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Trump to blame for Afghanistan mess

He agreed to the release of terrorists before full withdrawal.

The blood is on his hands.


USA presidents do not make any descisions so he is not at fault.


George W Bush and his administration are ultimately to blame for the Afghanistan mess because they made the decision to go in there and stay there. And it was always going to end badly.


Bush did not make any decision. You are crazy if you actually think that the USA president makes any decision having to do with the middle east.


Well there is always the Stygianati, but most people don't want to talk about what goes on down in the rabbit hole.


we agree on something. Iraq was a totally sham lie and warcrime. afganistan they went in for al Qaeda, made up reasons to stay for the Taliban. either way both failures


So your plan is to tell the Radical Islamic Terrorists who murdered 3000 Americans to just knock it off?


Oh it's you again. Still smarting from your failure to define racism are you ?

My "plan" after 9/11 would have been not to declare an imbecilic "War on Terror" but to have handed the matter over to the CIA to hunt down and kill the individuals who were involved in planning and carrying out the attacks. Invading Iraq was ridiculous because they had nothing to do with it. Invading Afghanistan was ridiculous, staying there for twenty years was even more ridiculous. And in Osama Bin Laden's case they couldn't find him in Afghanistan anyway.


That may be the stupidest plan I have ever heard of, I’m glad you don’t work for the government.


That is actually a pretty good plan.


Didn't' the CIA tell everyone that Iraq had wmds? I think step one would have been to fire every scumbag in that department and hire competent "not corrupt" people to hunt down those responsible.


I think the CIA was told to tell everyone that Iraq had WMD's. The response to 9/11 came from the White House not from the CIA.


Maybe instead of going on a mission of revenge and “hunting down and killing” the people responsible for 9/11, we should have hunted them down and then ARRESTED them to stand trial. Extra-judiciary killing does not solve anything. But then that would require looking into and holding responsible the state-actors and organizations that actually fund these terrorist groups in the first place (like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc).

And doing that would also require some degree of introspection on the part of the US as to WHY Bin Laden targeted Americans: revenge for our foreign policy affairs in Africa and the Middle East.


So what should have been done after 911?


Try reading the thread.


I was asking you a question.


You really are a dumb cunt aren't you.


You are the one incapable of answering the question.

You wrote something about Bush

I asked what would your response to Afghanistan would have been and you seemed to have broken down.

I guess you were ok with Iraq invading Kuwait as well?


So that explains why Senile Joe turned the Afghanistan withdrawal in a complete cluster-fuck.

Because he knew his brain-dead followers would blame Trump no matter what.


Trump was wrong to sell $109 billion in weapons to the Saudis for their Yemeni genocide.

Trump was wrong to leave the Kurds in Syria to die and release ISIS prisoners.

But Trump was correct for getting the Afghanistan withdrawal started.

You can tell Biden made the right move just by how much corporate media is pissed at him. Ending a wasteful 20-year war would've been the easiest thing for CNN and MSNBC to portray as a positive, but their Lockheed-Martin and Raytheon corporate masters won't let them.


"Trump was wrong to sell $109 billion in weapons to the Saudis for their Yemeni genocide."

Not true.

From here:

While the $110 billion number Trump touted is “fake news” (last year’s deal likely amounted to $4 billion), the arms agreement is the latest in nearly one century of U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia. Although U.S.-Saudi relations grew slightly tense toward the end of President Obama’s term, largely due to the U.S.-Iran nuclear deal and Saudi’s unwillingness to engage with Iran, Obama’s administration oversaw the largest U.S.-Saudi arms deals in American history.A 2016 report by the Congressional Research Service found that, from 2008 to 2015, Obama’s sales to Saudi Arabia amounted to nearly $94 billion. Those sales showed no signs of slowing down in 2015 as Saudi Arabia led a coalition of Arab countries in a military campaign against the Houthi rebels in Yemen. The United States has supported Saudi’s efforts with “weapons sales, aerial refueling, intelligence, and targeting support,” BuzzFeed News reported.

And here:
Eighteen months ago, Donald Trump visited Saudi Arabia and said he had concluded $110 billion dollars in arms sales with the kingdom. It was fake news then and it’s still fake news today. The Saudis have not concluded a single major arms deal with Washington on Trump’s watch.
In June 2017, after the president’s visit to Riyadh—his first official foreign travel—we published a Brookings blog post detailing that his claims to have sold $110 billion in weapons were spurious. Other media outlets subsequently came to the same conclusion. When Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman visited the White House this year, the president indirectly confirmed that non-deal by chiding the prince for spending only “peanuts” on arms from America.

The Saudis have continued to buy spare parts, munitions, and technical support for the enormous amount of American equipment they have bought from previous administrations. The Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) is entirely dependent on American and British support for its air fleet of F-15 fighter jets, Apache helicopters, and Tornado aircraft. If either Washington or London halts the flow of logistics, the RSAF will be grounded. The Saudi army and the Saudi Arabian National Guard are similarly dependent on foreigners (the Saudi Arabian National Guard is heavily dependent on Canada). The same is also true for the Saudis’ allies like Bahrain.

Under President Obama, Saudi Arabia spent well over $110 billion in U.S. weapons, including for aircraft, helicopters, and air-defense missiles. These deals were the largest in American history. Saudi commentators routinely decried Obama for failing to protect Saudi interests, but the kingdom loved his arms deals.

But the kingdom has not bought any new arms platform during the Trump administration. Only one has even been seriously discussed: A $15 billion deal for THAAD, terminal high-altitude area-defense missiles, has gotten the most attention and preliminary approval from Congress, but the Saudis let pass a September deadline for the deal with Lockheed Martin.

