MovieChat Forums > Politics > 27 year old kills 77 year old over racia...

27 year old kills 77 year old over racial slur

Old angry racist man called the guy a racial slur, so the guy punched him. Old guy was knocked out, hits his head, dies as a result. Never thought I'd feel bad for someone for being racist, but the young guy absolutely deserves to have the book thrown at him.

Perhaps even more disturbing than the crime itself is the defense of it in the comments section:¬if_id=1620786654654206¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif

"Free this man . White people always going around initiating stuff and then wanna play victim when they get the energy they asking for . "

"This is 2021not 1912, same words, different outcomes. What you should know is that we as human beings feel, words can hurt and trigger people, that will cause a bad outcome. Becareful of what you say to people. Or"

"It’s sad that he died but no matter the age you can’t expect to call someone a racist name and don’t expect to get hit..,Especially not wth everything that’s going on in the word today.I feel sad for the guy doing time ..,he didn’t shoot or stab him and I know he didn’t expect a punch to kill that man."

"That man WENT INSIDE for a confrontation. BUT FOR that mans actions, it would have never happened. I have to side with the clerk on this. Oh , so what happened to Florida's "Stand Your Ground"??? Hmm???🤔"

"He baited this young man. That was the last time he would ever use a racial slur. It cost him his life. Unfortunately, he learned the hard way about usage of that word. It's a manslaughter charge. He'll do time, but there were mitigating factors involved. 3-5 years is what he's looking at over a fight that went the wrong way."

"Am I wrong for thinking “one less racist”? "

Why is racism the worst crime now? There's no hesitation whatsoever to hide the fact they think this man deserved to die for using a racial slur. Racial slur = justifiable murder to these people.

Why can't we have a REAL conversation about race? Aside from the most stubborn of people, we all know racist white people exist; and some of them are even cops. But why can't we talk about racist black (particularly those in poorer city neighborhoods) people? Believe it or not, racist black people exist, libbies. There's racists in all races. But why can't we talk about the people, like those above. who are unabashed racists to the point of defending murder?


The inmates are running the asylum.


How many times have I wrote those exact words on this board? It’s not a sarcastic quip any longer! It’s the truth! Portland and cities across the nation have proof positive. 🙇🏼‍♀️ We are being besieged by anarchists known as BLM & Antifa! If law & order is attempted it’s deemed racist! These anarchist thugs don’t just protest outside a building, on a sidewalk, etc. against those whom they are at odds. They are blocking streets, stopping people from getting to work, getting to a hospital, or just stopping people’s every day lives. These thugs need to be arrested and thrown in jail!


These people - the ones I quoted - are anti-white and cop and we're not allowed to talk about it. We're only allowed to talk about the old guy who used a racial slur.


welcome to dementia Joes new america.


No one certainly thought this way before Biden took office..... *eyerollgif*


dementia Joe said he would build back better, so far, things are not better, about a dozen mass murders, over 75,000 people laid off, 2 pipelines shutdown, one on purpose, NK is launching test nukes, Iran is building nukes, russia is hacking computers, Taliban is still killing people. black people are attacking asians. gas prices are doubling. yeah, thanks dementia Joe for ruining America.


This is a post about a young guy who killed an old man. Why are you talking about Biden, nukes, and pipelines?


dementia Joe is in charge now, but people are still dying, he needs to be impeached and thrown out of office. he is terrible...


Are you unaware of how you sound?


I feel bad for the guy just doing his job and crossed paths with an old salty bastard, but you can't let yourself be baited by these people. Taking a well deserved swing at someone usually isn't worth it. He'll probably do some time.


Fuck him. He murdered someone over a word. He's a lowlife. The only "good" thing to come of this is a violent guy with a hair trigger temper is off the streets.


It's true. The old guy was a dick but he didn't deserve to be killed. More than one life ruined here. Totally unnecessary.


