MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden / Harris for the win!

Biden / Harris for the win!

Biden has picked Harris as his VP according to NBC. Excellent choice which will make republicans heads roll.


Yay! Harris will lose twice!!


Well no but she is the likely pick the democrats will use to run against Nikki Haley in 2024.


Haley’s career is at the bottom of the sea these days. Otherwise Trump would have dumped Pence last month and put Nimrata on the ticket by now.


Congrads Veep!


Soooo happy! Excellent ticket. Can’t wait till she debates Pence.


Yes, Biden was my first choice for the candidate and Harris was my first choice for Veep. I predict a landslide and I'm never wrong!


Same with me. I’ve always hoped for this ticket.


"Same with me. I’ve always hoped for this ticket."

Oh BS!!! I asked you for months and months and months who you wanted and you were still "undecided." You asked me who I wanted it to be and I said Biden.


To say that Biden was your first choice back then before he was a gaffe/second machine is one thing. To say he’s still his first choice now, shows he can’t get past his own ego or he’s stupid.

To say he wanted Harris as the veep when CA is already a bluer than blue state seems kind of pointless and useless to me and she carries baggage. Don’t seem too political smart of a choice. Then again, Biden’s own stupidity painted himself into a corner and allowed other groups he panders to to make his choice for him.

This Melanias Mirror isn’t too bright, is he?


They actually think we're afraid of Harris!! 😂😂😂

They probably all 💩 their diapers this afternoon when they heard.
Probably like


I was undecided until the past month when he narrowed his vp contenders. I liked him and Harris separately and I was hoping he’d pick her. Though I would’ve been just as happy with Rice. A lot changed the past few weeks.


You mean Biden's handlers picked their actual presidental pick. Good luck with that on the Dem's lawlessness platform.


As expected, the jealousy has blasted out from the GOP, like a rocket.


Whatever that bitch hates my guts for my gender and skin color. Just like the entire Democratic party who would rather see me dead than prosper in America.


Why would we be jealous of a brainless bimbo who is going to humiliate herself?


The Democrat party has become the party of prostitution.


Her reproductive organs were the only reason she was chosen, she's basically a political whore.


Ok. You worry about her reproductive organs, and we will focus on bringing the country back from ruin.


It's already been brought back from the ruin that we experienced from 2009 - 2016. And she deserves to have every vile, vicious, sexist attack thrown at her after what the left did to Sarah Palin. All I am doing is leveling the playing field (I thought the left was in favor of that?)


That’s funny!
All Palin did was open her mouth and she instantly sabotaged herself!


Not at all, she was actually a very qualified candidate but the sexist left winged media was threatened by her so they did everything they could to destroy her character, even attacking her new born baby who had special needs. Kamala Harris deserves the same treatment although I'm sure the right will have the class and dignity not to sink to that level.


She was qualified to see Russia from her back yard. She was qualified to shoot at animals from helicopters.
What else?


She didn’t say she could see Russia from her house (also Russia is very close to Alaska, you need to go back to 3rd grade geography) that was Tina Fey and she ran Alaska very well. She’s achieved far more than kamala Harris. She got the position because of her reproductive organs and the color of her skin. She seemed to have some real ethical concerns over Biden in the primary, funny how she just abandons her morals and principles as soon as by doing so she’ll get some much wanted attention.


She has a sense of humor. She was professional even though the left wing media dogs foamed at the mouth. She was respectful. I agree she wasn't the sharpest.

However, let's look at some dems that aren't that sharp. Does the media treat AOC the same way? Nope. Does the media treat Ilhan Omar the same? Nope. Does the media treat DeBlasio the same? Nope.

Do you think being an AG of California, the best plan of action is to go after parents of truant kids as a means of fighting crime? Tell me you see the double standard.


Lol I’ve seen Barbie dolls smarter than AOC


Let me introduce you to Melania...


Thanks for conceding that AOC is a brainless bimbo.


You’re welcome. Whatever I can do for Republicans on the darkest morning of their lives.


Whatever you have to tell yourself to be able to sleep at night


MovieChatUser- don't attribute her pick to her reproductive organs. She doesn't have any kids, so how do we know that they actually WORK? LOL


LOL wouldn't surprise me if she's sterile.


You are disgusting- always have been, always will be. You have zero self respect for yourself.


Fucked her way up too.


Speaking of prostitution, Stormy Daniels was Trumps favorite.


LOL,MM, I still think you're a nut, but sometimes you get in a good one!


Kamala Harris wants to legalize prostitution.


Hopefully she will here. A 12 year old girl got raped in Sweden monday. I could have told them any truce for the monors is a waste of paper. Just think about the carnage here if Biden wins.


