“Utah Man with a History of Organizing Violent Antifa, BLM Protests, Was Inside the Capitol”
”We're beginning to learn more about the individuals who were inside the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.
A young man named John Sullivan was there. He's from Utah and the founder of "Insurgence USA," which is a group dedicated to "racial justice and police reform." According to numerous news reports, he has a history of organizing leftist protests and identifies with Black Lives Matter.
At the U.S. Capitol, Sullivan was standing next to Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt when she was shot and killed by a police officer. In fact, he filmed it.”
Yeah, they definitely were there to try and instigate exactly what happened. Its the sneaky, cowardly way the left does things , like wearing masks to hide their identity while violently protesting and burning random businesses. Notice not one person of the opposition was injured during the protest, only protesters.
I meant civilians. Police are there to intentionally engage, so definitely more likely to be injured. Also, its true that some antifa members were there, so lets see the facts come out about his death.
Yeah, they found a couple of questionable votes. Things like, a woman who voted for her husband, etc. Of course you're going to get stuff like that in a huge country of millions. Hardly evidence of organized election fraud, eh?
Let's see facts about antifa being there first, and individuals on both sides have done and do dirty tricks such as impersonations to instigate /influence / disrupt.
That's why there weren't proud progressive infiltrators for this awful day.
The perps weren't smartly hiding their identities, they were dumbly exposing how stupid they are for storming the Capitol of the US in the first place. Just a bunch of feeking hooligan dumb-asses. None of them are guilty because they're too stupid too understand what the eff they are doing.
Why would an anti-rump person cause a riot on the day he's officially being cast out as a fucking loser?
We should be celebrating the victory of democracy and sense, not adding to riots.
But that's the alt wrong playbook -- play shitty, unethical and immoral politics and claim the others are doing it.
Disgusting and deplorable, but that's what passes for normal for the GOP these days.
These are your "proud progressives" that you blindly support. You should be ashamed of yourself for allowing your bias to give these horrible instigators a pass,just because they represent your desires.
"There will be blood in the streets." ~Loretta Lynch
"Who says protests have to be peaceful?" ~Chris Cuomo
"There needs to be unrest in the streets." ~Ayanna Pressley
"Protesters should not let up." ~Kamala Harris
"I just don't know why there aren't uprisings all over this country. Maybe there should be."~ Nancy Pelosi
"You get out and create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they are not welcome anymore, anywhere."~ Maxine Waters
Taking simple sentences from various people with different backgrounds and posting them out of context is an empty exercise.
I don't "blindly" support progress, I do so with eyes wide open and a full heart. If I have a bias for fairness and compassion, that's from having a Christian upbringing.
What you are doing is trying to justify the storming of the US Capitol by a rabid mob of white supremacists. I will not hesitate to condemn this.
You would think it funny. What a hypocrite you are. You cannot see and accept the truth of your Democrat party. You shove the atrocities aside always with an excuse. You do not shame those who call for violence against Trump and his voters. It’s hilarious to you. You brush it aside like you would a pesky fly.
I would expect nothing less from you. Truth escapes you. I at least admit once the Trump protesters breached the seat of our government they were no longer protesters...they became domestic terrorists. They learned from the best, BLM, Antifa, and all the Blacks who destroy their own neighborhoods. Whenever something goes wrong they destroy hurting the very people who lived and shopped where the thugs destroyed. They gain nothing...they are akin to rabid dogs. I would say the same of those who lost all sense of reason this week and stormed the Capitol. They gained nothing! They lost the only thing they had left...honorable patriots. A woman and a police officer was killed. Many more officers were injured. Others were killed. I don’t know how or why.
You see no wrong and nor condemn those on your side when they spawn violence. You brush it aside, making excuses for them.
As an aside photos of those who want to disarm us were cowering under their desks while security with, God forbid, GUNS, protected their sorry asses...like Omar! Despicable Somalian bitch who should have been left on the streets of Somalia. She should be kissing the ground she walks on, but instead wants to destroy our Constitution and our country.
"They learned from the best, BLM, Antifa, and all the Blacks who destroy their own neighborhoods."
