How can someone be a communist intellectual when there is nothing intellectual about communism?
Talk about an oxymoron.
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Cognitive dissonance?
Some people, particularly those with highly intellectual, complicated minds, tend to compartmentalize things. It's entirely possible to be an intelligent person, and still adhere to ideologies that others wouldn't agree with, or it could appear paradoxical to some.
Most of the time, we in the West outside of China and Russia, have the ability to see communism and socialism for the flawed, failed systems they are. But what if you were raised inside that system and never had a chance to experience anything else? Or worse, you were manipulated through propaganda outside that system?
It's also possible for people to be really smart about one subject, and a total idiot about everything else. I've heard of geniuses doing stupid stuff all the time, despite their brilliance about some subject most people don't excel in.