MovieChat Forums > Politics > "media patriots", LOL!?!?! Come. On.

"media patriots", LOL!?!?! Come. On.

THIS is a reliable source?!!?! Not every major news outlet and AG Bar himself, but "media patriots", bahahahahahahahah!

You people are still clinging to this so hard you make up fake graphics and websites? Do you not see the BEST thing you could do for your cause is to distance yourself as far away as possible from that man? Do you want more nutty "progressives" in charge? Because this is how you ensure more nutty "progressives" win elections. Are you at least not saavy enough to see that if you have a prayer of gaining and ground, you have to RUN AWAY from that man, not double down? You lost. Get over it. You just sound like this:


The link is:

Why is it wrong for to have a conservative web site! We are being silenced by every social media site. It’s as reliable as any you put forth. Hillary & the gang carried on for 4 years “Trump lost!” We also said “She lost! Get over it!” to no avail. For 4 damn years it was constant harping from Hillary “We really won!”


You can have your conservative website, but just know people are going to call them out for the lying amateur garbage they are. When every major legitimate news source - as well as government officials - says there was no major election fraud and the only ones disputing that are your conspiracy theory sites, don't act surprised when people call the bullshit out.


Yes and your ignorance will be called out too lemming. Now go finish your Don Lemming on ABCNNBCBS. They always tell you the truth.

Let us know when they ever produce a single piece of evidence of Trump/Russia collusion. Still waiting after 5 years of fake news claiming it.


I don't even have cable, ya derp. This is all you partisan shills know. Everything is "tHe OThEr sIdE!"to you idiots.


"Let us know when they ever produce a single piece of evidence of Trump/Russia collusion."

“The chance that Don Jr did not walk these jumos up to his father’s office on the twenty-sixth floor is zero.”

“The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor – with no lawyers. They didn’t have any lawyers.

“Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately.”


Now that all of these guys have been pardoned, Bannon, Manafort, Flynn, Stone, they can be subpoenaed with no objections.


Did you not read RandallGraves 4 OP’s in reference to new evidence of VOTER FRAUD? Really...they are worth reading.


Not surprised, they didn't have much to say about those


The two of you can have your little campfire in the woods and agree about everything.
The rest of us will trust our instincts and and sense and reject your garbage theories.


Yeah cause Muh Russia and Trump going to jail sure worked out for you all


More reliable than MSDNC and all your other houses of worship.


Stop it, LOL.


“Stop it” This is what I say to my little dog. I used to say it to my kids. In my case there’s a reason for having said so. I notice when you are challenged by another poster...that’s your go to reply.


"“Stop it” This is what I say to my little dog. I used to say it to my kids."

So you use it when something or someone is doing something wrong? You don't say...

You post illegitimate sources. You dismiss real ones. That is why you are treated as such.


I do not knowingly post illegitimate sources. I do not dismiss real ones. I do my best to find the truth where as your kind swallows every thing the talking heads on NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC feeds you. You’re so closed minded to the fact Trump may have won. I’m not saying he did, but politics make strange bedfellows. Ask Eric Swallwell about that...while sleeping with a Chinese spy. None of your kind have denigrated him for doing something which in times past, would be deemed treasonous. There were a lot of shenanigans going on during the 2020 election. You totally dismissed RandallGraves OP’s because they don’t fit in with the lies you believe. Your mind is closed to the facts there may be some truth to what he posted.
You are a jerk...face it.


Were you expecting a well thought post citing facts and evidence? Cmon man!

It’s just another democrat lemming bot about to hit the ignore list.


Have you noticed, I’m certain you have. But, for other folks, when the above jerk has no substance in replying...out come the claws, the hissing (snake that s/he is) and the name calling begins? The Ignore List is a fitting place for garbage.


Good one! “Houses of Worship”! 👏🏻👏🏻


What else can they do? Concede that Trump, Giuliani, Powell, OANN, Newsmax, and Breitbart all lied to them?


Even if they don't believe that, if they want to ever win again/repair their credibility, publicly distance yourself from it. The conspiracy theory crap has done nothing but ruin their credibility, which is a shame because we need something to combat "progressive" insanity right now.
