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41-Year-Old Man Deliberately Runs Down and Murders 18-Year-Old Teen Because He Didn't Like His Political Opinions

Why is always the leftards that run down people in vehicles? This dipshit killed an 18 year old in cold blood.


An 18 y/o conservative is murdered by 41 year old leftist & the media is totally silent. No connection to Joe Biden and his insane speech of just 2 weeks ago… it’s as though it never happened & doesn’t matter. Of course Trump would not get that benefit b/c our media is broken!


They yell "derrr charlotesville derr" like that somehow excuses these other murders that media and politicians are inciting almost daily. Sick fucks.


I agree, using Charlottesville (which Trump denounced BTW) as an excuse to kill Trump supporters is beyond disgusting.


It took him a while . At first he dubbed them "some great people"
Then one of the more savvy of his advisors must have said :

"These are actual flag waving Nazis commiting acts of racist violence - you'll have to say something even if they dont like it , and you lose a lot of of your far right votes"


The amount of time it took him is irrelevant, he denounced white supremacy.

As of now no one in the DemoKKKrat cult has denounced Black Lives Matter as President Trump denounced white supremacy.


Black lives do matter,
Everyone in the "DemoKKKrat cult" denounces rioting .


No one ever said they didn’t and actually the DemoKKKrat cult encouraged the rioting and directly told Black Lives Matter to kill cops and victimize innocent people. Hell they even defunded the police which lead to more innocent people dying

Diaper Joe should condemn BLM just like President Trump condemned white supremacy


And boy did they kill some cops!

And some retired cops.

Some white people.

Some black people...


Those people are crazy, I get it, we have crazy people in this country who do evil things(much like white supremacists). But what’s really disturbing is the entire DemoKKKrat base was supporting them so they could feel good about themselves and prove to whoever that they weren’t racist, and the entire DemoKKKrat establishment was actively encouraging them to continue to burn down cities and kill people.

People died so the left could virtue signal.


They dressed up in African clothing and BOWED. That's like beyond the pale of virtual signals...they may have well just started sucking on some BBC.

And chatterer is Democrats denounced 2020 riots.


Not only did they not denounce they actively encouraged it. The entire left wing has blood on their hands. Anyone who ever gave money or supported Black Lives Matter has blood on their hands.


The left supports murder, so........


how so?


They love killing babies.


oh that ,

I guess its preferable to this:


It’s not for you to determine that someone’s life just isn’t worth living.


its not a someone , its a clump of cells (imo)
lets agree to differ as there is no end to that discussion


at what point does that clump of cells become a human being?


well thats the big question isnt it .

all cultures that are happy to have abortions dont have them at 9 months , so everyone agrees its sometime before that .

the "pro choicers" just disagree that it is "As soon as pregnancy detected"


that is a good question, why is the government able to dictate when abortion is legal? just because the government says its legal up to a certain point doesn't mean its right. what if the government said it was legal to abort a baby 6 months after birth? would people still agree with that?

at what point does the unborn child have rights?

too many questions, apologies...


The pro choicers don’t just disagree they have not only vandalized pregnancy centers they have also tried to murder the Supreme Court. They are radical terrorists


In that case you’re just a clump of cells as well so I should be able to abort you


What you won't see are liberals contributing to a go fund me for the murderer, which is what conservatives do all the time


Yup , conservatives defend their extremists to the hilt , its weird

whereas all demokkkrats will happily condemn this guy


Like how Republikkkans defend terrorists and pedophiles?


I think you’re confused with Diaper Joe and the DemoKKKrats.


You mean like Kyle Milkboy Rittenhouse who murdered 3 heroes because he didn't like their opinions?


Kyle Rittenhouse used his right to self defense to defend himself against 3 violent insurrectionists who were trying to take over the government and kill him. What was he supposed to do? Just sit there and lie still so BLM could kill him? Make no mistake those people deserved to die and Kyle deserves a metal for shooting them.

Diaper Joe should also be impeached and jailed for slandering him by calling him a “white supremacist” and he should be forced to give Kyle every dime and every asset he owns.


Pedos are your heros?


Quick reminder that radicalized Democrats are murdering conservatives over political discussions and getting away with it.


Quick reminder of escalating leftard violence, and how it's supported by MSM, DNC, and the lunatics that support this clown show.


Innocent victims must be remembered!
