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You're Gonna Have to Eventaully PAY to Tweet?! Say it ain't so!

Get ready to pop some popcorn, Twitter's gonna immolate itself soon.

There's a lot of caterwauling now from the entitled jackasses over there, who are angry that Twitter's gonna start setting up tiers you gotta pay for every month eventually.

The two comments I like best as a result of this are as follows:

1 - "Since the vast majority of the millions of Twitter users are unemployed leftist Democrats, this move should wipe a ton of people off the platform. That would be too bad."

2 - "'It could either clean up Twitter or kill Twitter.' That's a win-win."

I would love to watch the demise of Twatter. It and Farcebook have been nothing but trouble for over 10+ years and have done nothing but prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that 95% of humanity is dumber than a box of rocks.


“I love Twitter” - no one

Yet the Democrat media has spent the last decade using it as their primary source of “information”.


If anything is toxic on the Internet, Twitter defiantly is. Everyone there coalesces into their own echo chamber, and if anyone deviates from the majority view they come down on them with fire and brimstone. Even those leftist celebrities say one wrong word and their own fans rip them apart.
