When did white privilege end?
What year did white privilege end? Anyone have a date?
shareWhen politicians and greedy capitalists decided that their careers and wealth mattered more than doing their duty to their own countries and so embarked on policies of "multi-culturalism", mass immigration and globally chasing after the lowest possible wages.
It hasnt ended.
There might be no more laws explicitly shitting on non whites like "back of the bus!"
But racism and inequality still exist.
Its not hard to see why that is the case when you look at the screams of objection from the far right element on this messageboard whenever any attempt is made to address these issues.
It exists, but for everyone, whites included.
shareAmerican Asians are the highest median earners in the US, and are arrested at a much lower rate than American whites, per capita. There's nothing on the books that privileges whites over minorities. Wokesters want to look virtuous (and oftentimes make money) by "dismantling" a non-existent problem.
shareThe only real privilege comes in the color green.
shareI've never seen it. I've seen rich privileged though and those people are white.
You may find this applicable.
It’s earned privilege. White peoples culture and morals means that they raise kids who will better fit into society. They are less likely to end up in gangs and jail as other cultures. They are more likely to finish high school and attend college.
Asians have even more advantage in this regard.
That wasn't the question first of all. Second of all so hanging and lynching of black people was earned privilege? Do their morals condone having slaves? Just because someone attends college or finishes high school doesn't by default make someone intelligent. If you have parents who parent well your chances at success are higher. Does it mean you can't achieve success? No, but your chances are better with good parents. Wherever their is poverty crime rates are higher typically.
sharePut it this way ...
I see a lotta lot of stupid incompetent white people in jobs who stay in their jobs ...
but I have never seen a stupid incompetent black person stay in a job under that condition - even when you take into account Equal Opportunity ... it is so rare that I've never seen it or even heard of it. It's a myth so those stupid incompetent whites ( males usually ) have some evasive tactic if ever they are questioned. I would not begrudge people of color some leeway to equal things out historically. I don't need to screw everyone I come in contact with at work, or kill over every penny in my life - I just do not live that way. I choose my battles and punching down by blaming people who in general have it worse than me is just not my style.
There are a lot of studies and statistics of all kinds intending to show bias, or non-bias, or fairness or un-fairness, but the bottom line is that black people on average have it tough unless they have competence and connections, and white people in general do not. There are exceptions to the rule, I don't think its anywhere near right to say there is no white privilege, or the absurd notion that all racism is now directed at white people.
We all deal with unfairness or have problems. I have had two situations in my life where I feel my career was hurt or hindered by some person of color, but as a white male, if I moved on to another job it was always for more pay and more responsibility, so even when I would lose I would win. Just being honest. That said, I have seen occasions where white people are discriminated against. For example in CA carpenters complain that all the work crews are Hispanic and unfriendly to whites. I do think that kind of stuff is a problem, but I don't have a solution to it, but I don't think the solution is to hate hispanics or rev up racism.