MovieChat Forums > Politics > Majorities in seven European countries f...

Majorities in seven European countries favour Joe Biden and rate Donald Trump poorly

"European approval for Trump’s presidency so far is very low, with few rating him as either a “great” or even a “good” president – just 5% in Denmark, 10% in the UK and 15% in Italy. Large majorities feel he has been “poor” or “terrible” – 82% in Denmark, 70% in the UK and 61% in Italy."


All those countries are muslim now so of course they don't like Trump.


Currently Muslims account for 4.1% of the total population in Denmark, 2.3% in Italy and 4.6% in the UK.

But yeah, totally Muslim. Right on.


The Saudis sure like him, and the Saudis are 100% responsible for the Jihadist ideology that lead to 9/11.


Well, that’s CNN’s goal. People all over the world watch CNN and most don’t know their arse from a hole in the ground! Same here. Especially those who watch Rachel Maddog. Ho Hum🥱

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”


This is a very good point. Not only do most of Europe watch CNN, but the journalists from major newspapers take their lead on US politics from CNN.


8, don’t forget the Democrat party’s slavemaster, Communist China. Where the people have no say.


Timmy, do you realize Euros don't get to vote in US elections!
Tells us more, do Chinese and Ruskies prefer Sleepy Joe? How about Vulcans and Klingons?


A weak U. S. destabilizes the world and hurts security.

Russia and China prefer Trump because Trump has helped both countries gain in world influence and economically.


who cares what some euro cucklords think?! this is murica!!! Muricaaa!!!!! Muricccaaaaaa!!! USA USA USA USA USA USA USA SUA USA USA!!!!!!!


This reminds me of the Superman 2 movie when Superman disappeared which allowed the villians to control and ruin America and the world.

The U.S. is a world power and leader, but has been M.I.A.. A weak America is allowing Russia, China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, N. Korea, Iran, etc. to do evil things. America's strong leadership and moral compass are missed. I see President Macron has been trying to fill the void, but the world needs a return of a real U.S. president and not someone who just plays one on TV.


macron ruined france and imported a horde of rapefugees. europe in general has went to hell in a handbasket these past couple years




i been there i saw with my own two eyes. thats my link


I've been there, too. Your delusion isn't reality.


i been going to there every couple years since the mid 90s and seen it change. its no longer the cool fairytale land it used to be. your the one living with delusions. if u use public transport in Holland more than half the riders have burkas on it feels like nyc or some other meltingpot now


RE: Europe:

1) You don't appear to know anything about Dutch history.

2) It's normal for large cities to attract diversity.

3) What's wrong with people of diverse backgrounds living together?

4) NYC is pretty cool. Have you been there?

RE: U.S.

1) You don't appear to know American history.

2) The U.S. is a nation of immigrants and is our identity and part of our values. Have you been to the Statue of Liberty and read that amazing poem?

3) The U.S. MO is to welcome the best around the world to make us stronger. Our innovation and wealth are unmatched by any other country.

4) If you hate immigrants, then you're in the wrong country. May I suggest Poland?

My original point is that Trump has made the U.S. and the world weaker. He doesn't want to be a leader of the U.S. (still no covid plan) nor the world.

Thank you immigrants for:
blue jeans
video games
hot dogs

Jewoogle, I forbid you to use any of the above since you hate immigrants!


nyc sucks ass i was there once and will never go back unless i am changing planes to go somewhere else. it must be a million times worse now that there is a pandemic going on and there is nothing to do expect pay a buncha money to live like a dog in a cage in some box in the air. i would rather live in detroit than nyc honestly


What didn't you like about NYC?

Did you at least like the touristy places like: Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island, Empire State Building, Bronx Zoo, Central Park, Times Square, Coney Island, B'way shows, street musicians, Rockefeller Center, Botanical Gardens (Bronx & Brooklyn), St. Patrick Cathedral, museums (MOMA, Natural history, Hayden, Met, Brooklyn, etc.), speed boat rides, kayaking the Hudson, party boats sailboats) Brooklyn Bridge Park, thousands of restaurants, energy, parades, tours(bikes, boats, street, buses, etc.), neighborhoods (Little Italy, Chinatown, Hell's Kitchen, Wall Street), - to name a few?


Statue of liberty looked decent from the ferry. honestly the time i spent at Staten Island was decent felt like a cool suburb. The ghetto parts were a bit scary but i liked that part of the city. I actually thought Bronx was okay as well even tho i thought i was gonna get stabbed at times i enjoyed the scenery. Manhatten kinda sucked, saw some homeless dude puke infront of me the first 5 seconds i walked outside my hotel lol. l didnt like Brooklyn at all. it felt like a bad part of my hometown with not to many definable qualities or features. I feel like nyc was probably a lot cooler in the 70s or 80s now it is just an expensive tourist trap now i wouldnt go back. felt like i saw enough and experienced enough during the short time i spend there


LOL! It's obvious you have never been to NYC!

BTW, only a fool would think 1970s NYC was better considering there was rampant crime, seedier and on the verge of bankruptcy.

Reagan's 1980s tax cut for the rich hurt cities and towns around the country and wrecked the quality of life there.


Or course they prefer Democracy to Fascism. Europe learned firsthand what Fascism is. Now the US knows and they don't want 4 more years of it...except the Fascists themselves, e.g. all the Ultraright trolls here.


Of course they like Biden, he's going to pay for most of their military defense with the US Army.


Europe's defense is American defense. Or did you forget about Hitler waging war against the U.S.?

That looks good. I'm headed for London right now.Although this might be fake because I watched a Friends series the other day with Ross going to London to get married and the reception wasn't serving cat at it.
