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As Christianity declines, so does the West

The West is not in good shape.

Basically, we have widespread misery, inflation, and a highly dysfunctional society.

And why? Because we live in some godless society with no unifying factors. Gone are the traditional moral constraints from yesteryear.

Half of all kids under 17 in the USA live in fatherless homes. Since families incentivized men to go to church, we are seeing a rise in nonreligious people.

Worse yet, there is a widespread movement to "dismantle" the system. They can't admit that society worked far better when it was almost entirely Christian, so they pretend it was never great. Those of us over 30 can remember a much happier time and it wasn't that long ago.


Islam will take over and will fill in the gap left by Christianity.


Unfortunately. Christianity at least has a sense of humor.


Christianity worships more than one God. Ex. the holy trinity: father, son and holy ghost is worshipping three gods or God in three forms. That originated in Greek culture which centered around trinities and influenced early Christianity.

Islam worships only 1 God and rejects worshipping multiple gods like Christianity. Islam corrected the errors made during multiple translations and interpretations. The reason why Muslims don't want the Koran translated is to avoid Christianity's mistakes with bad translations.


Wow, so you submit yourself to the "corrections" Moslems made regarding women?


Muhammad's first wife was a very successful businesswoman who proposed marriage to him and helped him to become a successful merchant. She was also the first Muslim. 1in 3 startups in Arab countries are founded by women.

You should stop stereotyping Muslims!


Again, are you supportive of the status women hold in most Moslem countries, the fruits of Koran's "corrections"?


You can't differentiate against religion and culture.


Islam is a religion and a culture.

It is antithesis to women's rights by virtue of its teachings.


What was moral about genocide and ethnic-cleansing of Native-Americans, slavery and Jim Crow of Blacks, and exploitation of the poor?

I'll add that Christianity is an Asian religion, not a Western one.




I'm curious where you found the 0.5. Is it Christmas again already?


None of that horseshit she listed can be attributed to Christianity. I gave her .5 for the effort. Her post was nothing more than bait. Had someone actually taken the bait I may have given her a higher score.


Fair enough. You're a good man, Charlie Brown. I wouldn't have been so generous.


Blade13 & maixiu bonding. 👯‍♂️ ♥️


All of it was done by Christians!

Plus the Japanese Internment Camps, Salem witch hunts and lynchings.


Not sure what the Japanese interment camps have to do with Christianity.


Done by Christians.

Anyone who believes America's past was moral and religious is delusional. Plenty of hypocrisy among the "religious".


So anything a Christian does automatically means Christianity as a philosophy was responsible?




Bizarre comment from you considering Europeans used the Bible to justify atrocities like the Curse of Ham justified slavery.


Right, but I don't recall Americans justifying interning Japanese people with the Bible.


They rejected the Bible's teachings by interning Japanese.


Which passages specifically?


Matthew 22:36-40
King James Version


Uh huh. What's your interpretation of that verse? How far does one go in terms of loving his neighbor? Does he allow himself to be overrun or killed lest he not "love" his neighbor as himself?

Your type always references that verse when it comes to promoting a very masochistic existence, but you never seem able to define where one's right to self-preservation begins.


You support hating Japanese-Americans based solely on ethnicity and placing them in detention camps. You just rejected the word of God with your hatred and bigotry!


Sharp as a cue ball, this one.


yeah, it had nothing at all to do with the country of Japan trying to wipe us off the face of the earth.


Didn't you call the bible a fairytale book? Why are you citing it? Oh ye hypocrite.


Matthew 22:36-40
King James Version


That would the opposite of your point then. It wasn't due to christianity.


Exactly my point! Christians don't practice what they preach.


so if I kill people in your name that makes you evil? you're an idiot


Your comment is idiotic.


No bites on that one either? Keep at it, you'll get one.


People lost faith and hope in the magical fairy once they saw how people just use it to make money or cause their own atrocities and misery around the world. Christianity has only itself to blame for allowing such corruption to take over.

