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Why do Republicans oppose environmental laws? ?

Do they hate the planet or something?

I don't see tacking climate change as a partisan objective in other countries.


Tackling climate change implies government intervention on a large scale to address it effectively and thus means more government regulations on big business. And that's what the Republicans are opposed to. Yet I'm sure they're fine with the SCOTUS dictating whether Americans could engage in anal sex or not.


Or fighting 'Big Tech'


Because it’s obvious that the DemoKKKrats who are pushing them don’t actually care about the environment, they are just using the environment as an excuse to enact their far left radical agenda.


Pretty much this. All the leftard debate tactics are the same.

"It's Unfair"

"Why do you hate _____?"

"Your source is biased!"

"You are a bad person, therefore your facts are invalid!"

So tiring, so so tiring...


Not to mention, “January 6th, wah, wah wah, Democracy, wah!!!!”


They probably cared somewhat about it in the past, considering that Climate Change exists.... but there's no way they are focused on it today. Like you said, it's a good excuse to push their values to the point. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them don't even believe that Climate Change is a serious problem and are trying to fool the people into pushing them into power.


If they did believe climate change was serious then they wouldn’t all have carbon footprints that far exceed the national average nor would they have private jets.


Good point. If they use private jets ALL the time, as opposed to a few times, then it shows they are hypocrites trying to deceive the public.


That's all it is. It's a wedge issue and they use it to its fullest extent. They don't actually give a shit about the environment. They just like the money that comes from regulation.


They also don't give a shit about minorities, LGBQRSTUV, poverty, etc., etc., etc. They are all tools to be exploited.


Exactly! They pander to whoever will vote for them.


I don't have a problem with electric or hybrid cars but the technology is still too expensive for a lot of people and you can't go to war on the fossil fuel industry the way dementia Joe has done when you are hurting the middle class and the poor.


Big Oil and Coal industry excuses.


Fuck off. Try talking to someone who makes minimum wage but can barely afford to put gas in their car.


if only there was a substitute to gas...


Yes, I'm sure the person struggling to buy gas is gonna run out and buy a $40,000 electric. Do they charge themselves for free?


ion sorry republican policy has allowed this. you have multiple record breaking wealthy people. you have corporations making record profits. yet we are told they cant dayworkers 3$ more an hour

stop sipping for the rich maybe and people could afford these things


We should have pulled off the bandaid long before Putin waged his war of choice. We still must do it but it's harder now. Government is usually reactive not proactive.


I'd say they are indifferent to the health of our environment.

Profits are what they dig, so whatever cuts into that, they don't like much. They aren't really interested in long term effects of trashing the planet.


About 30 plus years ago a thank tank came up with a topic that could draw money and hopefully get the entire country and parts of the world on board.

It was called global warming, this think tank wanted to scare the world that the temperature was constantly rising and it would cause disaster.

So after 25 years of posting how much the earth increased in temperature, the data was minimal. There was no proof and how can measure a average global temperature that is millions of years old with just 30 years. It was retarded.

So about 10 years ago they made the decision to drop the global warming message and changed it to climate change, the think take said now when the temperature rises or falls, when there is a natural disaster we have something to blame.

The climate change people of the u.s. believe if they spend billions on green energy it will magically transform every other country and the enitre world will be clean.

It's a scam to get people to give money and work on a task that will always be changing. Keep people busy over nothing they can control.


Let's say what you are saying it's true. What's so bad about going green? Do you love petrol gas or something? Solar/wind power is a scam unlike electric companies?


Most people don't understand the power needed to feed a country of People.


Of course a country as huge as the USA can't completely rely on green energy, but why not start little by little? It's all pro-coal excuses


Yes, but Democrats are taking a more radical approach and trying to stop all fossil fuel needs and drilling.

I heard Germany restarted a coal plant, china loves coal.
It's cheap and efficient.

Sometimes you have to get. Back to the basics


Because "little by little" isn't good enough for liberals.


maybe because there's no fucking time?!


Liberal hysterics.


Conservative apathy.


Pretty sure liberals exaggerate the importance of Climate Change. I'm not sure if it's because they are that stupid to believe it might be possible or if it's just a flat out lie to trick the people. Based on what's been said in here, it seems the latter is more likely.


Conservatives are science deniers. If the Bible said cc is real, you'd believe it


Why do you need to believe that myth? Sorry, it's just wrong. Your reading comprehension also sucks.


tell me you have no fucking clue how science works. without telling me you have no fucking clue how science works


By me there is a small, fresh water pond that people go to collect shark teeth found at the river bottom.

Why should there be shark teeth at at the bottom of a fresh water river.

