You're Gonna Have to Eventaully PAY to Tweet?! Say it ain't so!
Get ready to pop some popcorn, Twitter's gonna immolate itself soon.
There's a lot of caterwauling now from the entitled jackasses over there, who are angry that Twitter's gonna start setting up tiers you gotta pay for every month eventually.
The two comments I like best as a result of this are as follows:
1 - "Since the vast majority of the millions of Twitter users are unemployed leftist Democrats, this move should wipe a ton of people off the platform. That would be too bad."
2 - "'It could either clean up Twitter or kill Twitter.' That's a win-win."
I would love to watch the demise of Twatter. It and Farcebook have been nothing but trouble for over 10+ years and have done nothing but prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that 95% of humanity is dumber than a box of rocks.