MovieChat Forums > Politics > If Jesus Christ returned to earth and an...

If Jesus Christ returned to earth and announced his dislike for Trump...

...would the "christian" Trump supporters follow Christ and abandon Trump? Or would they call Jesus Christ a leftist snowflake who hasn't done anything noteworthy in 2000 years?


If you think Jesus Christ "dislikes" anyone, think again. He loves every one of us an wants ALL of us in His kingdom.

"Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons."

Meaning He shows no favoritism and as is also written:

“None is righteous, no, not one;

no one understands;
no one seeks for God.

All have turned aside; together they have become worthless;
no one does good,
not even one.”

So in that regard, If He disliked anyone, He would dislike us all.


If Christ wanted everyone for his kingdom then Hell wouldn't exist.


Not so. He gives us free will, to choose.


Seeing you talk about Christ makes my skin crawl.


You talking at all, makes my skin crawl.


Then you must enjoy the feeling since you haven't put me on ignore yet.

You could save a lot of time and bandwidth by just stepping outside with a big billboard strapped around yourself that says: "Free pass to punch me in the face for whoever wants to". You'd get a better effect than what you're trying to achieve on this board.

That's clearly what you want, given your behavior around here.


I've never put anyone on "ignore". I'm not a pussy. Some slimeball on the internet doesn't make me need a safe space.


*Pats head*

Poor thing. :)


Right back at you. Why don't you put ME on ignore?

P.S. I know what you are going to say and it's a pathetic lie.


I already explained why I haven't put you on ignore.


Refresh my memory. By the way, you're the embodiment of one not. T-rump bad, T-rump racist, T-rump this, T-rump that. Childish name calling. All day, every day.


Seeing you talk about Christ makes my skin crawl.



Your existence makes my skin crawl.


Spoken like a true, devoted Christian who reads his Bible.


You know nothing about Christianity.


Much more than you, you sexual predator.


Hahaha!! You know nothing about Christianity and you're the sexual predator, delusional, antifa member.


By the way, Saint Augustine, what exactly do you know about Christianity?


Let's hope Christ can find a cure for all the TDS sufferers in the world.


God himself has no cure for TDS.


What about Satan?


If you follow the bible, it essentially says that God loves all--even Satan. Of course, if you read the bible, it also essentially states that anyone who doesn't "receive Christ into their heart and ask him to forgive you of your sins" will, be "cast into the lake of fire". So, I guess that means Buddhists, Jews, island natives who have no concept of the Christian religion, etc are all going to hell?

Yeah--these are the some of the reasons why I gave up on Christianity years ago.


Sorry, but yes. That's exactly what it means and if you don't like God's rules, go start your own universe. Everyone past the age of accountability has the ability to make their choice.


[–] chilone (2833) 8 minutes ago

Sorry, but yes. That's exactly what it means and if you don't like Gods rules, go start your own universe. Everyone past the age of accountability has the ability to make their choice.


Thank you SO damn much for posting this. There you have it, folks. What else needs to be said here about chilone? XD


Haha!! I didn't make the rules. Imbecile.


Just when you think he can't be any dumber, he sets the bar higher.


Dumb and Dumbererer, starring chilone, Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels.


Special appearance by krl97a.


^ More butthurt yapping by doggiedaddy, the dumbest poster on the board. 😄


It's going to flop so hard. Carrey and Daniels should jump ship while they still can.


There's plenty T-rumptards to take their places.


Ah, so it will be one of direct-to-the-bargain-bin "sequels" that have none of the original cast and is a cheap knock-off of the original product with z-grade cast.


Yes...but most importantly, they will live up to the title: "Dumb and Dumber and Even Dumber and The Dumbest...etc."


It will be the Simple Jack equivalent to Dumb and Dumber.

As Robert Downey would say: "You never go full retard, man.".


I congratulate you one your very impressive human centipede of the day!


I don't want to hear about your human centipede fantasies, weirdo.


Fantasy? Lol, you and your fringe kooks form one here, everyday.


You talk about it constantly. I must have seen you mention the words "human centipede" ten times now since last week. You're fixated on that sick term.


I call you out on it constantly. There's a difference and yes, it's a sick term used to describe sick people.


You prove that with every post.


Anyone following Trump has already abandoned the teachings of the bible or just cherry-picks what they want from it.

