MovieChat Forums > Politics > How can someone be a communist intellect...

How can someone be a communist intellectual when there is nothing intellectual about communism?

Talk about an oxymoron.


its the same thing as saying a good democrat.


Disagree. A democrat at the bottom of the ocean is a good democrat.


Did jowilli2 give you that one?


The first thing Russia did was to kill the intellectuals.


Beat me to it. Same thing happened in Cuba too.


Not true.


And Cambodia.


And the U.S., apparently.


American democracy is in debt to communist China.

Communist learned a long time ago that you could not trust the general dumb public with such important decisions like voting.

A majority of the people are dumb, they will not vote for the best and the brightest they vote for you tube stars like aoc.


Let's assume that is true.
But, first, China is not really communist.
Economically China is capitalist, in a different, maybe more intense way than we are,
but they also have government support of their corporations, and people, so they are
socialist too. But then in terms of laws and governing they are relatively authoritarian.

So, what Americans do is end up name-calling or quibbling about terms to make sure
no actual information is exchanged and no one really learns anything that will gain them
political or economic power - that is a public no-no in America. Also in China. Both
countries' governments want the people out of politics, especially long-term policies.
China and America both tell their people in no uncertain terms that if they are not rich
and powerful they are pretty much nothing slaves in the country.

The biggest difference is that China is actually using their authoritarian powers to raise
the lives of their people while the United States uses its control systems to stomp down
on people, to deliberately lie to them, but not for any common good. Mostly the US
is down with anything that extracts wealth, profit, labor, and removes economic liability for rich and powerful American citizens who think they are the new aristocracy.

Now, Americans are not dumb, Americans are deliberately dumbed down because they hear too much dumb stuff like your comment. We are self-stupefying, repeating any dumbass stuff we hear around us if we hear it enough times and in enough different settings and from enough different people. This technique, that you are slaved to, began from psychological experimentations from almost 100 years ago. You are contributing to the stomping down of Americans when you, for example, insult AOC. When you attack her you are attacking her in defense of super rich people and corporations who want to continue to fuck Americans over and zero out any responsibility they have for the massive historical damage they have done to different classes of Americans, and the environment of the whole world, and of course things like genocide in Vietnam and other imperialist exploits.

Your side are the dumbed down ones, and you think that just because there are a lot of you babbling bullshitter liars that it makes you right, but not in any way that makes you a supporter or defender of democracy, as witness your support of Trump and Jan 6th.


Well stated!!


What credentials does someone like ilhan omar and aoc have running a government?

If a Kardashian or another celebrity they would be a shoe in


> What credentials does someone like ilhan omar and aoc have running a government?

For one thing, unlike most politicians, and all Republicans, they know how to represent their constituents. That is step one. Another thing, if you go on YouTube and look at AOC's videos she has a lot of just basic informative videos for people, and she takes the time to explain issues to citizens. That's important to me, but I realize it is a deadly political sin to Republicans. Especially cynical and stupid ones who lash out at anything that might help this country improve - because all they are here for and all they are doing is to prevent the American people from stopping the hemorrhage of their money and power upward towards oligarchs who already have too much of both.


So she has zero experience in government. Has a low IQ and a poor education.

Democrats held auditions to find someone with the right look because many low IQ people who need basic information translated to them by someone like aoc only vote on the optics. A brown female.

Put the best and brightest in, people who studied these subjects for years.

Which brings us to affirmative action,which is a rule that states you have to pass on the brightest and best in order to offer diversity.

One police chief got a better test score, has more experience and just an all around natural when it comes to policing.

He is told sorry he didn't make it , we choose that other person who is way less qualified, and barely passed school. Your white, she is a black female.

That kind of mentality is a sure failure


She's been in congress for a while.
In no way could that be cast as having zero experience.
The zero experience here is you with the truth.
Don't pretend you don't know both sides use the same practices
to appeal to their constituents.
It would be how the system works if a brown constituency as you
racistly describe it turned out to vote for a brown candidate. Do
try to express what exactly is wrong with that.
Most of the candidates in our country are white, and there are a
lot people who think racially, like you, who vote for them because
they are white.
The criteria for the best and the brightest is not for you to decide or
make a racist case over.
You defend Trump, so go back and look at all the times Trump had no
idea of basic facts of government or foreign policy, nor the inclination
to learn them, and only listened to people who told him how to break
the system.
That is also not what affirmative action is. You are not nice, smart or
employable at a high level, so you whip up a whiny narrative about how
you and other whites are getting discriminated against and try to repeat
it over and over in order to create a database of like-minded racists in
order to organize them, like Trump's insurrectionists.
It's a lot more logical as a member of a minority to vote for people in
that group that it is to be a member of a astroturf brainwashed social
media group that is being used as useful idiots of the Right-wing oligarch
You all saturate all social media with this garbage - and it is different from
participating in social media and building community, and it should be a crime.


Just one other point too ...
A lot of companies will have managers that tell their employees that they have to promote a minority, or some other similar story, simply in order to sow discontent and discord in their workers so they do not get together and organize a union to make their lives better. That is another purpose of the constant race baiting and provocative BS you people drop here.


Did she have any govenment experience before Congress?

She got experience after she got the job?, no duh...


s'up to her constituents to decide. Not you.


She is a low IQ, poor grades, zero experience in government.

Wonder what the outcome will be


It is not seemly for a person of lower IQ to make disparaging remarks about someone with a higher IQ. She is a successful politician, you are an unsuccessful troll? Now let's see, who should we take seriously?

I often wonder about people like you who are like black hole of verbal stink and have to parade it around like Pepe LePew.


What were her prior jobs?

Bartender...?? Ha ha ha ha

The white elite Democrats held auditions to find someone with a certain look to dupe people who only vote on optics like gender and color of skin.