-Televangelist (prosperity gospel)
-Tax Shelters

The right have done such a good job in giving Christianity a bad name.


As opposed to our politicians today who are more exploiting and cause far worse atrocities?



The worst sinners around are Christians. Men of the cloth are notorious for molesting children, cheating on their wives and fleecing their "flock".

Kenneth Copeland (Net worth estimated at $300 million)

Televangelist Pat Robertson (Net worth estimated at $100 million)

Joel Osteen (Net worth estimated at $80 million)

What a racket!


Not seeing any of them materially supporting illegal wars like Joe Biden, Obama, or W did.



Your Christian ministers are stealing. Are you defending their behavior?

What are your personal thoughts about the eight commandment? Do you reject or defend it? If you defend it, do you therefore reject your ministers' behavior?


It's not a deflection. You directly support the biggest war criminal alive, Biden, and have the gall to involve me in some pastors that I have nothing to do with who aren't close to the same level as Biden.

They aren't my ministers so I have no obligation to defend them.


Biden is a Christian who goes to church every week. He's one of yours.

Those ministers are Christians. They're what you're defending.


He's actually not one of mine.

He prays to Mary since he's a Catholic which is an unforgivable sin in Protestantism. Even worse than all the wars he started.


So you don't like Catholics.


My criticism has more to do with him being a war criminal, but I am indeed a Protestant.


You pretty much proved my point why Christianity is dying off. They're espoused Christians as well. Political Christians and fundamentalists are the worst.



Christianity doesn't have a bad name like you'd like to think. It's allowed to be shat upon without repurcussion, but it doesn't have a bad at all.


💍 Love and marriage?


Where is your data that it is up to 50%? I can see multiple data points on single parent households in western countries, and none say 50%.

What "moral constraints" have gone? What is it now acceptable to do socially?


Erm, there's plenty of stats that are close to 50%.

What "moral constraints"? How about fatherless homes?

Fatherless homed children are far more likely to be drug addicts, run away, be rapists, and have behavioral problems.

We used to shame women and men who had children outside of marriage and with good reason. It's unhealthy.


You need to talk to women like I do.
Too many men are not marriagable because they're losers. That's their #1 complaint.

A mentally healthy and intelligent man with a good-paying job who respects women won't have a problem finding a wife.


I don't need to talk to women, because I am engaged.

However, the point that you miss is that your chances of being married as a Christian are far higher than if you are nonreligious. It's not even close. And marriage is necessary for a stable family and for society to prosper.


"... I am engaged."

Your children will have a 50% chance of growing up in a fatherless home."



Christians only have a 20-25% chance of divorce.

And since we pray together, our chances are only 1% or so.

My kids have a 99%+ chance of growing up with two parents....unlike the heathens who have kids out of wedlock, sleep around, and don't put God first in their marriage.


You already have kids and pray together and you're not married?

Do yourself, your fiance, and your kids a favor and wait at least 3 years before you start thinking about raising children.


I don't have kids.

Waiting until after the wedding.

Not gonna wait 3 years though.


Is this guy you? Two hours of Christian preaching on a sidewalk with bullhorn disturbing the peace in a Jewish neighborhood:


Do you consider Catholics to be Christian? The guy in the video said they weren't around 40:40 minutes after he's asked what his denomination is.


>My kids have a 99%+ chance of growing up with two parents....unlike the heathens who have kids out of wedlock, sleep around, and don't put God first in their marriage.

"Heathens". Do you just mean non-christians? Are you from the 1950s?


Yeah, it's from the humanists but it's interesting.


Too many men are not marriagable because they're losers. That's their #1 complaint.

Then they shouldn't allow these "losers" to impregnate them.


Impregnation is the losers only purpose. Much cheaper than a sperm bank.


So these women are perfect, wonderful wife/mother material, but too dim to realize the guys impregnating them are losers? You do know there are a lot of loser women out there, don't you?