I have zero sympathy for the attacker.The problem with today's world isn't people saying hateful things.The problem is people doing hateful things and then using victimhood as an excuse.The fact that he was capable of making a fist and punching a defenseless senior citizen in the face tells me all i need to know about his character.


"The problem with today's world isn't people saying hateful things."

Why do you have to say shit like this? Calling someone a n*gg*r isn't a problem? Stop.


their hateful racist words.But words don't have the power to kill or destroy.Not condoning what he said but words can be easily ignored.Hateful violence like what this guy did to a 77 year old man are more destructive than an idiot with a big mouth.Trying to fight hate with hate is like trying to fight fire with fire.All he did was spread more hate.


Hitler's words killed. Mussolini's words did too. Almost the entire Middle East is in a constant state of civil war because of words. It IS possible to admit calling someone a racial slur is completely and totally unacceptable, but doing so doesn't mean you deserve to be murdered.


Ridiculous comparisons.Yea racist remarks are totally unacceptable but who cares what a nobody old man says.Let me change my statement.Words have no power....unless you happen to be a dictator with an army at your feet.

"but doing so doesn't mean you deserve to be murdered."

This was the utterance of a nobody old defenseless geezer.Doing so deserved no response what so ever from any sane level headed person.My grandmother in her 80s used to say crazy offensive shit to me and my sibling all the time when we were teens.But we always had respect and regard for her age and walked away.


Good to see you backtracking. I'll take it.


Black Fragility


White people always initiating stuff? Last I recall on the crime stats that states otherwise. So they're okay for punch murder but not when it's cop murder. Hmm hmm. Remember the days of sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me?

I think blacks (the nigga variant) imho are the only race that are the most violent in response to being called a racial slur but will happily denigrate themselves with it in rap songs, amongst each other, and use derogatory words of other race groups. Is there any other race group that tells others to stop using racial slurs towards them at the same time using the racial slurs themselves? This is why I see/hear ghetto folks of all races using nigga word variants (can mean homie/friend as well I guess) a lot. Like a self perpetuating cycle of never ending racism.

As always, each race have their special privileges they can get away with.


There are racist white people in this world. There are racist people of every race, but that's not my point. There are racist white people in this world, some hold positions of power, and they have said and/or done things to black people - both individually and as a group - that are unacceptable. Not only are we allowed to admit this, those of us who don't treat people like shit based on their race are culpable for those who do.

Why are we allowed to talk about this, but none of what you mentioned? It's absolutely forbidden to bring it up and if you do "yOu ARe a RAcisT!"


(can mean homie/friend as well I guess)
You answered your own question there.


Was it wrong he said something racist in a moment of anger? Yes, but that doesn't mean he deserved to die over saying a word. Words aren't a threat to your life and the dude who hit him deserves to go to jail.


Was it wrong he punched a racist in a moment of anger? Kinda, but he didn't intend to kill the guy. Involuntary Manslaughter is a crime all the same though, so he'll probably do a bit of jail time or maybe probation with a great lawyer.


Probation, LOL?! You are crazy. This guy is doing hard time. In no rational world can you get a guy probation for manslaughter over a word.


Given what happened, any competent attorney is going to easily argue that the man was provoked, and while that isn't a defense for getting him off, it will definitely be a factor in sentencing. If this is his first offense, I doubt he does more than a couple years in jail.


"I wasn't provoked" isn't a defense for manslaughter. You can't even admit what he did was wrong.

I bet you get outraged when cops kill someone fighting with - if not trying to kill - them too.


Because I'm not of the opinion that it was entirely wrong. Had he beaten the shit out of the man with a series of blows, I'd 100% say he overreacted. But a single punch in the heat of the moment is something I won't judge the guy too harshly for.


"Because I'm not of the opinion that it was entirely wrong."

Oh, it's quite clear you think you think assaulting an elderly man over a word is ok.


The fact that you are trying to minimize this as "just a word", tells me you are either unabashedly racist or incredibly naïve.


