MovieChat Forums > Politics > You're Gonna Have to Eventaully PAY to T...

You're Gonna Have to Eventaully PAY to Tweet?! Say it ain't so!

Get ready to pop some popcorn, Twitter's gonna immolate itself soon.

There's a lot of caterwauling now from the entitled jackasses over there, who are angry that Twitter's gonna start setting up tiers you gotta pay for every month eventually.

The two comments I like best as a result of this are as follows:

1 - "Since the vast majority of the millions of Twitter users are unemployed leftist Democrats, this move should wipe a ton of people off the platform. That would be too bad."

2 - "'It could either clean up Twitter or kill Twitter.' That's a win-win."

I would love to watch the demise of Twatter. It and Farcebook have been nothing but trouble for over 10+ years and have done nothing but prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that 95% of humanity is dumber than a box of rocks.


This is great! I've never used twatter but I love seeing the left kill themselves


Based on what Kneon and Geeky Sparkles (hosts of Clownfish TV) said in past videos, apparently Twitter got really toxic just a few years ago because of something that happened on Tumblr.

Now I do have a Tumblr account and visit, but that's because I'm a Sims 2 fan. The only really nasty thing I heard about happening was in 2018, when Tumblr tried cracking down on their porn problem, but it had to be the laziest method I have ever seen! The overlords basically released a very poorly programmed "Anti-Porn" 'bot, and the damned thing was censoring anything that had even a hint of references to sex, including innocuous things such as photos of flower bushes, people fully dressed, children's stuff, and items that nobody would ever associate with NSFW content. Everyone affected had to file "appeals" to make up for that shitty 'bot's censoring. I did as everyone else on Tumblr did and stayed off for 24 hours on release day. Thankfully, because I don't post much, this shittily made 'bot did not affect me. (Oh yeah, there are still porn accounts on there, in fact, it got worse after the 2018 event).

However, I don't think it was the anti-porn 'bot incident that caused Twitter to become toxic. Geeky Sparkles spoke of some incident that caused all the really far-left, overly political, woke, mean-ass people to migrate from Tumblr over to Twitter, causing Twitter to turn into a digital cesspit and a hunting ground for the Woke Witch-Hunters. I'm guessing the migration was from years earlier, because I had only joined Tumblr back in 2017. I don't know what caused them to do that, but I have a feeling that if this "pay to play" crap starts, we're gonna get the toxic dickwads back.


I'm a fan of ClownfishTV as well, but I missed this one. Do you have a link, or the video title?


You've hated Twitter for 10+ years?

I bet you were screaming and crying blood when Trump got fact checked and then suspended.


Like twatters "fact checkers" aren't bias LOL


I knew I didn't even have to call you out for this kind of hypocrisy .You would just do it yourself.

You never use twitter but you know that the fact checkers are biased? Fact checkers are either accurate or they are not. The clue is in the word fact. Facts can't be biased.


Do I have to use a thing to know if its bad or not? Take smoking meth for example which I'm sure you're in to.

There's endless memes out there about twatters fact checks and if you can't see how Big Tech and the MSM have monopolized "truth" you'd know how dumb you sound


No one should ever rely on a "fact-checker", ever lol.




Because the information is all out on the interwebs to be discovered, collected, and digested. You can almost always figure out what's bullshit and what is not based on past events, current events, trends, and common sense.

Always ask this question: "Who watches the watchers?"


A fact checker provides links to their sources and to where the facts they are presenting can be discovered. If they don't do that they are not a fact checker.


So if I call myself a table, does that automatically mean I'm a table?

The education system has REALLY failed you!


Are you asking me?


Looks more a nothing burger. Possibly tiered subscription Tweet Blue for extra services like saving your favorite tweets for $3/month. Basically if you want to be more narcissistic, you pay for this. Other than that, the rest looks to be the same. I see no mention of having to pay to tweet specifically... Clickbait.


Great idea. Anything that kills that cultural cancer.


I've never been on Twitter in my life -- or Farcebook. 🙄


But they are affecting your day-to-day life regardless if you're on it or not!


Your question makes no sense. How could anything possibly affect me if I never look at it or read it? 🙄


Politics aside for a moment, I don't think these businesses understand that people won't pay to use these things. It reminds me of Photobucket that thought people would pay $300 a year to be able to store and post photos to websites a few years back. They soon learned otherwise.

Back to politics, it will be fun to see what happens. I think they will all gravitate to other places to spew their crap, lets hope they don't come here.


Oh God, I remember the 2016 clusterf-- at photobucket! 13 years of free photos, and suddenly, without warning, they were holding billions of photos all over the internet hostage with those evil blue and gray dial pictures! TinyPic is just as bad, having just plain gone under and leaving a lot of broken images all over the place. Photobucket eased off after a huge blowback, but they still ruined pictures with an annoying watermark all over the internet.

Seriously, if any of us had known what was gonna happen when these "free picture" sites opened in the early 2000s, we would have never hosted our photos there. That has to be one of the sneakiest, dirtiest business practices I have ever seen...or at least, one we know about and have been burned by.


Jack Dorsey is a f'n terrorist.


Jack Dorsey can eat himself.


People are lazy and entitled. Twitter is delusional about it's place in the world.