No. They were radicalized by Trump media, just as you've been radicalized by it to believe they learned it from BLM and Antifa.
The BLM rioters were also radicalized, but not by any democratic or republican figure. They were radicalized by the lack of response to the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Jacob Blake, as well as being radicalized by a pandemic ransacking their financial security.
You've been radicalized to the point you will never accept what MSNBC or CNN tells you even if its true. And any media that comes from Trumpists that offers any hint of an excuse for what Trumpers did, you will take it which is why you are claiming they learned it from BLM and Antifa, and why you are so willing to believe Antifa infiltrated the protest and coerced them into rioting, two ideas so ridiculous they could only be supported by OAN, Newsmax and Infowars.
George Floyd’s horrific criminal record went out the window & forgotten about when an officer’s knee to the neck caused Floyd’s death. The officer should have been terminated prior to this incident due to his troubling past actions. The disgusting aftermath of Floyd’s death, a $40,000 gold plated coffin, aerial coverage of his funeral possession was beyond the pale. He did not deserve the pomp and circumstance. He was not a saint! He was a criminal and died a criminal!
Breonna Taylor‘s death was a tragedy. All officers involved should have been terminated. They should have been charged with reckless endangerment. The officer who killed Breonna should have been charged with reckless manslaughter.
Jacob Blake, another criminal is now a poster boy for injustice. Instead of responding to the officer’s orders he decided the next chain of events. Tasering him did not work & he continued not to comply. But, did it warrant being shot 7 times in the back? I believe not! There are ways to take down a criminal especially if no weapon is being aimed at the officers. Why didn’t the taser work? Was it set too low out of fear if set higher it may kill? Police officers carry a heavy burden...damned if they do, damned if they don’t! Jacob Blake had a simple choice to make. Comply or continue to resist. His choice put him in a wheel chair. The officer should be terminated due to kids being in the car which would lead to a charge of reckless endangerment. Granted, the officer did not know if Blake planned on harming the kids if he let Blake abscond. It was a domestic call & a shot in leg would have stopped Blake.
In a nutshell, other than Breonna, the choices made by Floyd & Blake not to comply put them where they are today. They began the chain of events. This does not let the police officers involved off the hook. Just as the woman who was shot & killed at the Capitol did not comply with orders to cease and desist by an armed agent. He should not be left off the hook either.
I'm sorry you hate black people so much you that you've been radicalized to not see the truth that Trumpers rioted because they were radicalized by Trump.
How in the world did you read into my reply I hate Black people. You couldn’t be more wrong. I supported a Black man over Trump during the primaries. I proudly wore his shirt with a photo on it. Before that I supported another Black man. I couldn’t be more proud when a Black conservative runs and wins office. It broke my heart when Mia Love lost her race to a liberal Dem.
You have an evil heart because you hate white people. You praise and laud Black criminals. You completely dismissed my reply in the whole. Were Floyd & Blake criminals or not? Did the police officers handle the situations wrongly or not? I gave you what you wanted. The police officers were in the wrong, but so were Floyd & Blake. They made the choice not to comply and in so doing one is dead...another paralyzed. It’s unfortunate they met up with officers who went to the extreme to contain them. You cannot whitewash the truth as I laid it out.
You are a scab picker. You pick and pick at what people write even when they agree with you. Your problem is it’s all or nothing with you. We have to walk lock step with your way of thinking. You actually make me disgust people like you. There is no win win with you even if they crawled up your ass! You are part of the reason this country is on fire as there is no compromising with you. Your way or the high way. Every thing I wrote in my reply was acquiescing to your way of thinking. The only thing I wrote differently from you was the fact Floyd & Blake were criminals...to you they are saints.
The disgusting thing about you is you are blatantly biased. I asked what law Kaepernick broke by kneeling. You provided no law which showcases you think your personal feelings should dictate what a person can or can not do. You can't simply disagree you think a person shouldn't have the right to do something lawful simply because you dislike it. That's very immature and juvenile grow up.
