These idiots are running around having tantrums, rioting and screaming racism and i doubt a single one of them bothered to stop, use their brains and actually gather any facts on the incident.What happened was tragic but the shooting was 100 percent justified.
And yet, Kyle Rottenhouse, that 17-year-old punk was carrying a gun (that he probably stole without permission) and shot another person. Yet, people are clueless and naive enough to see HIM as a victim. If Kyle was shot or mobbed by BLM protesters, shouldn't that be 100% justified too. Since you know, his brain should have been smart enough to NOT be in that location and stay home. Since we had lockdowns last year anyway.
The weapon Kyle used was a friend's, he was guarding a store with those friends, the police told him to leave the area when he was chased by a CONVICTED PEDOPHILE and fired when cornered. He was then knocked to the ground by a guy with a skateboard and another guy with a gun who was also a convicted felon. But don't let that get in the way of your bullshit
LOL since we had lock downs last year anyway
Tell that to your BLM-AntiFA friends who have been rioting for 9 months straight. So Burn Loot Murder is ok if the left does it but anyone protecting their business should stay home
>People are shot! But that's ok, cause the gun didn't belong to an armed person. Such a dumb excuses.
Not what I said at all idiot. He and his friend were guarding a business cause YOUR IDIOTS were burning looting and murdering over Jacob Blake being shot by cops. Guess what Jacob Blake was doing to get himself shot? I know won't give a shit about that either cause it's ok for your side to act like criminal shitbags and we all should just take it right?
When is defending your property cause for what you suggest? Let me come to your house and see what you do
Never mind you're a obviously a wacko who probably is on computer break at your nuthouse. I hope they lock the doors at night
I know very little about that case so i won't comment.It's a separate incident.The fact is this was a justified shooting that clearly was not racially motivated and did not warrant protesting or rioting.
WTF does it matter what different cops, in a different city, in a different case did? Rittenhouse should be dead because this girl is too? Or they should both be alive? What are you, 5? This is how a child forms an argument.
Rittenhouse is alive because he wasn't pointing his gun at the cops. This girl was literally in the process of trying to MURDER SOMEONE, all while refusing commands to drop the knife. And I fucking hate Rittenhouse too. I hope that little shit gets the death penalty, but try not being a partisan hack for 5 seconds and used your head, ya gross ass liberal.
Rittenhouse was pointing a gun at another human being. Police or not, he shot a person. If he felt threatened, he bought it upon himself, he shouldn't even be out on the streets during protests, he should have been at home like everyone else since we had Covid lockdowns last summer. He's also a minor who shouldn't even be allowed to have a gun. Besides, we don't even have the full sorry about that 16 year old girl who died yesterday. So way to jump to conclusions on crap you're not even sure about. How do you know someone isn't lying and making up to story a out her having knife? Cause that could happen and it's quite naive and ignorant to think otherwise.
So Rittenhouse should have allowed himself to be beat to death or abused by a pedo and a group of felons.
Again why can your side protest but people can't come out and defend their business? Covid isn't an excuse for one side or the other
We've all seen the damn tape from this 16 year old shitbag. She brought a knife and tried stabbing someone in front of a cop. You say all that about Kyle well guess what your little hoodrat bitch got what she deserved. One less welfare recipient my tax dollars will have to take care of. Fuck you and that bitch
The total lack of reason and self-control shown by that 16 year old girl in Ohio highlights the REAL reason there are a disproportionate number of black shootings by police, and it's obviously NOT systemic racism. The cops are rolling up and she's lashing away at two girls with a knife, while the black man nearby is savagely kicking a girl in the head. THE COPS ARE RIGHT THERE and yet they continue their berserk attacks, oblivious to consequences, just raving mad with violent intent! Conversely, you will note that after Kyle Rittenhouse shot the people trying to kill him, he lowered his weapon and approached the police with his hands up.
If Kyle felt tortured and threated, he shouldn't be out in he streets in the first place. He had a choice to be there. So if he felt threatened, that's his own fault. Jacob Blake didn't have a gun but HE did.
If Jacob Blake was white I guarantee you Rittenhouse would be behind bars getting his ass beat by REAL criminals.
Jacob Blake had a choice. He didn't have to break a restraining order to harass a girl under 18. He then made a choice and ignored police orders to grab a knife and attack cops with it.
Protesters had a choice. They didnt have to break covid restrictions to burn, loot and murder. That pedophile had a choice he didn't have to follow Kyle and corner him. The others had a choice too not to go after a kid armed.
Amazing how you ignore all of those making bad choices to bad mouth a 17 year old who actually was protecting his friends business and community.
I know why too, cause you're a piece of shit like all those scumbags
Protestor's have right to protest, it an American right! It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH! You Karens should be an expert in this criteria. ☝🏽️Pandemic or not, you mistreat people, they're gonna stand up to you, call you out, and fight for justice. No one is obligated to sit around and be pushed around by ignorant and uneducated Trump bootylickers. The white supremacy people brought it upon themself. If they threated everyone decently, their buildings and cars would still be in good shape. They're asking for it. Just like when you're defiant at home and your mommy spanks you with a belt or chancla, you asked for it.
