"media patriots", LOL!?!?! Come. On.
THIS is a reliable source?! https://media.patriots.win/?!?! Not every major news outlet and AG Bar himself, but "media patriots", bahahahahahahahah!
You people are still clinging to this so hard you make up fake graphics and websites? Do you not see the BEST thing you could do for your cause is to distance yourself as far away as possible from that man? Do you want more nutty "progressives" in charge? Because this is how you ensure more nutty "progressives" win elections. Are you at least not saavy enough to see that if you have a prayer of gaining and ground, you have to RUN AWAY from that man, not double down? You lost. Get over it. You just sound like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrWzBg475Q8