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Homeless in L..A. Finally Get Help

It's called the Tiny Home Village Project and there are six in L.A. The homeless are moved off the street into a small gated community of tiny houses. Each 64 sq. ft. tiny home has two beds and is equipped with heat, air-conditioning, electricity, windows, a small desk, storage space and a front door with a lock. It only takes 90 minutes to build one house!!!

The homeless are provided a case manager to help them find permanent housing and any needed services. They receive three meals each day, clothes, security, hygiene trailers which have showers and washers & dryers. Also extra storage space, outdoor dining area and a dog run for those with pets.

Very humane and dignified.

They're spreading to other states, too! There are villages for homeless youth, veterans, singles. I'm not sure about families.

I don't know who came up with this idea, but they should be hailed.

inside house:

outside house:

5-minute video:


This is so wonderful! Depression and mental illness is the primary reason most people are homeless, just having a clean, safe place to sleep will do wonders for their emotional health.

I can't imagine how desperately lonesome and hopeless a person has to feel living like that. This will give them an instant community. I hope they follow it up with healthcare for these lost people so that their only recourse won't be addiction and crime.


"...desperately lonesome and hopeless a person has to feel living like that."

So true!

They agree to receive help from their case manager for any addictions, mental health issues, permanent housing and finding work. The tiny houses are transitional to permanent housing.


I'm glad that there will be some follow up, it's a beautiful thing to give someone shelter but without theat help it's not much good.

It makes me think of Karl Pilkington on the Ricky Gervais pod cast when he was talking about going to visit a tribe out in the middle of nowhere and some big money organization donated a toilet so it would look good on them, but they didn't bother to hook it up or even put a trench under it so it was just a vase with shit in it lol


Two million Americans don't have indoor plumbing especially Native American on reservations. That's criminal.

They have already helped many people to find permanent housing. They really need to expand it and build more affordable housing.


8x8' room with two beds and no sink. Just like a prison cell without a toilet! Tiny houses are actually 8' by 12-20'.

Does nothing for serious mental illness. They need forced medication and institualization.


"They need forced medication and institualization."

Aren't you an anti-vaxxer and Trumpite? I can say the same about you.

Unlike you anti-vaxxers and GQP wackjobs, the homeless have already agreed to being helped so there is no need to "force" anything.

These houses are much nicer than your current prison cell.

New Mexico little houses interior



That's a twin bed in 8x12 cabin. Nothing like two singles in 8x8!

"Aren't you an anti-vaxxer and Trumpite? I can say the same about you."

Proving you're a deranged troll who never reads my posts!


"They need forced medication and institualization."

Aren't you an anti-vaxxer and Trumpite? I can say the same about you.

You're upset because my response is true about you.


There's no truth in you. You're a confirmed LIAR who LIED about me making racist posts, then disappears when asked to back up your LIES. COWARD.


I remember seeing a documentary on this project years ago, might have been on vice before they really went hard left. I remember they were basically setup for a place where the homeless could drink themselves to death without causing greater harm to the rest of the community.


LOL! You watch documentaries?


Only ones on homeless people drinking themselves to death.




Putting them in dog boxes won't work for the majority. The homeless will stay there for a while and then they will go back onto the street.




Look it up for yourself and stop expecting people to give you everything on a platter.


You can't provide a link. Once again, you confuse facts with your delusional mind. I thought so!


Once again Keelai spits the dummy when someone decides not to spoon feed them.


At least I can provide links. You need to lie and distort in order to make a point.


And you can't come up with proof that I made racist posts. Why? Because you're a LIAR.


I'm all for this and it looks great from the video and pictures + community building + cleanliness but they should also help them find jobs or have a requirement to look for work (doing calls or handing out resumes for couple of hours a day) as well while staying. What's the point if you still have no form of income and just living off the government dime? How are they to find permanent residence though? Is that the section 8 housing while they're in temp. stay in these shelters?

Limited 3 mile radius but I am pretty sure they won't allow drug addicted users into these shelters as that could raise problems (misplaced needles on the ground if they forget) if not violence.


I already provided links to video and already wrote that the homeless are helped. The case managers help them get their documentation like social security cards, IDs, birth certs and anything else needed for jobs. Mental health counseling, addiction treatment to get them on their feet.

Drug addicts can get into treatment centers and when they're released, they return to their tiny house for further help with permanent housing and a job.

The CEO has a good video which explains the program

Many Americans like to see poor people punished and humiliated for some reason. The people creating these tiny houses are trying to show compassion and not punish people for being down on their luck.


Be homeless for a few days and see how many in society kick you and beat you down. You'll get stolen from, harassed, and assaulted "just because".

