn't have insurance. I did not live in a high risk area. Florida leaders decided to get into the insurance business when Ins. Companies were planning to pull out of the state. To keep them we all were thrown in a high risk pool. We didn't need to be in that pool.

Reads exactly like Obamacare. The government getting into the Ins. business, forcing us to pay for services we will never use. Our retirement plan including Medicare went from $1100.00 to over $2000.00 due to the Obamacare mandates! So, yes, I'm sick and tired of paying for everyone else!


Well, paying for those who don't is never gonna stop. And not everyone can work 3 part-time jobs, even though it sounds noble. The rising costs are one of the big flaws of Obamacare. As I initially said, it's very flawed as is, but was a step in the right direction. And due to the outright greed of the ins. companies, I have no problem with the government putting low caps on what they can charge without limiting peoples' coverage. But of course it's doubtful that'll happen anytime soon. Certainly not under this administration. I dunno, I still believe socialized medicine is the solution. TRUE socialized medicine, not something the insurance companies can pervert for more profit.


"You're right I was painting all with a broad brush; I should have wrote most of them."

So if most Dems are dimwits, as you say, so are most repubs. Proven daily in the news.

"It's not right to take from me and give to others."

True, as a basic principle, it's not. But again, this is NOT something that started with Obamacare; we were ALWAYS paying for others in one way or another.

Your homeowners' rates were likely raised because it's a high-risk area. If you live in Tornado Alley in the Midwest, for example, your insurance is naturally going to be higher for that kind of damage.


Don't give up hope, Sav. Patience. Rome was not built in a day.


"Fruitcake anyone?"


I might be banned soon enough for not following their bizarre rules. apparently if someone is flaming you you are not allowed to call them an idiot and defend yourself. by this sites rules you must report them and stop talking to that poster.

that is bullshit and if they do ban me, this is not a site I wish to participate in anyway.


I agree, that is frustrating.



Hey there, welcome back!


Thanks! It's great to be back. I was on a safari trip in Kenya and Tanzania for two and a half weeks.


"He's dead."


Nice! You lead quite an adventurous life, chasing tornadoes and lions both.


Thanks. It was great, saw lots of animals including the "big five": Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Rhino and Cape Buffalo. The big cats were my favorite. They were indifferent to us, and so we could get some really good close up photos. My favorite cat is the Cheetah. We also took a hot air balloon ride over the Serengeti.

But the highlight of the entire trip was a visit to a grade school near Arusha, Tanzania. The kids were amazing! The greeted us like royalty, waving, smiling, laughing and shouting "Jambo!" (Swahili for Hello and Goodbye.) We took photos of them, and when we showed them to the kids, they were ecstatic, laughing and pointing. Many of them don't have mirrors, so they had never seen their own faces. As we left, they gave us high fives, laughing and smiling and waving.

My next adventure will be a ride on the Zero G plane (the so called "Vomit Comet") in Miami in September.


"He's dead."


Very cool. I guess "indifferent" is probably the reaction you want most from a big cat.

I hope to visit myself one day. Sounds like it was an incredible experience all around. Thanks for sharing.


You're welcome. It's a trip everyone should do at least once.

One Lioness actually sat down right next to our truck. She then used the line of trucks (at the time there were about 15 there) as cover in stalking a small antelope. She then crept closer on the left side of our trucks, using the tall grass as cover, and them BAM! She took off after the antelope. The antelope took a hard right turn, and disappeared between trucks with the lioness in hot pursuit.

We waited for a few seconds hardly daring to breathe. The next thing we saw was the lioness on the right side of our trucks walking off with the dead antelope in her mouth. She had killed it instantly by biting and breaking its neck.

Some of the other lionesses in the pride (there were about 14 of them) came around looking to share, but she was having none of it. Truthfully, the small gazelle was only a snack. It was amazing.


"He's dead."


Things like this take a lot of time because you have to build mindshare. If you are patient, it will happen. May just take a few years.


thanks for the encouragement. I don't know though, there are seemingly so many problem children posting here and I have a hard time letting it go when someone says something stupid. Most of the 'good' posters are smarter than me and do not even engage the problem children. I do not think I have the right temperament for this site. IMDb was a little different because for every 2 annoying stupid posters there was at least 1 that would either 'help' you out or have an actual reasonable disagreement. I like reasonable disagreement I can actual learn something.


Really? I have no problem letting the stupid stew in their own juices. After all, why should I let them bother or upset me? That's letting them win.

Maybe we need an Ignore User button though...


There is an ignore user button. It's on the right side below every post, next to report.

The only thing you need to be aware of if you use it, is any post anyone makes to a post of someone on your ignore list will also become invisible. And, at this time anyway, we don't have access to our ignore lists. Hoping Jim will fix both of these issues soon.

I have no problem letting the stupid stew in their own juices. After all, why should I let them bother or upset me? That's letting them win.

I'm with you on that. Well, usually. Occasionally I slip up and respond.


Good info, thanks! (the saturation on these controls is a little light to see clearly)


I agree. I thought it was just my screen, but they are difficult to see.




Let's do try to keep everything in perspective, okay? It's a message board.



You do know you can choose what posts to click on? You also know you can choose who you want to converse with, right? I'll never understand posts like this. I try, I really do, but I just don't get how people simply can't "NOT RESPOND" if something or someone bothers them that much.

Hey, if you leave, best of luck, but here's a real world update : People argue, debate, and fight about everything, everywhere, no matter where you go.

I enjoy the debate, even if it's just humoring a troll. I find great entertainment value in that. I mainly like discussing and debating movies, but I'm not easily offended, so I can find humor in damn near any conversation.

Best of luck.