The women know the men are losers which is the reason they won't marry them. They've given up on men and will settle for just the baby. Try to keep up!

If you don't believe me, speak to unwed mothers.


Why are unwed mothers allowing losers to impregnate them. Try to keep up.


Because they can't find men who aren't losers.


A woman who lets a loser impregnate her, is also a loser. Face it, feminazi.


And MC's proven liar slinks off again after dropping another pile of BS.


None of them seem to go to 50%. Many are much lower than 50%.

>What "moral constraints"? How about fatherless homes?

I wouldn't say it's "acceptable" for that. It's just something that happens when couples split up.

>We used to shame women and men who had children outside of marriage and with good reason. It's unhealthy.

Married couples also divorce, you know.

How do you propose we "shame" them now?


You made good points therefore Heretic disappeared instead of responding.

He's clearly a white Christian nationalist who wants to force his religion down everyone's throat. He's the reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a separation between religion and state.

Societies which move up economically have fewer children. People who become educated are less likely to be religious. If he wants religion in society, then he'll have to keep everyone poor and dumb like the Taliban in Afghanistan is doing.


Erm, school test scores are far lower now than when we were a highly educated Christian nation. So your argument fails miserably.

Especially since Christian private schools far outperform public schools.

Plus, we are not economically moving up....quite the opposite. NOr am I a Christian Nationalist who wants religion to be mandatory.

So many lies by you in such a short post.


>Especially since Christian private schools far outperform public schools.

All private schools outperform public or state schools. They're selective. It has little to do with religion.


Actually not all of them do.

There's some hippie "schools" that don't believe in grading lest a person gets their poor feelings hurt.


I meant actual serious schools, not nonsense grifting schools (of which there are many nonsense evangelical schools too propped up by young earth creationist types)


The Christian schools far outperform the public ones, so your comment is nothing more than false Christophobia.


So do most private schools.

And how is pointing out the hucksterism of some evangelical/YEC fronts "Christophobia"?

You wanna go learn from Kent Hovinds university?


80% of private schools in the USA are Christian.

Regardless, YEC is not widespread like it was 40 years ago, and is not very relevant as it is far less damaging than teaching men can become women and mutilating the genitals of children so bad that they can never reproduce or have kids to affirm their delusion.

Unless you are going into biology, YEC isn't damaging....and even it is far less damaging than transgender ideology which pretends sexual evolution is a "spectrum" instead of sexual dimorphism being the most important development in our evolutionary history.


>80% of private schools in the USA are Christian.

Because the USA is prominently Christian. You'd likely find private Islamic schools do better in Islamic dominated countries. Secular private schools also outperform state schools everywhere generally.

>Regardless, YEC is not widespread like it was 40 years ago, and is not very relevant as it is far less damaging than teaching men can become women and mutilating the genitals of children so bad that they can never reproduce or have kids to affirm their delusion.

YEC, at scale (which it never achieved) would be seriously damaging if taught in science classes to students in terms of stunting their actual knowledge.

Can I see some evidence that "mutilating the genitals of children" is anywhere near a mainstream practice at all?


Are these the same Muslim countries that restrict women from even going to college? LOL.

And yes, simply look at the DNC's position on mutilating kids' genitals. Here's the Department of Health and Human Services, part of the Biden admin, voicing their opinion as supporting such practices:

Gender-affirming care is a supportive form of healthcare. It consists of
an array of services that may include medical, surgical, mental health,
and non-medical services for transgender and nonbinary people.
For transgender and nonbinary children and adolescents, early gender-
affirming care is crucial to overall health and well-being as it allows the
child or adolescent to focus on social transitions and can increase their
confidence while navigating the healthcare system.


>Are these the same Muslim countries that restrict women from even going to college? LOL.

No, I'm not referring to Afghanistan.

