MovieChat Forums > Politics > 2 weeks in the life of a Trumpster

2 weeks in the life of a Trumpster

fire engines are red

edit Nov 24

I'll edit this. because, yeah. whatever. This reply goes for most people. Some people seem to have got the idiot out of their system. For anyone sane who is reading this, I know. I know. I know. For anyone reading this in 10 years time. What do you mean a convicted criminal and serial liar did that while he was president? What are the chances. No one could have predicted

For anyone who didn't catch on or caayyy-ahh-urrzzz I am not a liberal. Trump is not going to be my president. Biden hasn't been my president. No one is saying Biden got it right or KH. They are politicians. bullshit is what they do - all of them. Welcome to the world. You thought they were going to be honest? oh. ok then.

I'm not defending Biden and I'll pull this one out of someone elses ass. (I used the word ass, does that make me cool?)

So stop saying "you lost biscuittard" like an 8 year old lemming, because he isn't my fucking president. I'll say that without spaces in case some people forget the previous word while they are reading the space. heisn'tmyfuckingpresident. cool story. (do you think they got it? I don't think they got it. I know they didn't get it. although I know for some people saying "We OwNeD tHe mUtHeRfUcKiN lIBs is the best part of their day)

If I was an American voter, I doubt I'd vote red or blue. or any of the other ones. I could have said that first. I think most politicians are a bunch of cunts. hey, that wasn't so hard. But most of them are cunts, and not psychiatric patients. We have also had a psychiatric patient, but we got him out. Because it became obvious he was a psychiatric patient.

This country has it's own problems. Difference is, no one is actually expecting our lot to sort them out. They are politicians. Putin lurves Trump. in a sort of "jump this high, beach" sort of way


Mon: mOtHeRfUcKiN lIbTaRd gets oWnEd.
Tues: mOtHeRfUcKiN lIbTaRd gets oWnEd.
Weds: mOtHeRfUcKiN lIbTaRd gets oWnEd.
Thurs: mOtHeRfUcKiN lIbTaRd gets oWnEd.
Fri: mOtHeRfUcKiN lIbTaRd gets oWnEd.
Sat: drinks vodka
Sun: drinks vodka

Mon: mOtHeRfUcKiN lIbTaRd gets oWnEd.
Tues: mOtHeRfUcKiN lIbTaRd gets oWnEd.
Weds: mOtHeRfUcKiN lIbTaRd gets oWnEd.
Thurs: Ублюдок, либертарианец, становится его собственностью.
Fri: Ублюдок, либертарианец, становится его собственностью.
Sat: пьёт водку
Sun: пьёт водку

Dems. If you have any spare vodka, don't offer it. That's socialism, и социализм отстой.

Occasional signature.
"I don't know if it's true or not, but a lot of people are saying that" - DJT
Разделенные Штаты Америки.
The United States of What thah fuck
what? I can't say that. that's rude.
Political commentary/observation.

Did I mention we OWNED the MOTHer FUCKin lIbS? yeah! whoo! OwneD the MotheRfuCkin LibS


This is the kind of stuff that gets found on a harddrive after someone shoots up an elementary school.


you'd know, JerryGriffinIII?


You do realise (you might not realise) the post was every Trump supporter, ever. (dunno, has anyone ever used the word libtard/"oWnEd tHe dEmOnCrAtS"? and other phrases that normal people use. people who are normal) So your reply.....what does that say? Are you saying some Trump voters who have TDS (the derangement from listening to Trump - which is what 95% of the world knows) are ready to shoot up an elementary school? From what I've seen, not that I'm disagreeing.

yeah I know you won't see this because your account is deleted. it's a mad world.




You have serious problems.


Let's take the grown up view (you know, people who don't use the word "ass"). At least no one in this country voted them in.


So tell us again how sore your ass is.


You and your gay fantasies.


I dont get it.


24 hours in the life of a libtard:

I can't decide what gender I am today. I blame Trump.


I reckon in a year or two's time, you're gonna wish your main issues were blokes wearing dresses.


Today's kids on puberty blockers and forced to attend gender reassignment classes will have far bigger issues in 4 years time.


Good thing that you aren't them, then.


"I reckon in a year or two's time, you're gonna wish your main issues were blokes wearing dresses."

What exaclty are you predicting? What do you think it will look like in 4yrs?


Give it 6 months and see what happens.... (not with guys wearing dresses, with everything else - eg with Americas economy (which isn't our economy))

I don't know either. I'm going to wait 6 months and see what happens. Here's one someone else posted earlier...


