I live in Kansas close to Kansas City and Missouri now has fully legal weed for medical and recreational use. It kind of bothers me seeing states go this way as it's as if the Goverment wants its citizens to be as dumb and sedidated as possible. Does anyone else feel this way?
No. Missouri and most other States have legalized recreational use through ballot initiatives, so we need to respect the will of the people. With almost 70% of Americans in favor of legalization, its about time the Feds get on board and agree to regulate it like we do with the alcohol industry.
A drug that destroys brain cells shouldn't be legal. There's more than enough stupid people in the U.S..
It also makes people paranoid, therefore dangerous.
Manbabies crying for their bottle? BTW, I read women supported Prohibition because their drunken husbands would beat and abuse them.
Marijuana today is also much more potent than the 60s variety. More dead brain cells.
Tobacco should be illegal. Native-Americans never smoked it everyday all day. It was used during rare ceremonial events and only puffed a few times. Westerners completely misuse and abuse it.
Similar story with alcohol. Nothing wrong with a small glass of wine with a meal. But, drinking a large bottle or two everyday is abuse.
Nothing positive about recreational marijuana, tobacco or hard drugs. It's better to be clearheaded to fight for a better society and life rather than escape into a foggy haze.
You don't do anything active for fun? Any amusement park rides? Biking? Boating? Playing sports with friends? Going to zoos, circuses, shows, concerts, beach/pool?
Now, I know the reason you escape into drugs. It sounds like you never wrote a bucket list.
What, like risk breaking a leg water skiing and be out of work for 3 months? Get real. I will admit that I have addiction issues with tobacco and alcohol, but weed is harmless and you are 100% wrong. Also smoking takes up no time as opposed to a whole weekend spent on a skiing trip.
"I have addiction issues with tobacco and alcohol, but weed..."
Now I understand where your username originates. MC posters need to do an online forum intervention for you.
Heh. I appreciate your concern. But really I'm fine. I agree with you 90% of the time, but really you got to ease up on this stance. Diabetes is the bigger enemy here. Plus I'm sure no one would miss me here.
I'm talking about the idiots in my area. Many people are complaining now because the smell and smoke is everywhere.
The dummy politicians were hoping for tax revenue, but many are still buying it illegally. All they did was create multiple problems with legalization.
Well I'm sorry that is an issue for you. People should be more considerate of others. I smoke it at home or in my car. I would not think to be so open with it.
They smoke it in a way to emit much more secondhand smoke to look cool since it's become a status symbol. Blunt instead of cigarette? The only place to really smoke is on the street. Most people don't have the option of smoking it at home or in a car in my area.
I normally like Keelai but he/she/they are being a stick in the mud about this whole weed thing. Like he/she/they walk through a cloud/mist of weed on the daily.
"Like he/she/they walk through a cloud/mist of weed on the daily."
Easily several times daily. The wind blows it. Idiots walking pass are smoking it. Teens are either smoking it or reek of it. It went from rare to everywhere.
My coworkers repeatedly complain about neighbors smoking it or smelling it on buses and trains. I've seen news commentators complain about smelling it during live broadcasts. And teachers have seen a huge upswing in kids showing up to class high. Those are the same smelly brats I pass on my way to work since their school is close.
Tourists were complaining too so they cracked down on it in some touristy areas.
I know there are people complaining about the smell entering their apartments from neighbors smoking it. And people reek of it in stores, trains and buses.
At some point, there's going to be a major backlash from residents.
Weed smokers are extremely smelly so you don't need to be anywhere near them. Weed smoke travels easily from 60+ feet away with the wind. And if you pass someone on the street or store. Sidewalks are only so wide.
I'm against all marijuana and I'm disappointed that people now consider it harmless. I was even starting to consider it harmless until Michael Savage did a podcast on the dangers of marijuana. I did some more research and found it to be troubling. Many of these mass shooters have been regular weed users and there are many studies linking marijuana use to violence, psychosis and bipolar disorder. Most drugs will cause a user to pass out or overdose after excessive use but weed does not usually have the same impact.