>And yes, simply look at the DNC's position on mutilating kids' genitals. Here's the Department of Health and Human Services, part of the Biden admin, voicing their opinion as supporting such practices:

Sorry, most of this refers to support for social and mental health. I want actual documented instances where a MINOR went in for sexual reassignment procedures please.


What Muslim countries are you referring to that encourage higher education for women? I'm genuinely curious.

Everything I can find shows that even the worst of the Christian countries is miles ahead of the best of the Muslim countries. It's almost like there's something cultural at play here.


>What Muslim countries are you referring to that encourage higher education for women? I'm genuinely curious.

Most of the Muslim world is not Afghanistan. Tunisia, Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia. They are often socially reactionary (anti-LGBT, hostile to religious freedom and free speech) but most of them do not forbid women's education.

>Everything I can find shows that even the worst of the Christian countries is miles ahead of the best of the Muslim countries. It's almost like there's something cultural at play here.

There is, but Islamic countries aren't secularised in any sense (or not remotely to the sense of the wider post-christian world).


That's because Islam doesn't allow secularization. It is expressly forbidden.

And yeah, most Muslim countries are pretty brutal to women....especially compared to Christian ones, who literally invented women's rights.


Invented women's rights, often at opposition from other Christians. A detail.


Not really a relevant detail. More relevant is that Christian countries were the ones that developed them.

The other religions were far behind on this.


So it's only relevant when Christians do nice thing, but irrelevant when Christians do bad things and/or resist those nice things.


Given that it was the majority of the Christian nation that wanted women's rights, that should be in favor of Christianity if you believe in women's rights.

Notice, the backwards Muslims and some other religions still haven't stepped up like the Christians have on this issue.


>Given that it was the majority of the Christian nation that wanted women's rights, that should be in favor of Christianity if you believe in women's rights.

Women's rights emerged in nations that at that point largely governed in a secular fashion.

>Notice, the backwards Muslims and some other religions still haven't stepped up like the Christians have on this issue.

Women can vote in many Islamic countries. The entire Islamic world is not like Afghanistan or Iran.


Women had to fight for their rights. Christian countries didn't give them anything.


Sure they did.


Christian Nationalists like yourself want women barefoot and pregnant.




As for Biden's staunch support of child genital mutilation....

>President Biden on Thursday railed against who he called "hysterical" and "prejudiced" lawmakers enacting laws across the country banning gender transition surgeries for children.


I am still waiting for an example of actual documented instances where MINORs went in for sexual reassignment procedures please. I would also like to see the specific bills, the content of them that Biden is reacting to and not the Fox News framing of his objections.


Is your Google broken?

All of these things are readily available.


So you can't provide an example then.

You make the claim, you back it up. I am not bound to follow your claims down rabbit holes.


No, I provided a concrete example that backed up my claim and had links.

You chose to ignore it.


No, you provided a Fox News framing of what Joe Biden said and a policy position from OASH.

I am still waiting for an example of actual documented instances where MINORs went in for sexual reassignment procedures please. I would also like to see the specific bills, the content of them that Biden is reacting to and not the Fox News framing of his objections.


If it's not happening on minors, why would Biden object to laws preventing being done on minors?

The Biden Bots haven't thought this one through. Then again, if they were capable of independent thinking, they wouldn't support the most objectively terrible President since at least The Reconstruction.


>If it's not happening on minors, why would Biden object to laws preventing being done on minors?

That was the Fox News framing of what he said. He never specifically referred to sexual reassignment operations on minors.

And I will ask AGAIN: I am still waiting for an example of actual documented instances where MINORS went in for sexual reassignment procedures please. I would also like to see the specific bills, the content of them that Biden is reacting to and not the Fox News framing of his objections.