Do you know what. I'll put my hands down and say. yeah.... maybe American politics is a lot more f**ked up than I thought [I've got a feeling that other departments do things like gender rubbish rather than the actual government itself. but it could actually be Donald signing things off himself while he's on the shidder]. I probably should have said that awhile back. Yes ours is too....but no one here is expecting ours to actually fix anything. I've never defended Biden. I've never said he got stuff right. but doubleyoo tee eff on the Donald

Why have I got this sneaking suspicion, that while you proclaim to love and care for your LGBTQFGHTSR friends (tbh you never actually said that) and gender...confirmy..conformy...non conformy...furry....foury....fairy...phunk, in reality you couldn't give a crud about them? And if it was between a young person being comfortable in their environment, or oWnInG tHe LiBs (I am not a lib for the trillionth time), you'd rather....the second thing. just a hunch, like. oh well.


Perfect description of MC Trumpites!


Butt hurt much?


What libs? People who support Biden aren't liberal.


Nope. They're neo-liberal progressive fascists. In other words, they're idiots that don't really know what to believe.


Describe what you've just typed, without using a website link or copy and paste.


You're confused. I don't copy and paste. I don't go searching for a link to support what I post. I have an actual discussion with words that I put together from my own brain. Unlike you shits that just regurgitate.

Modern democrats, liberals, progressives, whatever you want to call them are NOT liberals. Democrats don't give a shit about democracy and progressives aren't progressive at all. These are people who want to rewrite the Constitution, perpetuate the corrupt establishment, silence and destroy their opposition. Which makes them fascists.


That's such a beautiful fucking story. Did you put Alex Jones into a blender, add some salt, and then dunk your head into it and suck?

"I don't go searching for a link to support what I post" well, you've just lost half the forum. so you just post......anything

"I have an actual discussion with words that I put together from my own brain." - well, I'm convinced.

In your head, do you think the Repubs get together in a room, and say "right lads. that constitution, yeah? we've gotta stick to it". (or whatever the fukc Democrats are)

"Modern democrats, liberals, progressives, whatever you want to call them are NOT liberals." and Abe Lincoln also had concepts of gold trainers

"perpetuate the corrupt establishment" - and Elon Musk wants to shag you. no, really. he does. starting at $8 per month. and let's go to uranus

here's 3. there's more than 3. I'm not a Dem. I. Am. Not. A. Dem.

Here's one I wrote to someone who isn't you.

yeah. you know what? I've never said I supported Biden. ever. but I know where you got that idea from. because if I don't have a red turd on my head, I'm a lib, right? "every other fuck must be a lib".

I don't "support" Harris, I just think she's better than Donald. as. does. "the world"

maybe I should re phrase. "maybe as a non American, American politics is a lot more f**ked up than it seems". better? better. yeah, ours is too. but we aren't under the illusion that anyone is going to fix it.


If you're not from here, I don't expect you to know what the fuck you're talking about. No surprises there.


If any of the issues in tonights program have affected you, please feel free to fucking ignore them.

and jeezus fucking christ. It's taken you this long to figure out I'm not a yankee doodle f/cking dandy*? Because I said so, and not because you said anything complicated like "which country are you from"?

*this does not apply to the sane people in your country.


We certainly have had our fair share of Newbies joining this site for one reason and one reason only and it's to bash Trump and you're nothing new to it. He beat your candidate and badly and you can never change this no matter how many ballots you keep churning up 3 weeks after this election is sealed and done, you just can't shake this and it's mentally fucked you up


Have they ever posted about a movie?


Not to my knowledge they haven't


It's almost like they're not a real person.



Says account who does nothing but troll.

Is that better?


u ok, hun. or if I was 6 years old I'd say плачь сильнее. I'm not 6 years old. What is it with you and thinking people are bots. If all my posts were a robotic, almost pre-programmed, sorta mindless "Trump 2032" and nothing else you'd be fine with that. He'll be half dead by then, but that hasn't stopped him so far.

so. Posting something you disagree with, is trolling is it. Do you want a safe space where people will only post things that make you warm and fuzzy. being a bot, I meant to say....


By the way, I asked you once if you wanted me to post about movies. In one thread you said you were waiting for me to post about movies, and in another thread you said you weren't waiting for me to post about movies. Under normal circumstances that might be confusing. but I got over it and moved on. You do know there is the block feature for pooey words? If the issues in this program have affected you there's a phone number somewhere. bill payers permission and everything. Even if it's a freephone number, yes. it's just polite.

Here you go. me talking about films. Star Wars: cool, innit.


Wall of text.

I think that's a sign of TDS.


zero value template answer. you know there are some people on this forum who can read more than 12 words in a row.

You sound like a bot. you sound like your programming is stuck. do you ever say anything else? more than a dozen words together are difficult, right. that would be the Tiktok 15 second attention span. I don't really think you think.

here's a few;

you have TDS
that's TDS
seems like TDS
it's TDS

did I miss any?



I like the last one. succinct, clear, to the point, yet has clarity without mixed messages.

is this better.

"Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it's true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that's why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it's four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven't figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it's gonna take them about another 150 years


—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us."


Another wall of text.