Will that change your mentality? Now go find a job.

Homeless people holding jobs isn't going to change the a$$holes in society who believe in oppression rather than compassion.


As a matter of fact, I was homeless once but only for a short while. I was provided shelter after going through some interview with nowhere to stay. During my stay being housed, provided 3 meals a day, getting help with what I needed, I had to also look for another place and find work. Shelters are only temporary, not long term, so you need to be looking for a more permanent residence daily in order to qualify to stay there and then after, you would also need to look for work unless you're happy to live off food stamps and welfare.

Compassion for this matter comes with conditions and limits (some values and behaviors are based on reciprocity, there is an exchange), not freeloading. A society doesn't function if no one's contributing. Why I am all for the Tiny Home Village project as it seems to do what I previously wrote but am not sure if finding a permanent housing is conditional to the client staying there or the people that work there. I guess it depends on the persons 'disability'.


Who pays for them? Who makes sure that these are only for people truly in need, not just lazy fucks wanting a free house?


Why can't you be homeless for a few days and try another perspective?


Because I'm not a lazy sack of shit willing to let other people pay my way through life instead of bettering myself. That is the majority of homeless people. Sure there are mental illnesses that force the situation on some people, I'll give them a pass, but that isn't most of them.


That isn't how they're described in the Bible - God says they are worthy of life.

It's the people with your character in society that we have to suffer.

The homeless will have a seat at the banquet table while you watch them be served. Amen.


Lol, good one. Say hello to your magic deity for me.


The Bible also says that those who won't work, shouldn't eat. Since you bring up the Bible.


Is that really true? Any chance you know the verse, because I'd love to be able to bring that up.


Thessalonians 3:10-15

"For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living. As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good. If anyone does not obey what we say in this letter, take note of that person, and have nothing to do with him, that he may be ashamed. ... "


Ah, the bible, that comedic book.

Ezekiel 23:19-20
Yet she increased her prostitution, remembering the days of her youth when she engaged in prostitution in the land of Egypt. She lusted after their genitals as large as those of donkeys, and their seminal emission was as strong as that of stallions.

Leviticus 24:16
Whoever utters the name of the Lord must be put to death. The whole community must stone him whether alien or native. If he utters the name, he must be put to death.


Ah! Another genius who's too smart for God. Good for you! I have read the entire book and I have no problem with either of those verses. You have no understanding and will not, until you open your heart and mind.


2 “Son of man, there were two women, daughters of the same mother. 3 They became prostitutes in Egypt, engaging in prostitution from their youth. In that land their breasts were fondled and their virgin bosoms caressed. 4 The older was named Oholah, and her sister was Oholibah. They were mine and gave birth to sons and daughters. Oholah is Samaria, and Oholibah is Jerusalem.

Ezekiel 23

(It helps if you read Scriptures in context.)


Thank you!




The Project employees go to the homeless encampments and start relationships with them in order to gain their trust. They give them the information about the transitional housing and help.

The homeless woman in the video was working, but lost her job because of covid. She and her son lost their home and lived in her car until they received help. Now, she has a permanent house.



You're welcome.

Although, I can't believe there are some posters complaining about the homeless receiving help in a humane way.


Big surprise they're all republicans




Welcome to the mentally retarded world of The Repugnant Ones: Where men are me & their sisters are afraid.


Afghani refugees are being given free real houses. Meanwhile Americans are being given closets. Welcome to Dementia Joe Bizzaro World.


GOP hates socialism, therefore stop whining about wanting a handout.


I know, no one likes socialism, except those that like free handouts. Why not give the homeless a regular house and not a 100 sq foot closet?


A permanent home is the goal.

Conservatives have been brainwashed to believe socialism is bad even though they gladly accept and receive Socialist services like:

Public libraries
Public schools
Weather reports
Farm subsidies
State zoos
Public museums
National parks
Sewer systems
Snow removal
Social security
three stimulus checks
Amber alerts
Public beaches
Business loans
Student Loans
The Military
Public housing
Public street lighting
Fire Department
Police Department
The Court System
Garbage Collection
Prison and Jails
Highways, Roads and Bridges
Public Transportation
Air Traffic Controllers

You get the idea!

I'm going to assume you like these free handouts, but won't publicly admit it.


they are not free, they are paid for by our taxes and corporate taxes...

the government takes about a $900 from my check every 2 weeks...

and social security is just a ponzi scheme, new people have to constantly pay into for it to work...

if I can get a free house, why would anyone want to work?


It's still Socialism!

Socialism works by pooling everyone's taxes (some contribute more; some less; some none), then distributing the services/product equally.