Kyle wasn't protecting his friends, he's a pathological liar who can easily manipulate people like you, but not me. That's what white thugs are good at....lying and playing the victim. He's acting like a gang banger. Lmfao it's quite funny how people like you are quick to believe everything the White supremacy community throws at you. Ever heard of thinking for yourself and opening your eyes. You think we live in a world filled with rainbows and butterflies don't you. I suggest you crawl from under that rock and learning something about the real world.
Protesters (learn to spell) have a right to PEACEFULLY ASSEMBLE. Not carte blanche to burn loot and murder. Yeah and guess what you burn someone's business or threaten their lives they will also defend it. No one is obligated to sit back and put up with your whiny temper tantrum bullshit. If you all had mothers and fathers in your homes growing up they would have taught you not to act like spoiled little bitches so guess what? Fuck around and find out
LOL you're manipulated by the media and BLM so don't play that card I'm already laughing too much. He's acting like a young gang banger? LOL you keep getting more and more retarded. Either that on you're just trolling no one can be this stupid but do please continue
Do yourself a favor! Never use the word "stupid" to describe someone. Because your responses are anything BUT intelligent and dignified.
You're the one defending a 17-year-old punk and juvenile by saying he was "protecting his friends". That's he lamest excuse ever. I've seen elementary kids with better thinking skills than you. Anyone with a brain knows that there's never an excuse for teenagers to go around shooting. Just like women beaters never have an excuse to hit girls.
The biggest victims of manipulation a are Trump suporters. They spend 4 years believing his lies and even after he's gone, there people STILL claiming he's a winner! After 6 months...6 months. Trumpies have been used, betrayed, and taken advantage of but they don't realize it.
Wow! I don't think I've ever seen ANYONE on MC (and there's some real wackos here) more deluded, brainwashed and completely in denial of reality as you!!
If Kyle felt tortured and threated, he shouldn't be out in he streets in the first place.
Yeah, and that rape victim was asking for it by wearing that skirt, right? It would have never happened if she just stayed inside fearing men... It's her own fault!
Nope! It's common sense to teach your daughters not to mingle with weird pedos off the street. And also to pay attention to all red flags when she's dating someone to see their suspicious vibes.
Now if someone forces her into a car or a child gets raped by an uncle whose suppose to be babysitting her, then yes, she's the victim and that pedophile deserves whatever happens to him. Woman can't fight back when rapists are shoving them in a vehicle and threatening to kill them. But they have a choice as to be careful who they date, hang out with, and which neighborhoods to visit alone.
Do you not comprehend these were in different states? Involving different police officers? You cannot judge one individual's actions by another's. The guy that shot this girl isn't wrong because some other cop didn't shoot Rittenhouse. This is how children think.
you're a clown who didn't even watch the bodycam video that clearly shows the girl attempting to stab another girl,
you undoubtedly didn't watch the Rittenhouse footage, either, because it's clear as day the young man was defending himself against criminals when he had to fire his gun at them,
you're everything wrong with this world, the dumbing down of humanity through the process of stupid people breeding nonstop for the last 30+ years,
it's not longer survival of the fittest, but survival of the dumbest motherfuckers ever born
Saying it's ok for Kyle to shoot someone but not ok for others is bias!
Just b/c protestor's are fighting for their rights and standing up to clowns and bullies like you doesn't mean you can shoot them to with a gun. You're just mad that people are standing up to racism. You sound like defiant kid in the classroom who says, "I hate the teacher" after being rightfully punished. Stop being a defiant kid and accept responsibility and change your ways. Then maybe there won't be protestor's in your neighborhood "bothering" you.
I have no sympathy for white supremacists who feel "threated and scared" by rioters. They asked for it. They deserve to feel terrified and even more. So does everyone else. People all over the world protested and marched for Floyd. No one marched for Chauvan. Think about that☝🏽️☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽
Your problem is you're so wrapped in your own little world you're clueless and unaware of what's going on. The fact is, racist people treat others unfairly then play the victim and expect everyone to let them get away with BS. Then they kick and scream like babies and "Karens" when someone says, "NO" and makes them pay consequences of their actions. People who live in rough neighborhood a carry a knife for their own protection to defend themselves. That teen girl who got shot was probably being harassed by someone and used a gun to protect her. Therefore, they was innocent and should still be alive just like you said Kyle was.
You're problem is you probably live in a 3 story house by the beach where you can sit in your patio sipping Cocktail drinks. Then watch "Legally Blonde" on your giant screen while cuddling with your poodle. You're coddled and shielded from reality and it's sad.