You're minimizing manslaughter and pretending to clutch your pearls over a verbal insult. Sit down.

Oh look, he called me a racist for disagreeing with him. Classic ad hominem attack and progressive move numero uno. I called the old man a racist in my first post btw, ya scumbag.


Right I understand he didn't intend to kill him and I'd agree involuntary manslaughter would be the right charge



When violence is justified because people are such insecure babies they can’t handle a few words they’ve been taught are “offensive”.

This is why the black community remains miles behind every other minority in the US. Taught helplessness.

“400 years as slave? That’s a choice” - Kanye


You know Kanye is batshit crazy right!


I haven't seen a single person defend that old man. Everyone knows what he did was not ok. But assault of an elderly person kinda overrides saying a bad word. Hell, it' not even a crime.



yes you have!

"Hateful violence like what this guy did to a 77 year old man are more destructive than an idiot with a big mouth"

"crossed paths with an old salty bastard, but you can't let yourself be baited by these people."

"Was it wrong he said something racist in a moment of anger? Yes, but that doesn't mean he deserved to die over saying a word."

other than "he didnt deserve it" what sort of defence are you complaining isnt present?
you think he should be allowed to behave like that?


Every single example you gave calls out his behavior, LOL. Saying someone doesn't deserve to be murdered isn't defending, ya dignus.


well ,what were you hoping to have seen when you say "I haven't seen a single person defend that old man" ?


I wasn't "hoping for" anything, I was responding to the idiot who is defending the criminal. No one is defending the old man, but the younger guy's actions completely override it. Assault and manslaughter are worse than words. It's not even debatable.


Well that’s certainly justified. What was he called? A colored person? Or person of color? Black? African American? Did the old man waive the “ok” symbol because both he and the drive through had their windows closed to protect from the scarrrrrrrrrry “Rona ViRus virus virus...”

Let’s hope justice is served and no charges are pressed. I mean after all the guy died. No sense in putting his family through a pointless trial. Just settle out of court and pay that poor child and his family a few millions in damages for racial slur post traumatic racial slur syndrome.


Someone in Detroit called me a blue-eyed devil. I just passed by and went about my business.


Yeah words don't have power to them when you know they were said to get a rise out of you.


Wow you should’ve been able to nuke the entire city and all people having anything in common with that evil Hitler who said. Anyone of the same color, gender, education, upbringing, hometown, similar clothes, and then claimed temporary insanity. Because as you know, when 1 individual does something, it’s a representation of everyone living thing that has anything in common with them.


This story has been posted a few times and is getting comments as a result. A disturbing amount of people think murder is acceptable over a racial slur:

"white people have raped, tortured and murdered black people for over 400 years just for being black.."

"Old dude is acting like an ahole in drive thru.
Old dude gets told to leave restaurant by staff.
Old dude parks and enters restaurant continuing to be an ahole, and calls a black employee the N word
Black employee tells Old Dude to say that again and see what happens.
Old dude says it again, gets knocked out with one clean punch.
Old ahole dude hits head from fall and passes away.
but only one is wrong...smh"

"Here yall go with defending racist people and racism."

"Don’t want to get hit don’t be a racist"

"He didn't kill em...the table or whatever he hit his head on did 🤷🏾‍♂️
Be mad but u can't tell that man how to feel...ol head should've watched his mouth. Everyone has a trigger like it or not, anyway FREE THAT MAN🛸"

Why can't we talk about this blatant racism and hypocrisy!? You know these people are OUTRAGED over police brutality. What do they say? Resisting arrest shouldn't be a death sentence? But a verbal insult is? This is pure insanity and ignorance and it's allowed. These people can cheer and condone murder, but the old made who used the slur is Satan incarnate.


Yes because they’re being taught this ignorant bigotry by the democrat media/party/education industry as they’ve been exploiting superficial non substantive qualities for the last century.

This is what you have to do to get votes when you have no useful experience, ideas, or solutions.
