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Trump will likely pick a woman and will choose next week

President Trump just talked to the press about this.

I figured he'd opt for a woman to put on the Supreme Court. It's less likely she'll be accused of "gang raping" a bunch of guys. πŸ™„

I'm kinda rooting for Judge Amy Coney Barrett.
Let's do it, President Trump!!πŸ˜‡


Well NaN, since being a lawyer is NOT a qualification for sitting on the Supreme Court, I'd like to see Pres. Trump nominate Melania or Ivanka. That alone would cause Melanias Mirror's head to explode! lol

At least it would keep him busy at the computer until the election posting krazy krap! lol


Ha!! I think his head is exploding anyway. He probably stayed awake with worry last night.


It is - with joy after hearing what Biden will do once he becomes President.

First, there's talk that he will have Kavanugh removed through impeachment (I say he does an Executive Order, like Trump enjoys doing) for perjury.

Second, he plans on adding more seats to the SC (I heard 2 more) which will be liberal Justices.

This is encouraging news for America, and I can't wait to see McConnell swallow his chin.


And add 70-100 judges to lower federal courts like former Nixon White House Counsel John Dean suggests.


That would be great.


why would he impeach Kavanaugh?




i'll have to look into that


Perjury FOR WHAT?!


I'm hoping for Judge Jeanine Pirro! She angled for the spot the last two times, and he passed her over. Maybe three is her lucky number.

I would pay to see the Senate rip her apart during her confirmation hearings.


The Senate is made up of sycophants.

Good news is that the Democrats received $45 million since Friday night. Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is broke and has had to cancel TV ads. Trump insulted one of his three megarich benefactors last month who likely closed his wallet, too.

Bad news is Trump is desperate. Barr may try to claim fraud and take ballot boxes. I heard that from two former Republican strategists who want Biden to win.

Any idea how many in Congress needed to change number of judges?


No idea. But I hope Biden uses his EO to make the change happen. After four years of Trump, anything goes with Biden!


Congress controls the number of judges and there's a democrat majority. I was wondering if is doable with a simple majority vote or is a specific percentage needed like 2/3 in which Republicans could block it.


I think Trump showed us a President can do whatever he/she wants regardless of Congress. :) I hope Biden takes full advantage of Trump's behavior.


An autocrat does whatever they want which we don't want. Biden will restore the presidency, strengthen democracy and our checks & balances.

I agree that Democrats need to find a spine and push-back more. Congress is in its constitutional rights to expand the Supreme Court and lower courts which they should do because of Republican unethical behavior. Republicans have been passing laws which hurt democracy since 1980 with either little push-back from democrats and sometimes full support.


Agreed !


That would be funny to watch, though chances are higher that he'll wander about in a daze for a week with no head like he did 4 years ago.


I would hope we mourn the death of RBG. It seems things are moving too fast.


Politics moves fast in general.

They'll honor her without a doubt, if that's what you mean.


It didn't move fast in 2016, when Obama wanted to fill Scalia's seat. McConnell said 'no rush' - remember ?


So corrupt and despicable and open and obvious. I'm livid at how desperately pubs fight for power when our democratic system is telling them to come up with better platforms. It's really Nazi Germany all over again, convincing people the enemy is within.
Yes, it is, and it's the Republican party. McConnell should be tried for treason. rump's too dumb to create a defense.


Both parties do that.To think one is pure is folly. Politics is a dirty business and they couldn’t pay me enough to do it. I prefer my anonymity and my sanity to be honest.


I see you decided to venture into the politics forum. Enter at your own risk. LOL!

What's happening now is very different and dangerous. Starting with Newt Gingrich and escalating with Trump and McConnell, their actions are weakening democracy and leading the U.S. towards a Russian-style autocracy government. The award-winning book "How Democracies Die" gets into details in how democracies are attacked and destroyed from within by an autocratic leader which is happening now. These actions are similar in all democracies which become autocracies including Nazi Germany, Venezuela, Russia, Turkey, Hungary, etc. The solution has historically been for both major parties to join together to defeat the autocratic ruler which is happening now as some Republicans have joined with democrats to get Biden elected.

This election is not Republican vs Democrat. It's literally autocracy vs democracy.


Agree ! I'm so glad you are a strong voice of progressive reason in this snake pit of lies from the wrong wing.
Keep up the good fight. "Le Resistance !"


I'm not a progressive. Just someone who doesn't want to live in a dictatorship.

Another observation since 1980 was to watch legislation, taxes and government policy slowly change to favor the rich and hurt the middle-class. It's no accident that the middle and working-class are losing ground. Republicans were instrumental in the changes, but democrats were either complacent or in a few cases gave bipartisan support.

Republicans use to be pro-environment and warned against global warning until rich oilmen threw hundreds of millions of dollars their way. "Evil Geniuses: The Unmaking of America: A Recent History" highlights what I'm writing about.


I understand, and yes I am frustrated with the middle class losing ground while Democrats are either ineffective or complicit. Then everyone wants to point to employment numbers as if they are the only measure of the country's economic well being. Why only have one job? Better to have three !


"Why only have one job? Better to have three !"

