MovieChat Forums > Politics > When did white privilege end?

When did white privilege end?

What year did white privilege end? Anyone have a date?


It was never a thing, but if it did...

This month, when the White house traded an arms dealer for Griner, leaving Whelan and Fogel behind...


So then blacks always had the right to vote? The civil rights movement never occurred?


I know history, so I know your strawman is bullshit.


Which laws are currently providing whites “privilege”?

Asking for an unracist friend who wants to change those darn racist laws giving “whites” “special treatment”.


I asked when it ended. I never said it exists today. Your accusation and assumption is noted and dismissed. Answer the question.


Don’t waste your time with moviefanatic505 he is literally only saying this because it’s the opposite of what I would say. He’s also a racist, he referred to Candace Owens as an “Uncle Tom”, he’s a racist hypocrite, and an immature one while I’m at it. If you enjoy beating the shit out of him I totally understand but in reality he’s not worth your time




So what was the civil rights about then?




Of what? Undermining of white privilege?


When social media became commonplace.


european people conquer america. they set rule as conquerer of great land.

if african had conquer america you would be talk about black privileges.

you are thinking power, not privileged. the people who conquer land and have most peoples living on it will always have advantage over other.

as man who live in poor country, i laugh at you american. you live in greatest country world ever see. you have amples opportunitie to make something of self. and what you do? waste it complaining on twitters like weak bitches about white hahahahahhahahah.

come live in my country and see if you still want to live with white american hahahahah.


You are getting confused with what privilege means. Lets go over the definition.

a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.

This is like saying women always had equal rights also. Secondly you have no idea the life I live. I work a job, pay my own bills, own a house, own a car and am on track to retire. Your assumption is noted and dismissed.
