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This is the result of single parenting and females who try and raise boys

Teenage boys beat up 9 year old girl...nice. I always notice something very similar to all the other violent videos that have been recently surfacing. Hmm...I wonder what that is? Animals!




You would defend that behavior. Something is seriously wrong with you. You're creepy AF!


How awful! Those animals should be taken out and...


It's getting worse each day. The disgusting and horrifying violence goes up a level with every new video.


Time to get out the taser.


At least some OC spray. Never leave home without it.


So now your piling on single mothers and blaming them for all juvenile violence? God man, is there no end to your insensitivity and relentless negativity?

Those single mothers didn’t all get pregnant on their own. You could just as easily ask where are their fathers and why are some women forced to raise children by themselves rather than make a misogynistic insinuation that totally disrespects the many, many brilliant, dedicated and loving single mothers, who may or may not have chosen to raise a child on their own.


Pregnancy is a choice. Don't want kids? Keep your pants on.

Wahhhhh, muh soggy knees!






Women need to be smarter and pick better men to have offspring with or stop using pregnancy to get a government check. Also if women didn't treat their men like shit or like a paycheck these days more men would be inclined to stick around. Most women in the modern world forgot how to treat a man... forget their way around a kitchen... and forgot how to support their man through thick and thin.

The alphabet people are a big part of why family values in America are broken. I'm sure everything can be traced back to when society started accepting odd and queer behavior as normal.


God you’re boring.

This whole women hating, gay hating bullshit from you is so repetitive and lame.

Lighten up and stop being such a parody you nasty old cunt.


Nice language, how very ladylike of you. Truth hurts and facts don't have feelings.


Exactly truth hurts and the language to describe you fits.

I don’t really believe there is a movement against straight white males, but if there is it’s because of dinosaurs like you who will go to their grave screaming against any type of society where people are treated well regardless of their race, gender or sexuality.

That’s what really scares you now, isn’t it? That people like YOU are now the minority. Well put on your big boy pants and suck it up sunshine, because no amount of whiny divisive posts on a movie forum is going to stop the world changing.


I don’t really believe there is a movement against straight white males

A typical characteristic of the lunatic leftist. Always in denial even when evidence is right in front of their faces. Always backpedaling and making excuses for atrocities committed against children. Makeup all the bullshit you have to in your head about me because at least I sleep sound at night.


i would hate to go to school with these retard!! they belong in young offender institution with fellow violent retard.


Crime and incarceration with fatherless children is a feature, not a bug.


No fights in your school?


keelai can you please check on your sock account WhoToTrust? i have no heard from them in a while and im getting worried hahahaha.



keelai the hutt thinks 2 boys pummeling defenseles girl is 'fight' she is just racist retard she'd be whining if it was two honkeys beating up diversity.


No fights in your school?

Sure of course! But they were usually 1 on 1 or boy vs boy at least. Unless you go to an all girls school a female should not be getting jumped from behind by a way older student.



What's the result of white boys shooting up schools and mass-killing innocent people for no reason? Single parenting and females who try and raise boys?

But that's neither here nor there. You're a disinfo troll, most likely not from the United States. Part of disinfo trolling is what's known as cherry picking. The United States has a huge issue with violence, because for the past 50 years, Hollywood has been pushing out violent media that glorifies violence, and has made heroes out of evil people. For instance, we now have entire generations of kids who grew up playing games like Fortnite and GTA Online, and think that Jonathan Wick is a cool guy who had the right to kill hundreds of people over a puppy dog.

Social media is also playing a large part in this also. Kids used to be out playing tag, building model airplanes, learning how to play instruments, etc. Now they're consuming nihilistic entertainment 24/7.

That's all there is to it, and spending so much of your time disinfo trolling is pathetic. You must be a really miserable human with nothing to offering anyone to dedicate your life to this.


Excellent post.


your talking to keelai.


Stupid coming from you as always. Are you really blaming video games and the internet for the way children are acting out these days? It has nothing to do with parenting and teaching your kids right from wrong? Should teaching your kids to be honest and patient be left in the hands of Hollyweird? You couldn't be more wrong about children not wanting to be adventurous, having a thirst for knowledge, or learning to play an instrument. Children with good parents are doing exactly those things.

Karolina Protsenko child prodigy violinist with 7 million subs on Youtube.

People like you should not be allowed to have children. It's been proven from many of your posts that a child would not be safe under your supervision.


I won't engage with you further, because part of disinfo is what's known as "Argument Trolling." You're going to insult me, bait me into a response, so you can drop several more disinfo talking points. This is how this entire thing works. No matter what I or anyone else says or do, it's just another opportunity to drop talking points.

Also, I know you're not an American, and part of Big Tech's disinfo strategy of sowing dissension is to "open the field" of any discussion in any country to non-natives.


I wasn't engaging with you in the first place. I replied to ThetaSigma noob. I'll take you more seriously when your post count hits one hundred.


hi keelai. how many sock account is this now?


LOL 13 post