I wouldn't put it past most of the Trumpers to call Jesus a "lib" and rush to Trump.

You've seen the Trumpers. The nuts have actually STATED that they think Trump is doing "God's work".


Wrong again and who are you to make such a sweeping judgement?

Being that you're such an expert on the Bible, name ONE person who follows the teaching of the Bible, to the letter.

And as such an expert, you obviously know "the wages of sin, is death" and I'm sure you also know that there isn't a sliding scale. ONE sin qualifies you for hell. Who will escape that judgement?


I'll make any judgment I want on religious hypocrisy. Choose another board if that offends you.

NO ONE follows the bible to the letter. Man-made religions do more to bastardize the concept of a God/gods than anything else. It's all man-made bullsh!t. Any god that may exist wouldn't put all his/her/its teachings into an old book that's been "reinterpreted" thousands of times throughout human history by corrupt officials.

My point is very clear: Many Trumpers identify as Christian and I've yet to see a single Trumper act like one. Trumpers running around, justifying some of the most evil acts ever committed as "Just Trump doing God's work", ISIS, etc are all perfect examples of the dangers inherent with man-made religion. Some of the most evil acts in human history have been committed in the name of "religion".

My point is clear: Trumpers need to either put up and or shut up regarding their "Christianity" because you guys can't have it both ways--you can't claim to be Christian and support the horrific actions/behavior of Donald Trump at the same time.

And before you try to strawman any further, just know that I practiced Christianity many years ago--I have every right to chime in on this issue.


Any god that may exist wouldn't put all his/her/its teachings into an old book

And you would know, with your infinite understanding and God's eye view of the space time continuum unfolded before you. Not a bit of hubris in you, no sir.


It's called common sense. Unfortunately, Common Sense is often thrown to the dogs when religion gets involved.


It's called common sense.

I disagree. So do the numbers. If anything you're pretending to have special sense.
Unfortunately, Common Sense is often thrown to the dogs when religion gets involved.

In more ways than you're apparently aware of.


If you truly understood Christianity then you’d know that inherent in it is a sense of God’s transcendence. We’re talking about a being who created and knows everything. True Christians humbly recognize that we can’t grasp the full picture God sees or the full details of his plans. Imagining what we would do in God’s place, as if we’re sitting there playing a video game or something, obviously has severe limits.

Presumptuous claims about what “Any god” would do are laughable. This humility doesn’t mean we can’t explore issues with reason or achieve great earthly accomplishments. It just recognizes reality. The brightest minds in human history have understood that “fear of God is the beginning of wisdom”.

The sense of wonder at the Divine has inspired geniuses from Isaac Newton to Michelangelo, driving them to do things they might not have done if they were sitting around smugly viewing themselves as their own gods. Beethoven’s Ode to Joy captures this:

Even the worm can feel contentment,
And the cherub stands before God!
Gladly, like the heavenly bodies
Which He set on their courses
Through the splendor of the firmament;
Thus, brothers, you should run your race,
As a hero going to conquest.
You millions, I embrace you.
This kiss is for all the world!
Brothers, above the starry canopy
There must dwell a loving Father.
Do you fall in worship, you millions?
World, do you know your creator?
Seek him in the heavens;
Above the stars must He dwell.


You are so full of shit and what significance does you "practicing" Christianity hold? I didn't say you don't have a right to chime in. Religious hypocrisy IS rampant, I agree but don't act all pious. YOU are a hypocrite of the highest order with your support of antifa and your "fuck everyone who doesn't agree with me" crap.

You're in way over your head. You, a mere pissant in this unfathomable universe are going to pass judgement on God? Hahahaha! God luck with that!

Also, how do you KNOW it's man made? Were you around at the beginning? Please enlighten us to the mysteries of creation!

Also, being the expert you are from "practicing Christianity" and being privy to the secrets of the universe, how exactly do Christians "act", being the you've never seen a T-rump supporter act like one? Are they required to "act" according to your meaningless standards? What exactly do you think a Christian is or perceives themselves to be? What makes you think "acting" like a Christian entails acting better than others? Surely you were taught this when you were "practicing". I'm a Christian and I'd like to know how I can overcome my very nature and become perfect. I'm sure you have these answers, right? After all you posture yourself as KNOWING.