Something similar already happened. A man's salary used to support a family. Then, both spouses needed to work to have the same lifestyle. Finally, both spouses and debt are needed.


What better way to honor Ginsbergs 27 years on the court than to appoint another judge who will be on the court just as long. Can’t wait. Get’r done.


No biggie. The democratic congress will expand the Supreme Court from 9 to 13 and Biden will elect 4 judges.


He's expected to pick on Friday or Saturday.

Pelosi is threatening impeachment again if he goes through with this. 🀣


Good thing the Democrats changed the senate confirmation requirement for SCOTUS from 60 to 51 in 2014. Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Trump needs to do this. He's not doing anything wrong. I don't care what any of the senators said in the past.


It's moot. The democrats can expand the Supreme Court to 21 justices if they want once President Biden begins his term.


Of course they want to do this. They always go to extremes when their power gets threatened.
They're a bunch of scumbags.


You're projecting.


I have moved to Lagoa. But he will trade the pick now for the stimulus bill and then pick her next term.


He may choose but at most it'll be only a nomination until after the election. Unless he's re-elected, the nomination can be rescinded I think. It'll be a power play move though since if the election becomes contested and the vote is to the supreme court, it'll be wise to get another conservative in to choose since Roberts is a swinger.



Picking is one thing my friend, they'll have to go through a process just like how Kavanaugh went through a process before being appointed SCOTUS. I doubt they'll be able to get it through in time before election takes place.


Lagoa only problem I would think be out of line with democrats is she is a christan.I can't see a confirmation lasting more than a month without the democrats lieing about something to make it take longer.Sandra O'Conner only took 33 days.


Trump met with Amy today. He said he may meet with Lagoa later this week. πŸ‘πŸ»


O'Connor took 30 days and that was needing 60 or more votes. Now they don't even need to bring the democrats into the interview to pass her.


Makes me heart sick when Blacks and Women choose to side with rump when it's so obvious he doesn't give a crap about the big picture. We need to move forward while rump says, let's look at the past, and some few minority lackeys can point to themselves as being examples of equality.


I would like Trump to nominate a strong conservative Constitutionalist Black woman. He can then dare the alt lefties and their lemmings to go after her!


5 years from now Latinos here will out number blacks.


Don’t they already?


We will see from the census. Right now the liberal press will say blacks a little higher.


I thought with current data the Latino popularity was a few percent higher.


The press still says black,but latinos on average have one or more children higher than black. 5 years fro =m now nobody will believe the press if they say black.


I guess that’s something I had not heard. I would have believed the numbers I had already heard that says otherwise anyway.


You're hallucinating your stats or reading. Hispanics have been the largest minority since 2003. The only ones who are obsessed by it are Trump's cult.


The county in Florida where I moved from has more Latinos than Caucasians due to the Rat (Disney)! Damn, I hate what that company has done to my beloved Florida!


Me Texas. The next govenor will be latino,but oil is over here so that isn't a issue any more.


Are you being affected by Beta? We are somewhat on the MS Gulf Coast. We lived in Garland, Tx from 1976 to 1983. We moved back to Florida when oil took a dive as my husband worked for an oil company in Dallas. They closed operations in Dallas so it was either move to Houston or back home. I didn’t want to move to Houston.


You're no scholar of history, are you? Latinos were in Florida since the early 1500s. Florida is a Spanish word. Black people were in Florida before Caucasians, too. Caucasians eventually became a small minority, but the Spaniards ruled Florida centuries.

Your "beloved" Florida is a figment in your head. If anything, you messed up Florida as an interloper.


That's funny but I really hate identity politics. I wouldn't blame him for picking a woman this time (it'll be harder for the left to hire some guys to say she gang raped them in college) but I really hope it's a STAUNCH conservative. We need an equivalent "Ruth Hater Ginsburg" only equally as conservative as she was liberal.


”That's funny but I really hate identity politics.”

I also, but with Justice Thomas getting on in years it would confirm a Black, especially a Black woman, would be on the bench for years to come. Also, I don’t believe the alt left Democrat men would try to crucify her. They would leave that to the alt left female lemmings to rake a conservative Black woman over the coals! I don’t believe we would see another β€œhigh tech lynching”!

Thomas said, β€œThe Supreme Court is not worth it.” He described the hijacked confirmation process as β€œa circus, a national disgrace.” He then added, β€œAnd from my standpoint, as a black American, as far as I’m concerned, it is a high tech lynching.”


No conservative bimbo is fit to lick Justice Ginsburg's boots.


What if she isn't racist?


Stacy Abrams is the fat lady who will sing for Biden. When he nominates her that will sink the Donald for good!


First 6 words of your post is correct.


This is a little confusing. Isn’t Abrams the lady who was maneuvering for the VP spot. She lost on that. How is she going to sink Trump?


Biden will nominate her as his choice of SCOTUS sending a huge message to disenfranchised voters (1/2 million were cut from the Georgia voting roles causing her narrow defeat). This will mobilize African-Americans and other minority on a huge level and they'll make sure their votes count!


Do you think he is going to announce that before the election? Otherwise their votes will be a little too late to affect Trump?