I had to look up Kent Hovind

Hovind established Creation Science Evangelism (CSE) in 1989... He frequently spoke on Young Earth creationism (YEC) in schools, churches, debates, and on radio and television broadcasts. His son Eric Hovind took over operation of CSE after Hovind began serving a ten-year prison sentence in January 2007 for federal convictions for failing to pay taxes, obstructing federal agents, and structuring cash transactions. In September 2021, Hovind was convicted of domestic violence against his estranged wife.


Agreed. Indeed, the correlation is obvious.


Except the USA, which is more religious than most of Europe has higher single parent households than much of Europe. Contrast with, in this picture: Germany, Japan, Norway, Finland.

And it's not 50%.


Might want to look at who the single households are. It's the nonChristians primarily.

Christians are far more likely to be married.

Also, all 4 of the countries you named have collapsing population rates. Not good examples.


"Almost a quarter of U.S. children under the age of 18 live with one parent and no other adults (23%), more than three times the share of children around the world who do so (7%). The study, which analyzed how people’s living arrangements differ by religion, also found that U.S. children from Christian and religiously unaffiliated families are about equally likely to live in this type of arrangement."

>Also, all 4 of the countries you named have collapsing population rates. Not good examples.

You've still not commented on why Poland and Greece, two of the most religious countries in Europe seem to have the worst birth rates.


Great quote from a study 5 years ago, lol. There was a big event since then that changed everything.

Why are Poland and Greece collapsing? Because the Christianity is collapsing in both. You destroy the culture and that destroys a society.

Regular polling by state research agency CBOS shows that the proportion of Poles who declare themselves to be religious believers fell from 94% in 1992 to 87% in 2021. Over the same period, those regularly practising their religion dropped from 70% to 43%.


>Great quote from a study 5 years ago, lol. There was a big event since then that changed everything.

So where's your more modern data?

>Why are Poland and Greece collapsing? Because the Christianity is collapsing in both. You destroy the culture and that destroys a society.

They are both much more religious than secularist western european countries, yet the birth rates are worse than most of them. Why are they so much more impacted?

Greece is 81% Orthodox.


I linked it earlier in the thread.

81% might be Christian in Greece, but only the young can really reproduce effectively and they are abandoning the faith and causing the society to fall apart.


>I linked it earlier in the thread.

A google search which referred to many studies, most of which put the number at closer to 30%?

>81% might be Christian in Greece, but only the young can really reproduce effectively and they are abandoning the faith and causing the society to fall apart.

But there are statistically less younger christians in Finland and UK than Greece but better birth rates.


Even if we wrongly under-count it as "only" 33% despite if being much higher, that's still a number that would have been unbelievable as recently as 20 years ago.

Finland is seeing a rise in Christianity among it's youth, which is the only demographic that truly matters when studying reproduction.

"In eight years, the church attendance of men aged 15 to 29 more than doubled."

"Belief in God was professed by 19 percent of men aged 15-19 in 2011, while in 2019, the figure had risen to 43 percent.

According to Salomäki, this significant change is very exceptional if compared with other countries. Nowhere else in the continent has similar religiosity among young men been observed, which is greater than that among women and has increased compared to older age groups. "


I can only find evangelical sites, the one you linked reporting this about Finns (and apparently only young male Finns). And it doesn't explain the differences in UK, Belgium etc as contrasted with Greece and Poland.

I'd like to see the source data.


Also, fertility rates are dropping essentially everywhere - it's just some countries had lower rates than others to start off with.


You mean the U.S., not the West.

Happy countries have democratic socialist economies like Finland and Norway.

The real reason there are unwed mothers and high divorce rates has nothing to do with Christianity.

Women are more independent, therefore they don't have to put up with men's cheating or physical abuse nor settle for a loser to marry. This is what a female pal told me after dumping her abusive husband.

No accident that Russia has the second highest unwed mothers rate because Russian men have an extremely high rate of alcoholism. American men have alcoholism, drug addiction, mental health issues, low pay jobs or jobless, etc.

China has a very high marriage rate, happier than Americans, lower suicide rate, lower substance abuse, etc.. Maybe more people need to become Buddhist or atheist in the U.S..