What "horrific" actions/behaviors are you referring to? Antifa, whom you support actually committed horrific actions/behaviors. Again, you are a hypocrite of the highest order.


This is the most I've ever seen you write in a post, chilone.

Interesting how worked up you became over this in a very short amount of time. Take note of that, everyone.

And religion WAS man-made. What are you smoking? Who the hell do you think wrote the books, "interpreted" the passages, branched it off into thousands upon thousands of divisions, etc? You shouldn't argue about things you know sh!t-all about.

You also continually destroy your credibility with all this "Antifa" talk. Doggie and the others were right: you're trying this same tactic with every anti-Trump poster on this board. You are beyond transparent and it's pathetic.

Like I said, take your "Please punch me" sign with you outside and you'll get the result you apparently so desperately want.


As usual, you try to worm out of things with word games so I'll put it to you a little differently. Do you believe in God? Btw, don't flatter yourself. I'm not worked up at all. I love seeing people expose their absolute ignorance on the subject of God and Christianity. And your attempt at diversion didn't work. You didn't answer my questions.


You seem confused, chilone. I haven't answered any of your questions because you are beyond transparent and everything you write is gaslighting, strawman nonsense with two clear goals in mind: to antagonize and attempt to discredit. I saw you try it with every other anti-Trump poster in here. It's your literal MO around here. What's sad is you are so damn one-note about it and don't even change your tactics. It's as if you're TRYING to be an old IMDB troll but just can't make it to the finals.

I will answer one of your questions, though, as to avoid any confusion from legit people of actual worth who may stumble upon this thread: Yes, I do believe in a god/creator of some sort. I always have. I believed in one before I found religion and I still believe in one after I left religion in the dust.

PS: I know this is a useless question (for many reasons) but I'm putting this out there more for form's sake than for you to really answer: who is on your side on this board? Who? Who rushes to your defense? Who sings your praises? Who says: "Chilone here is a smart guy"? I don't see anyone. Quite the contrary, really.

That's what makes your posting here such nonsense: you have credibility whatsoever. How can you expect to wage a serious argument (assuming you ever even wanted to have one) with anyone when you have no credibility?

With every post--every word you write--you do nothing but to reinforce what I keep telling you: you are here to antagonize and seek attention via negative responses. Nothing more. Nothing less.

We're all the fools for continuing to oblige your obvious cries for attention but it's fine because no one is really all that bothered by you and highlighting the absurdity of your posts only serves to show anyone else who makes a visit to this board who to avoid. :)


More deflection, as expected.

who is on your side on this board? Who? Who rushes to your defense? Who sings your praises? Who says: "Chilone here is a smart guy"?

You ask this as if I care.


I know this is a useless question (for many reasons) but I'm putting this out there more for form's sake than for you to really answer: who is on your side on this board? Who? Who rushes to your defense? Who sings your praises? Who says: "Chilone here is a smart guy"? I don't see anyone. Quite the contrary, really.

That's what makes your posting here such nonsense: you have credibility whatsoever. How can you expect to wage a serious argument (assuming you ever even wanted to have one) with anyone when you have no credibility?

What a load of fallacious ad hominem garbage. Not that your erroneous band wagon appeal says anything about the merit of one's argument anyway, and momentarily setting aside the glaring questions about your own credibility and in the "who sings your praises?" department, for the record I enjoy watching chilone hold you accountable. I admire his tenacity and fair minded moral consistency. And that he doesn't post tedious puffs of hot air like what I just quoted from you.



You don't know much about Jesus.


Neither do Trumpers.


Depends on the individual.


Jesus would most certainly not like Trump. Corruption, greed, lying, adultery. All sins, all Trump. Facts and logic, snowflake. To be fair, Jesus would probably sway away from most politicians.


I disagree, lol.


I’m sorry for you. Tell me where in the Bible it says it’s okay to be a greedy liar.


Sidestepping your loaded question, show me in the Bible where it says Jesus only likes perfect people, or where anyone is a perfect person. Then for fun show how Democrats somehow aren't a bunch of greedy, corrupt, sinning liars.