Because science says hundreds of thousands of years ago that river use to be a huge salt water sea.

But over time without human interaction the land and environment changed.

The sea dried up .

Now imagine such a natural act happening today . A large sea disappearing. How much blame and money would liberal Democrats try and throw at prevention of a a natural occurence?

When continental shift happens or even the slightest change in angle from the sun major environmental changes happen..

There is something very off with this Democrat party


again, tell me you dont know what the fuck you are talking about without telling me you dont know what the fuck you are talking about

1.yes natural geological changes happen. doesnt mean therefore there are no man made ones. thats equivalent to saying we shouldn't stop arsons and man made forest fires cause "they happen naturally too"/

2."When continental shift happens or even the slightest change in angle from the sun major environmental changes happen.."

yes the very same scientists who measure this sort of thing and are the reason you know about said shift. are right about this. yet wrong and lying about man made climate change..

3. the global temps have risen 1 degree in 100 years. previous to that, it took 35000 years. from 85 000 ice to 45 000 bce.

if you cant tell the different. you are a fucking idiot

4."There is something very off with this Democrat party . nothing is "off" with the dems. this int abut the dems. its about science. its like saying you dont like that gravity will kill you If you jump off a building. and blaming dems for it. science doesnt care about your feelings.

I am sorry you so thoroughly embraced yourself here. as a completely uneducated scientifically illiterate retard


Hedging their bets so they cannot be wrong. If you disagree then "you don't care about thr environment!".


well , what bunch of deflection and excuses

"Because it’s obvious that the DemoKKKrats who are pushing them don’t actually care about the environment "
"nor would they have private jets."
"the technology is still too expensive"
"It's a scam to get people to give money and work on a task that will always be changing. "
"(wont )magically transform every other country "
"people don't understand the power needed to feed a country of People."

Some of the above are true , nobody said it wasnt a big challenge, but thats not a reson not to do it , especailly as our futures depend on it


It's only a partisan issue because liberals use it as one. Count the dozens of ways they use it to denigrate conservatives.

1) We're opposed to radical, irrational change. Change should be carefully weighed and measured. It should be based on sound science, not emotion. It should be done according to the needs and wants of all, not just the loud, irrational minority.

2) Regulation should not be so extensive that it chokes industry or forces it to move overseas. If regulation pushes production to China where there is no EPA, aren't you defeating the purpose???

3) The US is not the world's biggest polluter. In the last 30yrs, huge strides have been made in fuel efficiency and the pollution created by automobiles. The liberal approach is drastic, immediate change that has an astronomical cost. We are going to bankrupt ourselves making these changes, while our enemies who ARE the biggest polluters, do nothing. The net result simply isn't worth it.

4) The proposed solutions are irrational. Nobody seems to want to take into account the environmental impact of the production of electric vehicles and their batteries. Not to mention the financial cost. If everyone is going electric, then gas/diesel vehicles are now worthless. There are TONS of people who cannot afford a new vehicle at all, let alone a more expensive electric now that you've made their old vehicle worthless. I know people who've never been able to afford a new vehicle their entire lives. Now they're supposed to buy a $40,000 electric? Then there is the effect on the power grid. We are simply not equipped for every household to have electric vehicles. Where does that electricity come from? Mostly from fossil fuels like goal and natural gas. Aren't you also attacking those too??? I'm sorry but we can't all run off solar power and float around in bubbles like the Jetsons.

In five minutes I've poked enough holes in liberal "thinking" so as to render the argument moot.


1) conservatives talking about science, lol

2) more "fighting for the little man" conservative BS

3) Whatabouism.

4) "too much electricity needed, unlike oil which we have an abundance of"

you destroyed me with your logic.


And that's why we're getting nowhere.

You have no logic.


what did Carter do? nothing
what did Clinton do? nothing
what did Obama do? nothing
what is JoeTard doing? nothing

of course as always, its the Republicans fault.

Russia is destroying an ecosystem in Ukraine, but thats ok because we will send trillions to gird for the long war.

and lest we forget, Nancy blamed Trump for climate change in California.


To be fair... Trump really didn't do much at all, but you may have a point it's the Democrats most of the time who don't a LITTLE rather than nothing.


true, but every 4 years its the blame game. but the democrats never get blamed for anything because they control the narrative. ex: biden shuts down oil leases and gas prices go up, and year later they blame Putin. some people actually believe this because its repeated on the news every day.

Trump gets blamed for a worldwide virus but Biden doesnt get blamed for anything, even though Joe said the buck stops with him. all this politicking is just a game to them and we are the pawns.