Who chose the abusive husband? Women like "bad boys" and make the mistake of marrying them and having children with them.


You're admitting that there are few marriagable men and many married men are losers who need to be divorced which create the single parent households.

Finally we agree!


Well there's the patented, Keelai twisting of words. You said "few" not me and these single family households would be a lot less prevalent if a lot of loser women didn't let loser men impregnate them.


This the same guy (heretic) who in an earlier post says trad wives are the best wives.


Yeah, the Dark Ages, when everyone was Christian, was so great!


And then Christianity brought us out of the Dark Ages


I would argue that Christianity has been in decline since The Prophet Mohammed... AD 600?

The very latest such decline can be dated gotta be The Enlightenment, 1700 +/-?

Not a recent trend at all.


Christianity is responsible for The Enlightenment.


How so?
The Enlightenment was the antithesis of Christianity. It was the "age of reason", not the "age of belief and dogma". It was about rationalism and empiricism, not belief in the supernatural.


Well for one thing, everyone was a Christian during the Enlightenment. (or at the very least, a deist)

Also, Christianity invented Universities in the Middle Ages.

For another, the Christian concept of ethics was essential to The Enlightenment. The values of charity and compassion in particular influenced Enlightenment thinkers who advocated for human rights, abolition of slavery, and democratic governance.


The world's first university, The University of Al Qarawiynn, was founded in 895 CE by a woman named Fatima al-Fihri.

Not true democracy since it excluded everyone who wasn't a white male.

Charity and compassion came from Judaism.


I never heard of Fatima al-Fihri, but I don't doubt it because while Europe was sitting on its butt waiting for Jesus to return and listening to priests in churches saying a bunch of stuff in Latin that no one understood, the Muslims (boys) were learning to READ Arabic so they could READ the Quran, and combing through ancient libraries to rediscover the knowledge Europeans had forgotten...

The Academy was founded by Plato in the 4th century – exactly in 387 BC in Athens. Aristotle studied there for twenty years (367–347 BC) before founding his own school, the Lyceum.


The date of the mosque "university" is also disputed by historians. Specifically, they claim it was built 200 years later and some people are only claiming it's 200 years older as that suspiciously would make it older than Christian universities like Oxford.

There's also no empirical evidence that Fatima was even involved in founding the mosque as that didn't appear to be the legend until centuries later and appears to be used as a political tool more so than having in historicity.


Both UNESCO World Heritage Site and Guinness Book of World Records has recognized it:

The oldest existing, and continually operating educational institution in the world is the University of Karueein, founded in 859 AD in Fez, Morocco.

"UNESCO ranks the University of Al Quaraouiyine (Qarawiyyin, Karaouine) of Fez in Morocco, which was founded in 859 CE, as the oldest in the world on the grounds that it continues to operate until the present day. Yet, also in North Africa in what used to be known as Numidia, there are to be found the ruins of an even older university."

"World’s oldest university, library, meets 21st century with massive restoration"

You're wrong about the first university being in Europe started by Christians. Christians like to ban books and arrests librarians - just like the Dark Ages.

"The U.S. states where school librarians face years in prison and tens of THOUSANDS in fines for providing 'harmful' books for children."


Christianity created the Dark Ages.

Islam respected science, medicine and knowledge during their Golden Age. Muslims translated ancient Greek literature (Aristotle, Socrates, etc.) into Arabic helping to preserve it for future generations. They made advances in science, math, medicine and the building of libraries while European Christians were living in the Dark Ages.

Science was set back because of the Christian church which persecuted men like Bruno and Galileo.


This is some revisionist history and some anti-Christian propaganda.

Yeah, that golden age was a joke. It's nothing compared to the advancements Christian nations made upon the world.

Likewise, it was Christian monasteries who kept the Greek literature alive, not Muslim ones.


Christians burned Greek literature.
