MovieChat Forums > Politics > For "liberals" in America, is Jan 6th th...

For "liberals" in America, is Jan 6th the new Christmas?

Obviously what with many liberal people being less religious these days, perhaps they've found something that replaces Xmas?

They are apparently going to spend the rest of their lives talking about an invasion of the House of Representatives or whatever it was. Clearly, I can see why you would want to talk about anything except Joe Biden because he's an incoherent, pitiful doddering train wreck of a human being. If that's "your guy", then holy cr@psicles you're gonna be looking around for other things.

Will they move to make it the 1st thing taught to schoolchildren (before they are even taught the alphabet?)

What name will be given to it? Will it just be "Jan 6th" forever or will it be called "Trumpmas" or something?


For anybody with half a brain it’ll be eternally called “ The insurrection of January 6th 2020”
The day our President lied to his cult and thru his VP under the bus


"For anybody with half a brain"

You mean the 60-65 million who voted for Biden?

Since that description doesnt apply to me I wont read the rest of what you said, then. Since it's not "for" me.

Here, have a free movie as a sign of good faith.


I wouldn't have a problem calling it an insurrection if it actually was one.

I have a bigger problem with the continual attempt by the left to sweep the riots of 2020 under the rug.


13,000 arrests in those riots


How many prosecutions? How many billions in damage? How many murders?


Not many, lots and lots, I think the total is 35 or somewhere in that ball park.


How many of those are still in jail? How many Jan. 6th arrestees are still in jail. The truth will make you free, padawan.


Yep the insurrection incited by the “march peacefully and patriotically to make your voice heard” rhetoric.

If you are so concerned about insurrections then shift your attention to Summer 2020 when the DemoKKKrat cult was telling BLM and Antifa to kill cops and burn cities down.


“ I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so. I hope so because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election..”


Nowhere in that quote does he tell anyone to trespass into the Capitol. Biden however did directly tell BLM to kill cops by calling them the “enemy”, the idea is to kill your enemies.


'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

He clearly knew there were people in that crowd who were ready to and intended to be violent, and he certainly did nothing to discourage that. He not only did nothing to discourage it, he strongly hinted it should happen.


It seems democrats love to use the word “fight” and what happened as a result? BLM and Antifa fought to burn down major cities and they killed cops. So show me you are serious about prosecuting every single Demokkkrat in that video and then we’ll talk.

Trump didn’t literally mean to physically fight you idiot, also he again didn’t say to trespass into the Capitol. However he was right, Biden is now refusing to enforce border laws so we now do not have a country, countries have borders.

Show me evidence he knew what they were going to do. Right now you are just talking out of your ass and so far the only people to have incited violence are demokkkrats.


Anyone with a whole brain will know better.


The January 6th talk is out of control. It's every fucking day. The people who talk about it can't even admit we had massive riots in 2020.


You should hear Hannity and Ingraham !
They’re going bonkers over this holiday!


What point do you think you're making here?


Read their texts!


Now you think Sean Hannity's opinion is really important?

Here I came up with a Jan 6th carol for you

"Viiioolent niiiiiiiight, unhoooooooly niiiight... all is Trump, all is friiight."


Why don’t you sing that to Pence


What's that you said? "Something something burble burble pence"?

Wow, the new Oscar Wilde walks amongst us (just kidding, he can't walk cause he weighed down by all those heavy Nobel medals around his neck)


Oh give me a break, you people were wishing death on Pence for four straight years.


Speak for yourself. You’re the one calling Mikey a traitor


Please show me where I said that? I never once wished death upon him or President Sippy Cup or Vice President Willie Brown’s Sex Toy. You however wished death upon both President Trump and Vice President Pence for 4 straight years and now you’re pretending like you actually care about his safety all for political reasons, you are a sick person.


Is Mikey a traitor or not?


Was your cult wrong to wish death on him before it was politically convenient to care about his well being?


Traitor or not?


First answer my question then show me where I called him a traitor and I will address the quote that you seem to be confused on.


The left used the excuse of "private information" to censor stories about Biden's repulsive, drug-addicted white trash family members.

Now you want people to reshape their entire lives around some texts that a FOX host sent

Your so-called "principles" are as disposable as a drug dealer's cell phone, you soulless ghoul.


You approve of Hannity counseling Trump to try to overthrow the election?


I haven't even read the texts so how can I "approve" of them?

Why do you refuse to address any of the things I have said?

Why do you somehow expect me to be impressed by ludicrous melodramatic phrases like "OVERTHROW DEMOCRACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" which you screech in your horrendous dentists'-drill-voice.. Despite the fact that such a tactic didnt work at any time in the last year?

The Democrat operatives who pulled off the fraud (and obviously bribed or threatened judges to not investigate it) are the ones who "overthrew" the election. You know it as well as I know it, you cretinous weasel.


“ The Democrat operatives who pulled off the fraud (and obviously bribed or threatened judges to not investigate it) are the ones who "overthrew"
the election.”

Now there’s some real ludicrous melodrama !


Actually it’s pretty accurate. Your cult is just feeding you lies.


You might as well be a trick-or-treating child who comes back a second time, and when they get called out for it cries, I DID NOT !! Just a flat lie that you have no problem saying.


Except that didn’t happen. You people seriously need to get over 1/6, your bitching and moaning about it is really getting tiring.


What. Is. Your. Point?


its basically every holiday wrapped up into one day for them.

ironically, blm and antifa did billions in damages to property and federal buildings last year, but no one cares about that...


"Last year" do you mean 2021 or 2020.


oh my bad, 2020, but the protests in Portland continued into 2021...

there were also protests nationwide in 2016 when Trump won, but some people have a selected memory.


I remember that, far left terrorists rioted in major cities to try to overturn the election and the DemoKKKrats even sent death threats to electors. Why is there not a commission investigating Hillary Clinton who at the time was lying about Russian conspiracy theories?


This is actually a funny question since January 6th is an actual religious holiday (Epiphany) and is the last night of Christmas. But yeah, I'm tired of the constant harping on it by media and politicians. It was bad, but it's been blown way out proportion. The whole thing had been over for several hours before I even knew it happened.


This was in the capital building though. Our democracy was teetering on the brink!

We're lucky we aren't calling someone like this dear leader right now.


I just can't get over how supporters of tfg, who spewed lies and exaggerations incessantly, used vulgarisms to slime his opponents, wanted to destroy NATO and cuddle up to Putin, never had an approval rating over 50%, oversaw the worst economic crash since the `08 recession, lost the senate and house to the democrats, denied covid existed until it was too late, used the Bible--which he's surely never read--as a prop to deflect from his failed leadership, and during whose term the only substantial piece of legislation passed was a tax-break for the wealthy, and after all that, the deplorables still think he's Mr. America! But yeah let's talk about someone's fantasy of liberals dancing in the streets and sacrificing their child sex-slaves snatched from the pizza parlor in celebration of the Jan. 6 riots!


Don't forget twice impeached, social media banned, porn star payoffs,scammed university payouts and LYING to his cult about a lost election which caused a violent insurrection where Mike Pence was to be hanged


This will drag on until November 8, 2022, when Pelosi and Shumer will find themselves in the minority.

How friggin' hard is it to drag these guys like Ali Alexander into a hearing to spill the beans? Make it closed door, seal the transcripts, whatever. Hell, get Biden to pardon some of these creeps...


Since they don’t believe in Christmas wouldn’t it be their new Kwanzaa.
