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President Biden mixes up town names in Texas

"Thanks for the incredible $17 billion investment that Samsung announced last May, soon to the United States to have facilities like this one that manufactures the most advanced chips in the world in Tyler, Texas," said the President.

Samsung is not building in East Texas, but in Taylor located a few miles NE of Austin.

So either Biden has dementia/memory loss or he never studied Geography in the state of Texas very much.


Or his speechwriter screwed up.


Fat Donnie thinks we had airports in The Revolutionary War:

“Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory,”

So either Fat Donnie didn't learn American history at Wharton's School For Girls With Bonespurs or the Dr.s need to up the dosages of his Alzheimer's meds.


at least Obama has been to all 57 States. he is well ahead of everyone else.

‘You Go Ahead and Stack Spaghetti Sauce at a Store, You Control the Guy Who Brings Out the Carts!'

“Clap for that, you stupid bastards,” the vice-president barked, minutes into his speech to the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing stationed in Abu Dhabi.

“We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor you can not do it,” Biden went on. “Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”

“Look, Fat,”


The immortal words of Dr. Bonespurs:

"Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away." 2-10-2020

Trump: "It is going to go away. It is going away."
Q: "But, Mr. President, you said it was going to go away in April.... You said, "When it warmed up in April..." "
Trump: "I said it's going away, and it is going away."

Q: "Back in late February, you predicted that the number of cases would go down to zero. How did we get from your prediction of zero to 1 million?"
Trump: "Well, it will go down to zero, ultimately.... A lot of movement and a lot of progress has been made in a vaccine. But I think what happens is it's going to go away. This is going to go away." 4-28-2020

"I feel about vaccines like I feel about tests: this is going to go away without a vaccine," Trump said. "It's gonna go away, and we're not going to see it again, hopefully, after a period of time." 5-8-2020

"We think we're going to have a vaccine in the pretty near future. And if we do, we're going to really be a big step ahead. And if we don't, we're going to be like so many other cases, where you had a problem come in, it'll go away - at some point, it'll go away." 5-15-2020

"I always say, even without it, it goes away. But if we had the vaccine - and we will - if we had therapeutic, or cure - one thing sort of blends into the other - it will be a fantastic day." 6-16-2020

"It goes away, and it goes away quickly. The key is, we want it to go away without a lot of death, without a lot of problems." 7-23-2020

"It's going away. It'll go away. Things go away. No question in my mind that it will go away," 8-5-2020


"It's going away. It'll go away. Things go away. No question in my mind that it will go away,"

Trump was right.


Covfefe!! Remember, only YOU can prevent forest fires!! Rake them forests!! And don't forget, windmills caus cancer!! Dr. Bonespurs told you so!!


Flush them toilets 10 to 15 times! COVFEFE!


Stack the spaghetti sauce.


"speech to the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing"

Was that during the Revolutionary War?


Did Fat Donnie learn about The Revolutionary War history when he attended Wharton's School For Girls With Bone Spurs?


So he mixed up Taylor and Tyler Texas in speech and you think that is remotely newsworthy?

I live in Texas and I've never heard of either, let alone couldn't point to them on a map.


Tyler has just over 100k population and is near Dallas and Taylor is 15k near Austin. A longtime politician such as him, especially the PRESIDENT, should REALLY be educated in Geography.


This isn't Dallas vs Houston! It's two tiny ass towns in Texas that have damn near identical names. Why would you expect any politician to know the names and locations of every podunk in states they aren't even from.


thats how desperate republicans are. meanwhile trump forgets his own media companies name and its crickets from them


a longtime politician should know every single 10k pop city in the US? are you stupid?


It’s hard to believe you live in Texas and never heard of Tyler, TX. It’s not some hole in the wall, back water town. It’s about 10 miles to I-20. Tyler is also the Rose Capital of the U.S.!


He addressed the people of West Shithole when he was really in East Shithole.




Trailerville confused with Trailerburgh


Ha ha ha!


LOOOOLLLL and?? trump didnt remember his own fucking social media company. this was the best you had?


President Biden mixed up Tyler with Taylor and that is big news, but Dementia Donnie took a sharpie & drew all over a NWS map and that meant nothing.


he doesnt even say Truth social. or as some media outlets say, he messed up and called it Truth central

he calls it "troghth sential"

which neither are words in the English language.

if bidens mentally unfit due to his gaffs Trump is even less unfit


Dementia Donnie makes President Biden seem like Albert Einstein.


we just went over this. if mixing up Tyler and Taylor makes Biden "dementia Joe"

then what is "troghth sential". thats full blown dementia


Yup. Time to increase Dementia Donnie's Alzheimer's meds.



I have no defense for Fat Demented Donnie because there is none.


He travels a lot. This is really nothing. He got tripped up on the city's name. It's not like he was talking about New York and called it LA.


Taylor is where a bunch of Austin music people moved to when it got expensive. I wonder where they will move next when Taylor gets overpriced?