The other disgusting thing is downplaying Floyds death. It doesn't matter that he was a criminal it doesn't excuse a cop doing that to him. People go well no loss he was a criminal anyway... I never said he was a saint but that's toxic mentality. I don't condone his criminal behavior but lots of times that's used as a means to justify police brutality.
Admit it you got checked about Kaepernick kneeling. No intelligent rebuttal. All you could say was I don't like it. Honestly I encourage people to kneel simply to spite people like you.
kspkap, don't worry too much about moviefanatic, I have a long history with him and he doesn't have the first clue what he's talking about nor does he even have a basic understanding of how our government/constitution works. He actually tried to say that the justice system opening discriminates against black people seeing how more white people are rich and therefore can afford better lawyers. And when he gets really desperate he'll bring up the "war on drugs" for some reason. He continues to PM repeatedly because he has some kind of weird fantasy about me but honestly I enjoy owning him which is why I entertain his nonsense. He doesn't give a good damn about George Floyd, he just wants to hear himself talk and he wants and excuse to get on his high and mighty pedestal. It's very disgusting. As for Kaepernick no one denied him the right to kneel but we have every right to be disgusted by his behavior, moviefanatic has the typical libtard snowflake mentality, he thinks freedom only applies to him, it's a two way street. He's a very immature person who doesn't know the first thing about taking personal responsibility for himself, I almost feel bad for him.
He is what I deem...a scab picker! I never said the showboater broke a law. I said I didn’t like it. If I paid the big bucks to go to see the sorry asses play football, I would be royally pissed. Leave your politics in the locker room where all the other stinky stuff is. If I owned the team he would be told to stand or stay off the field. An employer has the right to set boundaries. He shouldn’t be made to pay reverence to a flag he despises. That is his right, but it’s my right to call him out over his actions, which is calling attention to himself! Pity he has no respect for a piece of cloth which holds gallons of battlefield blood.
Absolutely and I agree with everything you said. I also noticed that moviefanatic doesn't really seem to bothered about President Trump being censored by twitter, such an obvious double standard. This is very typical of libtards, they think that every needs to hear their opinion but they also seem to think that they have the right in return to not have to hear anyone else's opinion. He's a fragile little snowflake and I hope one day he grows up and gets over himself.
Good thing you don't own a team and never will. So there is a peace of mind. Paying the big bucks lol. Yeah sure. Don't watch nfl you won't be missed. Then I assume you stand by Laura Ingram's comments on Lebron then right? Shut up and dribble remember? Then when Drew Breeze spoke about how people should stand for the flag and she said he had a right to his opinion. Shouldn't her response be shut up and play football? You like them are fine with politics being spoken about anywhere so long as it coincides and validates your view. Otherwise it's an issue.
ultraviolet clearly strawmanned you and that's the DemoKKKrat's ultimate strategy, whenever they can't intelligently debate just pull out the race card. He actually defended CHAZ and the rioting last summer because he agreed with the rioters viewpoints, funny how his attitude about rioting has radically shifted in such a short amount of time, honestly though it's too little too late, his phony moral outrage rings incredibly hollow by this point.
If he’s not Black...he hates being white! Both he and moviefanatic505 love to argue for argument’s sake. They aren’t happy unless they’re playing a scab picking troll, always stirring the caca and lying about or accidentally on purpose taking words out of context. I blasted the cops. They made Floyd and Blake saints. Maybe they should talk to their victims.
Or maybe they should talk to the family of David Dorn, a St. Louis Police Captain (black by the way if it matters) who was murdered in the Antifa/BLM riots. I personally denounce with no apologies the violence last Wednesday, however the libtards have worn out their moral authority in this matter considering they were fine with violence as long as it was done by BLM/Antifa and it wasn't against them. Yeah Ultraviolet and Moviefanatic are going to have to let this one go but I am free to denounce it because I never sanctioned violence.
I wrote the crowd ceased being protesters when they breached the Capitol and accosted police officers...just as BLM and Antifa do frequently. They became domestic terrorists just as BLM and Antifa are. These two yahoos completely dismissed what I wrote. What’s funny there are times I agree with them and they still will argue with me! Trolling scab pickers!