I showed you these facts once before. Why are you being dishonest?


Game, set and match for you. Owning ultraviolet is a very fulfilling experience isn’t it?


Most people wanted the world to end.

How can you say Biden did the right thing by leaving a huge cache of weapons to the enemy.

We should have multiple embassies

I think you alone if you think Biden did the right thing


Most people did not want the world to end. Maybe about 30% of the US after Trump lost, heh.

Those weapons will go to fighting ISIS anyway. The Taliban was never a legitimate enemy. They were an obstacle to get to the real enemy, al qaeda, which we put in ruins over ten years ago, and then we killed Bin Laden in Pakistan.

Damn right Biden did the right thing. I'm damn surprised he did. This was a Ron Paul/Bernie Sanders move he pulled. Something not like Biden at all.


You must have a very low education level as well as a naturally low IQ.

Because of the Democrats, the Taliban army are now high tech.

Taliban flying a black hawk helicopter with a body dangling just seems wrong.

Taliban beheading women and children, burning people who attended schools.

Democrats releasing terrorist from Gitmo who go back to killing Americans.

Everything we are seeing is either incompetence, amateur hour, or being done deliberately.

Praising the evacuation would be like starting a fire and praising how fast you put it out.

Those soldiers hasd zero protection and that's wrong.


Those planes and helicopters don't last long without maintenance. That's why they all sit in fields, just like all those Russian helicopters did from the 80s.

The Taliban behead the same people our allies in Saudi Arabia behead. We gave the Saudis MUCH more sophisticated weapons than we gave the Afghans.

Biden won because the smart people outnumbered the stupid people, and instead of learning to count, the stupid people assumed it was because of fraud.


The black hawk helicopters are less of a problem then the u.s. uniforms the enemy now has.

The sniper rifles, missle launchers and small arms. Night vision.

America's will have to go. Back and fight an enemy they armed.

Can you name one Democrat policy that is smart and makes the country better?

Because it looks like every single Democrat policy is put in place to undermine and weaken the country


The Taliban aren't a legitimate enemy though. They worked with us to make sure those Americans got out. The Taliban does not want the US to be there again, which means they have to play by our rules.

Whatever weapons are still in operation will be used by the Taliban to fight ISIS.

These are the facts.

Pretty much every safety regulation that exists today is an example of a democratic policy that makes the country better.

You think that way because you are brainwashed by people who make money off of your stupidity.

Raytheon and Lockheed-Martin want back in Afghanistan so they can go back to making billions again from those military contracts. You nod your head in agreement because you're a damned fool.

Just like every dumbfuck out there whining about Americans being left behind, you didn't give two shits about the hundreds of Americans that were killed each year for the last 20 years.

Now I'm supposed to take you seriously over a bunch of guns?

You're out of your damn mind, bud. The entire GOP lost their banter privilege when W Bush got us into this shit in the first place.

It's time for you kids to shut up while the adults fix the problem.

Go back to whining about CRT and Pepe Le pew. That's all you're good at.


The Taliban are going around killing women and Children and you dont consider that at enemy?

You seem like a defense lawyer for the Taliban.


So Trump was responsible for 911 that led to to all this??

Ok, it's time to rebuild the asylums...


Trump was wrong about a lot of things but he had contingencies in place. Southern border? Historic low illegal migration undone and the chaos you see happening right now as they shuffle them in to many parts of the states unseen. No American death since 2020? Undone and the chaos you see happening as they try to evacuate the citizens. Trump might've set the stage, Biden completed it and dismantled the backup measures in place (remain in Mexico, air support for Afghan army). You have to look at the bigger context of the things at hand. Things done were done precisely for the set goals intended and Biden undid a lot of it and fucked things up further.

ie: Trump leaves a gun on the ground in the middle of the road (sets the stage) and has a bullet nearby (contingency). Biden comes in and picks up the gun and throws away the bullet and starts pointing it at random people (FUBAR).

I keep saying it don't matter if 5,000 or 20,000 Taliban were released, as long as Afghan army had air support and US presence, they were pretty much guaranteed safety for the most part. Biden pulled out the air support and some of the remaining troops first before pulling out the American citizens and SIV's first. Also, as a post I made before, many of the citizens didn't even want to leave in the first place when give the chance so the onus is on them until shit hit the fan.


Stephen Miller sabotaged the backup measures during Trump's presidency. He absolutely did not want any way for Afghans to become refugees in the US.

And all that border stuff is just drivel. The "crisis" at the southern border is simply because our persona has changed very positively after the election, making a lot more people want to move here, especially during covid.


Did he force Joe to close the airbase?


Vegetable Joe and his cabinet along with the DNC leadership are solely to blame as they made this happen with their gross incompetence.

The entire cabinet needs to be removed and there needs to be a special prosecutor to look into why this administration gave one of our top enemies 80 billion in weapons.

The American people will be paying for this unnecessary mess for decades. Afghanistan was stable and had been and the Democrat party turned it back into a shit hole. Like they do with everything they run.


Trump negotiated the release of terrorists from prison. Who do you think just blew up the crowds at the airport? Very easy to connect the dots.


"Trump negotiated the release of terrorists from prison. Who do you think just blew up the crowds at the airport? Very easy to connect the dots."

Allow me to connect some dots for you:

Trump administration in 2020 agreed to the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners

What We Know About ISIS-K, The Group Behind The Kabul Attack

Inside the Hidden War Between the Taliban and ISIS

Are you getting it yet, or do I have to draw it in crayon?