Like I said IQ, experience and grades dont matter.. its just sad


For every negative, I can't think of why you're pimping yourself to disparage her, and missing that a rise from bartender to Congress is the exact point that this shows astounding and extraordinary effort, interest, dedication - which you are stupid to miss, and dishonest to shop around insults on social media.

Like you said? Whatever you said is most like a waste of time.


"Pulling oneself up by one's bootstraps" and advancing one's self is well and good and "The American Way" unless: one is a democrat and one is an intelligent attractive female. That is a combination that seems to intimidate and trigger insecure republican males.


You think AOC is both intelligent and attractive? That explains a lot.

You're confused, we don't actually give a shit about identity politics. I only care that she's an idiot, she's a socialist and she's in Congress.


Well let's see, we had four years of
1) an idiot
2) who suffers from progressive Alzheimer's
3) and he was POTUS!



"You think AOC is both intelligent and attractive? That explains a lot. "

Compared to Marjorie Perjury Greene or Lauren Boebert?
She is not only attractive, she is down right gorgeous, and not only intelligent, she is a genius!


Wrong, she is there for optics, her iq didn't magically increase.

She has no idea what she is doing


So you keep claiming with no proof.


Very low IQ. In fact, on the intelligence scale, I'd rate her a moron.


She can have a low IQ,.but she just has no idea what she is doing.

And someone like that making decisions that affects the country is scary.


LOL! You had four years of Dementia Donnie drawing on NWS maps with a sharpie and shit like that. . . .


And the results were a controlled border.

Zero Islamic terror attacks under his watch.

Low gas prices, good economy.

See the problem with you is your priorities are off.

When people in other countries vote for a president it's the candidate who will provide clean water, safety from enemies, a good economy.

You bleeding heart liberals vote on feelings.


Dementia Donnie spent four years fucking things up for the next POTUS to fix.
President Biden will fix it, but it cannot be done overnight.


High inflation

High crime

Open borders

War in Ukraine

Tensions with china over Taiwan.

Got 13 Americans killed in Afghanistan and then drones an innocent family in retaliation.

Its bad


Just call him a boomer....he'll chimp out, and spend the next 4 hours replying to it.


"Almost every gun in existence is semi-automatic lmao." Lil’ Bitchsurn 8-1-2022



Very scary!


LOL! And yet she is light years more intelligent than you are! (That isn't necessarily saying a lot, though.)


That's because on an intelligence scale, you are desperate for the company.


Lil' Craigy is so "intelligent" that he does not know that "moron" has not been used as a clinical term to classify intelligence quotient for longer than he's been alive.


I know you really need to believe that. You have my sympathy.


When was the last time you were in china?


Liberals are really dumb. Like really, seriously dumb.


Oh, wow, that really hurts. Especially from an unbiased person.



I hear you. That stings coming from Lil' Craigy who, along with Lil' bitchsurn, stand by the statement: “Almost every gun in existence is semi-automatic lmao." Lil’ Bitchsurn 8-1-2022



What a comeplete jackass of a comment and jackass of a commenter. Seriously, you'd have to work hard to be any stupider. Forget the oxy- you're just the moron.






Lol socks 🤦🏿‍♂️


Such a pleasant un-person.


Socks in love 😍



Or killed off.


I am sure you have something in my imagination that you think will work that you call Marxism/Communism for your own reasons, but unless you can be more descriptive and actually use facts to convince people of your definitions and logic it like someone in the town square yelling I know everything, I'm a genius.

Since there is no current state government in the world that is showing it has the way forward for humanity, you have nothing to point to but your own unsupported theory and claims.



I'm a big fan of Marx, and Das Capital. He was the most brilliant economist that ever lived, so far.

The problem with Marx is that everyone has something to say about it, and they can all get away with it because very few can read it, and even less have the time to bother with it, and even fewer have the context, or motivation to understand it.

Fighting against the realities of Marx has left the US in the position of being blind to the realities of economics, meaning that we grab onto the military solution to everything, and it has killed our society even as it has given us 400 billionaire oligarchs that all seem to want to drag America back the days of slavery in order to save it economically from the mistake they made - like always.


Because they are ignorant and think it means they will get free stuff without working lol.


Like the 5 richest men in America who are the ones who make the most without working.

It sounds like you only respect people who work hard to set the system up to favor them. I call that corruption, not work, but I do suppose they have to work at it.


Like Steve Jobs who ripped off other people's work and then used chinese slaves to get rich off of them?


Jobs and Wozniak invented the Apple microcomputer. So, no, I am not talking about the later Steve Jobs. Your point always just seems to be to get as mad and negative as possible with no real focus or point to your anger.


is whoever your are talking about that different from Jobs though?


Where are you coming from again?


I was wondering who your "5 richest men in America who are the ones who make the most without working."
are , and are they much different to bezos, gates , musk

I guess they could be , i'd imagine Musk does about 5 times as much work in week than someone like Trump does


Wozniak invented the Apple 1 by himself. He and Jobs sold it together.

Also lol I'm never mad about anything, especially facts 👍.


Jobs stole plenty of ideas from Xerox which made Apple very userfriendly. Shy Wozniak was the computer guy and Jobs the promoter.

"Steve Jobs designed the new Apple Lisa in early 1980's based on the technology he saw at Xerox."


You just need common sense. Common sense communists.


Lmao, no such thing.


Minds far far greater than yours have been under Communism

Vasily Tatishchev (1686–1750)
Gregory Skovoroda (1722–1794)
Mikhail Shcherbatov (1733–1790)
Andrey Bolotov (1738–1833)
Alexander Radishchev (1749–1802)


That's a shame. Imagine what those men could have accomplished had they not lived in a communist hellscape!