Keep at it and you can sell your walls to Trump for the border.


more zero content.

That was a Trump speech (the clue is where it said Trump). thinking is hard, isn't it. you have TDS.

there you go. 22 words. you should be ok with that. (are you chat GPT?)


You do realize no one reads your ramblings right?


zero content template reply.

tell me what you just did wrong. I'll give you a hint. you are chat GPT*, so you don't count as someone reading it.


It's no fun when the other side is clearly going through something.

Hope you get better.


у вас есть TDS.


That does make me all warm and fuzzy inside. and that's not spilt coffee


Do you realise that some places aren't America? Biden is not my president. Trump is not going to be my president.

Alexa, define "cult".


Then why did you waste your time posting this dumb thread aside from being butthurt over Trump steamrolling a Communist in Camela Harris??


To your original. You said words. well done. Isn't it weird, how if I automated "Trump 3032" like a robotic pre-programmed wellington, you'd think that was normal. I'm guessing that out of 9892 posts, 9792 of them were you quoting main stream media posts where Fox News said some bollox about "libs just did this". what are the chances that more of your text on this site are copies and paste of articles (who, as we are repeatedly told, are lying), rather than your own text. question mark

to this post. Why did you waste your time replying? normally when people post "dumb freds" (is that one f or two?) you just think "dumb fred" and leave it there

Did you find out how many times I had replied to myself? (involves counting)

Hang on. where is it. lemme find it. oh yeah. "you have no idea what communism is". is KH crypto-neo-communo-fascist-marxo-buddism too? Shouldn't you be calling her kameltoe harris? because that's, like, what grown ups do.

Let me go into "average age of a person who uses the word butthurt" mode. плачь сильнее. you know about the block feature, right? It enables you not to get butthurt. unless you like that sort of thing. I mean. private time, you do what you do. not gonna judge. well, I might, but I won't type it. For the trillion and oneth time, I'm not one of the weird cRaZeD aLiEn species known as a lIbErAl. please repeat that until you don't give a shit.

Your god. He isn't going to affect this country (until he does)

soz. "liberal douchetard". am I getting to the right level. single syllables, rite


What the absolute fuck did I just read?? You need help dude 🙄


Sorry you had to read that.
That man does not represent us liberals , I dont know who let him in the clubhouse , he must have forged a door pass 🤣


what do you mean sorry you had to read that? he didn't have to, and you didn't read it. or him, probably.

who's representing you? he's your problem, not ours. I bet you aren't really sorry. I bet you're just saying that.

"us liberals". you make whatever a liberal is, sound like a different species. are they? that's a weird phrase. "us liberals". that makes the united states of America sound like the divided SoA. are you a "liberal"? what do you eat and drink? do you eat and drink? if you have a secret handshake, can you keep that to yourself


What the absolute fuck did I just read??

tuff day at school? I know, right. words are hard. long sentences difficult, short sentences easier. let me rephrase that. ты баттхёрт? is that better. that's 3 words. tarriff-ic.

You need help dude 🙄

yey. template answer. hyah [one of us might], but it's not this country that elected a serial liar for president who can't sit on a couch without crapping on it, and then are going to wonder in two years what went wrong

did. you. find. out. how. many. times. I. replied. to. myself.

this one might be easier for you.


I imagine this is you Paul25 over Trump's Spectacular steamroll over Harris:


I don't think your imagination is that good.


once. once. once. I replied to my own comment once. one - it's higher than zero, but lower than two. or you might not have understood the question.


Yeah, imagine being such a loser that you obsess about politics in another country.

Paul25, you really expect us to listen to your bullshit? You're wasted keystrokes and bandwidth.


If any of the issues in tonights program have affected you, please feel free to fucking ignore them. There's a block feature which enables you to fly from the fucking skylight. Only kidding. The block feature enables you to block people.

Just a reminder.

I know, right. It's an international message board.


I don't block, I fuck with every one of you idiots every chance I get.

Did I say you shouldn't be here? No. I said you were a loser for obsessing with politics of another country. It's really a waste of your time because you don't have the first clue what you're talking about.


ladies and gentleman. your next mass shooter. and BKB is the guy who gets him the layout to the building.

"I can get my own layout to the building."


"yeah, I sort of knew him. to be honest, I never thought he was serious. he used to make some posts online, but you know they never really seemed to be that dodgy, he always just seemed to be light hearted and joking, he never really got upset about things.

he kept saying there were things only him and Alex Jones knew, and that it was those fucking Dems, and that people didn't understand. he didn't say anything about conspiracies. it never seemed like he would actually do anything. I couldn't have guessed"

"thanks. and how did you know him?"

"we both post on the same internet forum"

*looks at the sound guy*

"ok, thanks, BKB. and you didn't have any involvement with him?"

"fuck, no"

"ok. this is [name withheld], reporting for local news. back to the studio"