You actually are getting the subsidized benefit of saving money with Socialism because paying privately would cost you much more than your $900.

For example:

Sending a letter through the post office is cheaper than through a private company like Federal Express.

Paying for a private bodyguard is more expensive than your nominal tax pooled to finance the police.

Buying prescriptions with Medicare Part D is much cheaper than full price.

Food inspectors keep you safe. Imagine if you had to pay for your own private food inspector or just risk it. Or test your own water.

In the old days, you had to pay firefighters directly for their service or watch your house burn down.

Imagine no snow removal on the roads unless you personally pay a private company or do it yourself. No FEMA so you're on your own during a natural disaster.

A bank fails and you lose your life savings because there's no FDIC.

No private recreation so you have to pay money to use a private park, beach, zoo, etc.. Imagine a day at the beach costing you $250 for the family.

You get the idea. If you hate Socialism so much, I'd like to see you live without it. You can start by getting off the internet which was developed by private companies receiving federal money aka Socialism.

BTW, there are plenty of people who don't work for money. They enjoy it and it brings meaning to their life.


we know its socialism and it only works because the government is run by our taxes.

anyways, why the push to help refugees who had no desire to come here until their Country fell apart? there are prob hundreds of thousands Americans that are homeless or live in poverty that need help. but there is no push to help those people like the refugees, even the poor Haitians who traveled a 1000 miles are told to go back home.

I just find it interesting who we pick and choose to help.


Republicans despise the poor and only want to help the rich. The rich developers make housing unaffordable.

Usually, the U.S is involved in ruining a migrant's country with a bad foreign policy. That makes us obliged to help. France and the U.S created the Haitian mess.


"France and the U.S created the Haitian mess."

Well, yeah, that is true, but, ya know, 600 years of colonialism by, ya know, EVERYONE, not just U.S. and France...


France made Haiti pay them $21 billion dollars which took 122 years and impoverished them along with the U.S. lead sanctions.


Out of the top 10 richest people in the World, 7 are democrats. so there goes your red herring.

the Haitians created their own mess. its one of the most corrupt Countries in the World and is worse than Mexico, which is hard to do. I suggest you start volunteering your time down there and a part of your paycheck as well. just dont get kidnapped...


The U.S. should have welcomed democracy in Haiti instead of fearing it. Helping to overthrow good leaders and backing brutal dictators didn't help.

Meanwhile, France extorted $21 billion dollars from Haiti which destroyed the economy turning it from the richest country in the Western hemisphere to the poorest. France needs to return that money.


just googled that .
quite a story

France demanded 21 billion IN 1885 MONEY!!
from the ex slaves , for not being slaves anymore.

In 1825, barely two decades after winning its independence against all
odds, Haiti was forced to begin paying enormous “reparations” to the
French slaveholders it had overthrown. Those payments would have been
a staggering burden for any fledgling nation, but Haiti wasn’t just any
fledgling nation; it was a republic formed and led by blacks who’d risen up
against the institution of slavery. As such, Haiti’s independence was
viewed as a threat by all slave-owning countries – the United States
included – and its very existence rankled racist sensibilities globally. Thus
Haiti – tiny, impoverished and all alone in a hostile world – had little
choice but to accede to France’s reparation demands, which were
delivered to Port-au-Prince by a fleet of heavily armed warships in 1825.


we can only blame Obama, he had 8 years to fix Haiti and did nothing to help them. we should send aid and money and volunteers down there to help rebuild their Country. I say we stay for at least 20 years and then just leave.

no need to worry about those people that got kidnapped, we should just keep sending people until the Country is a utopia of democratic freedom!


We can only blame Trump, he had 4 years to fix Haiti and did nothing to help them.


He did, we sent millions in aid and nothing happened. just like when Trump send aid and water to Puerto Rico, the politicians kept the money and stored the water in a warehouse.

thats how socialism and liberalism works.

we just need to send more money and volunteers, if they get kidnapped, no biggie, just send more people...


According to you, Trump made Haiti perfect so why are you complaining?


no, the money just went to the politicians and nothing happened, which is why the country is a terrible place.


Trump was an idiot for giving money to politicians.


Yeah, and in a year the place will look like the streets. Full of litter, urine & feces, syringes all over. Rapes will continue as will other assaults. I can imagine what those shared toilets & showers are going to look like in a few months. Situations may change…people don’t.

For those of you who have jumped on the bandwagon for this venture tend to forget what happens to newly built Section 8 apartments. Landscaping is done, Guess what? Within 6 months the tenants have turned them into dumps. It’s a proven fact when people own something they tend to take care of it. Giving handouts solves nothing…and the hand is stretched out farther next time!