Spreading the word for what? Nothing will change the fact that most Americans want cannabis to be legal and as you can see most states have legal marijuana in some form or another. You may want to get outraged over something else like the 150,000 Americans who die from alcohol abuse and the 450,000 Americans who die from tobacco use yearly.
No but decriminalizing drugs and being soft on crime caused it. I was always for dropping the status quo drug policy but after seeing what happens I'm reconsidering my stance on the position. A lot of times people can get clean in prison and if nothing else the time they are spending there prevents them from getting someone else hooked. We both know they aren't just dropping the weed enforcement and still cracking down on the hard drugs. They are letting everything slide. It's unsustainable and way too many are dying from it.
Free needles prevented HIV from spreading. Middle-aged married men frequent hookers using heroin. Imagine those scummy husbands bringing diseases home to their wives.
As the bodies pile up, people will start to realize that legalization is a serious problem. Weed wrecks lives, families and communities. More voices will cry out for change and some people will only figure it out AFTER their lives have been destroyed. Listen to the families in the articles below. Also, keep in mind that George Soros is backing marijuana legalization and that means it's BAD for the USA.
Nodoby has ever died from a THC overdose. Marijuana use does cause problems for some people but most users don't have any problems. If marijuana use is causing you problems then stop using it. It's not physically addictive. Why don't you show the same outrage over the 150,000 Americans who die from alcohol abuse and the 450,000 Americans who die from tobacco use yearly than you do for marijuana use?
Outdated Dogma. You handed over our last source of Free Enterprise to the government and they made it deadly because of course they did.
People barely even smoke weed now, they Vape and Dab which will kill you far faster than tobacco ever will and eat gummy bears that will put a 300 pound man on his knees begging for Jesus let alone what it will do to kids finding their parents Gummy Stash thinking its harmless candy.
I did note in my initial post that marijuana/thc was different from other drugs that caused an excessive user to pass out or overdose. If somebody spends the whole day drinking alcohol, they could die of alcohol poisoning and they WILL have a horrible hangover. A person could spend the day smoking marijuana without any immediate consequences.
I'm mainly concerned about the links between marijuana usage and violence/mental issues. The link below shows that a lot of the mass shooters were heavy marijuana users and other people were impacted by their terrorist attacks on innocent people. Marijuana is also addictive for many people.
The CDC numbers you posted in your links are ESTIMATES so I don't find them to be convincing. I don't consider tobacco to be a threat to public safety as long as public smoking is forbidden. Tobacco certainly impacts one's long-term health but I'm not aware of any mental impairment. While alcohol is legal, excessive alcohol use is considered a threat to public safety so there are enough laws to dissuade the average person from abusing alcohol in public. Alcohol occurs naturally in everyday foods and home-made hooch can be easily made in a few days. The government unsuccessfully tried to ban alcohol so it's not worth pursuing a ban.
It think it's a sad commentary on where society is going, because there was a reason weed has been illegal for decades: outside of medical use, it has harmful effects on the body. We were told for years it was a "gateway drug," a drug that people would experiment with, and eventually want to try other, more lethal drugs later on.
The problem is, newer generations of people who were ignorant of the info about the dangers of MJ bought into the narrative that it's "harmless" and can be used for "medical reasons." It should be noted that medicinal use of MJ is usually only done as a last resort, and it helps with pain during a separate medical treatment, such as chemotherapy. Usually patients are encouraged to try other, less risky pain medications first before attempting to try medical MJ.
One thing the news fails to mention is that DUI's and crime involving pot went up a bunch after it was made legal in Colorado. It's now included in substances that can mess with your ability to drive. They also fail to mention the dangers of long-term MJ use.
What made me angry was that the greedy assholes running California decided (for the 100th time) to toy with people's lives by making weed legal, simply because they thought they could get a profit off of it by taxing it. What ended up happening was, regular users discovered the legal dispensaries charged more than their original dealers, and they ended up going back to their dealers, and the govt. hardly got anything.
Not being experienced with MJ myself, for years I kept wondering why we had so many skunks in our area. It didn't occur to me until someone finally explained it, that I wasn't smelling skunk scent or stinky wild onions; it was someone smoking pot. God that stuff reeks!
No. But it does bother me when people smoke it in public and think nothing of the people around them who may not want to inhale that (or any other) smoke.