MovieChat Forums > LokiVariant264

LokiVariant264 (505)


conservatives go full nutso on mask misinformation its not about freedom conservatives, its about responsibility was worried about season 5 episode one you've been played, Fox News has a vaccine passport episode 1 and two unwatchable bad. does it get better? the or one of the most star studded film casts? Imagine how good a Tim Burton riddler and two face would have been Some people here get understanding of opponents from Hollywood film not reality that kitchen scene was far too good for this film. so are crimes only crimes if you have a chance of succeeding? View all posts >


cool. you are basically admitting your life is empty. you "won" buddy hahahah and yet none of the name calling changes that you are an idiot trying to change the subject. nice subject change, yet again. holy fuck is actually addressing a point that difficult for you? so you have nothing to add are so dumb sooo you got nothing am I proud to believe true things that the studies and evidence shows? yes I believe in actual demonstrable facts, over what you go by apparently. which are feelings and emotions to inform your medical decisions and opinions on a highly infectious virus. unfounded beliefs about virology based off opinions and emotions when you get a lump do you believe your doctor or ask people as equally stupid as you? amazing how you know more than virologists who have studied this their entire life. where did you get such wisdom? a voice in your head or was it jesus? trusting in science and studies is "running to mama". was it also running to mama when we came up with the MMR vaccine and saved millions? you actually do rack up huge levels of dead wtf are you talking bout? you think all the covid victims will be treated for free? how about the loss in economic activity as people dont show up for work, or literally millions in America alone die and we lose millions of trained professionals. lets say we lose 2 millions. lets be insanely generous and say their average income is 40k. thats 800 billion just in what they earn/ produce, without the domino affect considered you dont know what the hell you are talking about. nice of you though to offer up your friends and family as the first victims and dying. sooo you have nothing we agree on something. Iraq was a totally sham lie and warcrime. afganistan they went in for al Qaeda, made up reasons to stay for the Taliban. either way both failures are you okay? you dont seem mentally all there. I do not have to state my ethnicity in relation to covid being bad and dangerous anymore than I would have to if I described cancer as bad.... View all replies >