Absolutely you see you and I are consistent and objective, we will call out hate on either side when it exists. moviefanatic and ultraviolet are blind partisan libtards who only express outrage when it's done by someone whom they disagree with. It's totally pathetic.
As for his comments on Laura Ingram it seems he doesn't understand what he's talking about yet again, Drew Breeze (I personally don't even know who that is but whatever) it seems was telling athletes to not use their platform to spout off political nonsense, he was saying that athletes should "shut up and dribble", so yes Laura Ingram was perfectly consistent and there was no double standard on Laura Ingram's part.
Told ya so! Told ya so! Read Rorikon’s OP you damn know it all! You aren’t Black if you don’t agree with ultravioletx! You are hated and maligned if you’re a White conservative. If you’re a Black conservative and support Trump you are an Uncle Tom in ultra’s feeble mind. These are your lemmings who voted Harris/Biden!
Otherwise, I can't imagine any right thinking person living in the US posting the garbage you do.
You must be some Russian troll embedded to annoy the rest of us and maybe push the needle toward Autocracy and disunion.
No real American, short of Tim McVeigh or the Unabomber would push this hard for such lies and ugliness to pass for honest commitment to the American Way.
You are desperate to come up with anything, no matter how specious, to make this siege of the Capitol not look like what it was -- a exposing of the harsh ugliness of alt wrong GOP worshippers. That's all it was, unhinged rump worshippers becoming unglued this moron-in-chief was shown the door and told to never come back.
I'll never get the fealty people have for this corrupt, self-aggrandizing fool.
People on both the left and right are also forgetting that not all Trump supporters are white. The common denominator binding nearly ALL of Trump's supporters regardless of race and economic status is right-wing borderline Fundamentalist belief systems (most of them Evangelical, but some Catholic as well). By the way, I know LOTS of American Christians who do not support Trump and are not Fundamentalists, so it's not a dig at Christianity itself. My point... how do you know this person isn't posing as something they are not? You think it's never been done before, or that it's hard to pose as something online while really being something else? In any case, it's all academic. He wasn't the one who actually broke inside the building, or crushed the office to death, or tried to breach the inner sanctum and stop certification. Those people came there to do just that, had already been encouraged by Trump and Giuliani to do "something wild" for that day, and so they and they alone are responsible for their actions.
Not a lie! Many sources. I don’t read Breitbart. And before you start spouting off at the mouth maybe you should do some research! Rorikon’s OP is a good place to start:
” NEW LONG VIDEO - Jaden X aka John Sullivan aka Extreme BLM activist incites Trump supporters to continue storming CP”
Another source:
“That was not Sullivan’s first crack at radical protesting. In July, Sullivan was arrested for his role in organizing a violent protest in Provo, UT, in which a driver was shot by a protester who was blocking a road. Several days later, Sullivan was arrested, charged with rioting, making a threat of violence, and criminal mischief.
According to numerous witnesses at the protest, he was also caught on video threatening to beat a woman and kicking her car door hard enough to leave a dent. As we would find out, Sullivan not only attended but organized that protest without a permit,”
“Black Lives Matter Protester - Calls To Pull Trump Out Of Office
Far-Left Antifa/BLM activist John Sullivan has been identified as one of the people who allegedly was part of the siege of the Capitol building yesterday—you know, one of the “violent Trump supporters” we’ve been hearing so much about in the news.
Do you not understand what a source is? Where are you getting this information from??
God this is so frustrating, just pasting more shit without saying where you are getting it from . . .have you never given a book report in your life?! Come ON!
”But some of the 40-minute video he posted to his social media sites contradicts his assertion that he and another woman were “only filming” the actions and not participating as he can be heard in the video encouraging people to join them as they push their way through police barricades.
He can be heard saying, “We’re all part of this (expletive) history” as they enter the rotunda around 15 minutes in, and he says to his companion, “2021! (expletive) This is insanity. I am shook. What is this? What is this painting, you know? King (expletive) bro (expletive)!”