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Big loss for gun control and democrat tyrants

Great quote from Justice Thomas. Suck it.

"We know of no other constitutional right that an individual may exercise only after demonstrating to government officers some special need. That is not how the First Amendment works when it comes to unpopular speech or the free exercise of religion. It is not how the Sixth Amendment works when it comes to a defendant’s right to confront the witnesses against him. And it is not how the Second Amendment works when it comes to public carry for self defense".


People seem to be confused on the ruling. In no way does this ruling eliminate all requirements that states put on conceal carry permits. All it does is lower the bar. How low is it lowered, at this point we just don't know. The court will likely be hearing more cases on this in the coming years.


I don’t believe people are confused about the ruling. We will still have to pass a background check and take a written firearms training course. Some states require being taught how to use a firearm. Some states require a 3 day waiting period. Others don’t. This is a very big ruling for we gun rights advocates. New York was too restrictive. If someone passed the background check and training courses s/he will no longer have to justify why s/he wants to purchase and carry a firearm.

When I received my CCP in Florida I took the written, but didn’t have to take an actual firearm training course. I wish that proviso had been available. States need more indoor gun ranges. After 3 days I received my firearm. I moved to MS and wanted to purchase a smaller firearm. They checked my background which is national. I was able to purchase a new weapon the same day I walked inside. After that I purchased a revolver.

I moved back to Florida and decided the revolver I had purchased was too large and heavy. I walked into our local firearm store, found a handgun and traded in the revolver. The store owner inform me since I was trading in a handgun I didn’t have to wait 3 days. I wish it was more like MS. If people pass back ground checks which are in the computer they shouldn’t have to wait 3 days. This is too restrictive.