Of all the people the DNC could've chosen, they choose a senile guy. Of all the VP's his staff could've picked, they pick a pandering willie sucker. A former AG of California that decided to crack down, not on crime, but on parents of truant kids. Such an amazing display of leadership! What a joke!


From where I sit, the repubs don't really have room to talk, considering they chose a game show reality tv host and sideshow clown as their president.


The fear is pouring out of them.


They're clearly agitated by this. Trumpers only get that way when they're afraid.


And yet, he WON.

So I guess when the DNC had the chance to pick any apple from the cart, they choose two bad apples and you're okay with it. The Repubs didn't have anything to do with the choices you dems made. Your complacency speaks volumes.


So what if he won?

I'm ok with it to the extent that they are NOT Trump and they are NOT Trump loyalists.

Trump and his loyalists are THAT bad and THAT toxic that I would consider almost anyone an improvement at this point.

And I'm not a dem. Just because I'm against that orange, psychotic, dictatorial piece of SHIT doesn't mean that I'm a dem. Ask any well-dem on this board. They all know me.


So what if he won? You mean you don't care if your candidate loses? What kind of supporter are you???

You're not a dem? What are you? You're definitely not a Libertarian. Green party?

What did Trump do to you? Why such hatred?


I didn't have a candidate in 2016 as I didn't support either one.

I'm nobody. I'm not affiliated with either political party. Just a concerned American who hates our country's divided two-party system and all the warts that go with it.

It's what Trump has done to EVERYONE--including you--only people like you are too stupid to realize it. But don't worry--I acknowledge that both party officials hate our guts and couldn't give two shits less about us. If they did, we'd have a stimulus bill signed by now instead of this deadlock.


Back in 2016, which candidate represented you the most?

First of all, are you even registered to vote? If so, what are registered as? Independent? If your vote is your voice and you decided not to voice your vote, then that's on you. You can always voice your opinion on the lesser of two evils.

So again, what has Trump done to YOU? That's what I asked. You don't speak for me or anybody else for that matter, so spare me and everybody else your phony tears. You're a nobody, as you stated yourself.

Nevertheless, let's drill down a bit and let me ask you. Do you condone the tearing down of statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, yes or no? Are you a socialist, yes or no?


Says the Trump / Pence supporter. Thank you for your contributions!


You don't even defend your candidate for being senile or his staff's VP pick for him pandering and prostituting herself to get her political positions. How easy it is to appease the indoctrinated it seems. You should pat yourself on the back for that one.


Republicans propaganda and lies don’t need a defense from anyone. They just die away on their own.


Such an eloquent defense. Zero facts. Pure straw man. Such a model dem you are and apparently you are proud of that fact.


Let’s see...

You’re newly registered, less than 25 posts, and pure Republican propaganda and lies and failed attempts at witticism.

Now who’s sock account can you be...,🧐


Let's assume you're right for a second. Why would it matter? Does it prevent you from stating a factual defense? No it doesn't. All you want to do is straw man the argument and deflect. You're not making yourself look credible in anyway.


Lol! “ Why would it matter?”



People can have better conversations talking to a mannequin then you. Just saying.


Why would it matter if you're a sock account or not? It actually matters quite a bit--as in breaking this board's terms and conditions sort of matter.


Don’t you love when they blatantly admit they’re nothing but a sock account? Lol


Yeah, this one isn't even trying. LOL!

He sounds like KRL if you drugged him up on Benadryl and reduced the contents of his word salad bar.


Again, how does that matter in refuting the position I stated? That's the point and yet you'd rather straw man like the garbage in garbage out poster?

Now, since I'm not anybody's sock account, answer the question.


Go Biden/Harris! I'm praying that you'll win!


This is a blessing. Can you imagine her debate with Pence???


She'll essentially be the de facto president. Trumpers dreaded this from the beginning. I've seen them say that de facto president line before, so we know this bothers them.

Now if we can just get the dems back as a Senate majority, the fun times will be over for the cultists.

GOOD. It already feels like we've had 8 years of Emperor McNuggets so now it's time to clean his orange stink out of the White House.

I only hope they can spare enough disinfectant since the Trumpers destroyed our supply chain of cleaning products.


Great chance of taking the senate. Collins is toast, and Graham is all but done.


Good. Karma will be paid in four years early.


You can always tell which candidate irks the cultists the most based on their "they chose the worst one!" posts.

That's great. Now we know which one they fear the most.

It's good to see the dems much more motivated this time around. America doesn't want four more years of Lord Big Mac.


This was the worst choice for republicans. They’re scared shitless.


Good. They should be--especially the Fat Man.