>You're problem is you probably live in a 3 story house by the beach where you can sit in your patio sipping Cocktail drinks
That doesn't sound like a problem to me. Jealous? Here's a tip. Get a job, retire with a pension instead of being a brainless moron whining and crying about white people all day
And no that girl was stabbing someone in front of the cops. She got what she deserved
My oh I can easily save up for trips honey. I've done it in the past cause instead of calling people "thugs and criminals" I have a job. You're problem is because you're so sheltered and spoiled with mommy and daddy's money, you don't know anything about the world. You deny every problem that Americans have been facing not for a year...but for decades.
Youre also whining and wailing over protestors all day. Maybe you should turn off the damn news and get a hobby. If protestor's are bothering you, lock yourself in your house with 3 locks and stay there! Well let you know when it's safe to come out.
Unlike you I'm not retarded I'm you know the difference?
Get your young dumb ass off welfare, get a job stop bitching online maybe you'll have something too instead of your piss stained mattress on the floor of a ghetto crack house you stupid ass trick
Lmfao! Funny how you make assumptions about my life and you don't even know me! In fact, that's a number one trait of people who defend idiots like Kyle Rittenhouse. I don't live on welfare, I have a steady job and career. I also have good money saving habits which is WHY I'm able to travel occasionally and treat myself.
It's not called "bitching online" if I'm giving you a reality check about the world around you.
I consider myself liberal, but if it indeed does turn out the 16 yr old was trying to stab someone else, and she refused to put the knife down, then you would agree the shooting was justified right?
FYI, not everyone with a knife is a criminal. People use knives to cook dinner in the kitchen. Perhaps the police should shoot at everyone who dares prepare meals for their families and use a knife and fork to eat. 😂😂
Also, maybe the other girl she supposedly got into an altercation with was a bully who threatened her or her life/family and the knife was used to defend herself. If you had a brain, you would've thought about that.
While I do think the people you're debating with here are being a bit obtuse, so are you.
Both sides of the debate in this thread are convoluting and obfuscating the context of this specific situation with extraneous nonsense. Let's step back and consider this from the perspective of the officer, and reign everything back into the specifics of this stand-alone situation instead of trying to lump it into a broader generalized belief.
The police knew a girl had called in about the situation and so were dispatched to deal with it. They arrived just as a girl wielding a knife was lunging to stab another girl. That was all the information the officer who fired had. They had no way of knowing the girl with the knife was the one who called, or which side started the fight, nor does it matter.
Are you suggesting he should have just let the stabbing happen?
It's not about whether they have a knife on them, or even a firearm. It's in that specific moment is the perpetrator attacking someone else or the cop him/herself, which requires immediate force to prevent? That's all that matters in that split moment, and cops must make a decision within the confines of that split moment.
They're trained to swiftly respond with deadly force to someone they perceive as enacting deadly force against themselves or someone else. However, they're only human and make mistakes from time to time. But static's show that without an active police presence crime, including violent crime, skyrockets.
Perhaps in these warzone communities the police should just vacate. Let them kill each other. That seems to be what you're arguing for here. But there are innocent people who live there as victims in those communities. Should society just abandon them to fend for themselves against their most likely violent fate?
Are you saying that if you were to happen upon a scene where someone was about to stab, shoot, or otherwise attempt a lethal attack against someone, that you wouldn't use every means at your disposal, including anything you may have been trained to utilize, to try to stop it? You'd just sit there and watch? Maybe record it on your phone?
Should the girl in the pink shirt that was about to be stabbed have turned out dead like thirteen-year-old Nyaira Givens, who didn't have a cop show up to prevent her death? I guess that's what you're arguing for here?
Reason and logic isn't working with Matilda.
She actually tried explaining to me that all knives aren't weapons. Some are used in the kitchen.
She is a real Einstein.
Trying to stab someone else is called trying to murder them.
If someone was trying to stab one of your loved ones I would hope for your loved ones sake you would want the person trying to harm your loved one stopped.
LOL. Very cool. Never had the opportunity to meet or converse with either of them, but I always got the impression through his screen portrayals that Corey H. was a gentle and sensitive soul.
It looks like she was so wrapped up in fighting that she didn't even realize the cop was there. I don't think there was anything else the cop could've done to prevent the girl in pink from getting stabbed.
Bingo. Rumor has it she was the one that called the cops too. Said the girls were going to jump her. But like you said, she's so hell-bent on stabbing that girl she did not listen to commands. She was not going to stop. He had to shoot her.
Now keep in mind the left isn't going apeshit over this one. They aren't saying the cop should be imprisoned. They aren't saying the cop should be fired either.
The major mouthpieces of the left are saying, not that a nonlethal option most definitely should've been used instead, but that we should have a conversation on whether a nonlethal option would work.
Personally I don't see anything wrong with that conversation. It sounds like an extremely level-headed one.
Yet the major mouthpieces on the right want those types of conversations shut down. It's frustrating.
I guess the cops should have just sat there and let the victim be stabbed to death. Then the left would still be crying racism that the cops just sat there and allowed a black life to be taken. No matter what the left just wants something to complain about.
Jebus, tranquilizers really? I don't know what world these people live in. What tranquilizer knocks animals out that quick? And if tranq's were a viable option do they just think no one's ever considered it before?