This is you assuming I’m a liberal democrat because I don’t like Trump. I never said Democrats aren’t scum. In fact I said Jesus would dislike most to all politicians. That’s the issue with modern republicans; a fucking goose in a suit could run for the republican party and people would select him blindly because the goose is playing for the red team, and if someone dislikes said goose, it’s obviously because that person is some crybaby libtard. It can’t be because it’s a damn goose, right? No, the goose is republican, so it’s all good.

Give credit where it’s due, you can’t really say the same about Dems. Maybe a decent amount, but no where near to the extent of Reps. Hillary failed because she lost the trust of her own Dem voters. It would be near impossible for a Rep to lose the trust of conservative voters.

Also, thanks for failing to answer my “loaded” question. It must be hard answering basic questions.


Boy, someone's triggered, lol. Actually you had added the "most politicians" line to your earlier post in an edit. The one I initially responded to only singled out Trump for attack. Not that it matters, since your claims here are so skewed they're backwards. Trump rightly points out that Democrats' one communal virtue is that they stick together almost no matter what, unlike Republicans (he's right they have that trait, not that it's necessarily a virtue). As for the GOP, did you not see the divisive 2016 primaries and even the convention, lol? Did you miss the TEA Party movement?

Trump's rise is the long fed up Republican base rejecting the establishment of their own party. And even Trump's not immune. Have you read Ann Coulter's twitter feed? She's mostly been bashing him for not fulfilling his agenda, particularly on immigration enforcement, even as her book "In Trump We Trust" literally still sits on bookstore shelves. Gallup polling has shown over the years that more people think Republicans are too liberal than think Democrats are too conservative, and the fact is many Independents (not synonymous with "moderates") are to the right of Republicans, which is why the GOP typically wins that group. There have been a series of escalating conservative and populist revolts on the right.


So because you cant answer basic yes/no questions makes me triggered? Saying I edited stuff after the fact to humilate you when I didn’t? Hmmm, thus is the way of the internet conservative?

The idea that liberals blindly vote for whoever’s playing for team blue is obsurd. This is why Hillary lost. She was hated amongst even her own Democratic voters. This is FACT! Democrats saw through her lies and corruption and decided not to vote for her. I gurantee she would’ve won had she ran as a Republican, the same way Trump gained zero traction as a Democrat or Independent.

What’s stupid is that I don’t even support the Democratic party.


You were "triggered" because you replied with multiple paragraphs to my brief post demolishing your insipid partisan argument, and it was just a wry reference to your own earlier claim about respondents here supposedly being "triggered". I was gently mocking your obtuse hypocrisy. And while I did answer your moronic loaded question, you have yet to answer either of my briefly stated challenges, despite the length of your replies. The only one humiliated here is you. Your newest reply just doubles down on your ignorance. Trump literally had at least two life long Republican candidates running against him in the general election and drawing sizable chunks of the vote. You ignored everything I posted shredding your position and, again, your claims are mostly the opposite of the truth.


I disagree. The Democrats are WAY more partisan than the Republicans. They are in lockstep on evey vote. Republicans break rank a lot more.

Also as upset as they were over Obama being president, they never behaved as the Democrats have.


It says it is absolutely NOT okay.


Thank you. krl97a knows he’s wrong because he could’ve just said this and moved on. But no. Apparently I was asking a difficult question.


I wasn't wrong about anything. Obviously "it's against it" (to quote from the movie Kingpin). I cut through your BS to address our actual debate.


Lol, nice quote😂


Donald Trump is the literal embodiment of every single damn sin in the bible. He encapsulates the "Seven Deadly Sins" as well.

If anything, Donald actually fits the description of the Antichrist from the bible in many ways.

For God's sake, Donald once said many years ago: "I've never asked God for forgiveness because I honestly don't feel I've ever done anything wrong". I mean...any serious Christian would already have alarm bells going off from that one statement alone.

But trying to argue the dynamics of Christianity with the Trumpers is a waste of time--like a turd circling the toilet bowl that just won't flush.


If anything, Donald actually fits the description of the Antichrist from the bible in many ways.

That's at least the second time I've seen you equate Trump with the "Antichrist". I'm not sure if you understand how crazy and politically extreme that makes you sound.

Trump's changed a lot over the years, but regardless the notion that he's anything like the Antichrist described in the Bible is absurd. For one thing Trump has been protecting religious liberty, not trampling it.


YOU and me and everyone on earth are "the literal embodiment of every single damn sin in the Bible", moron. Let's start with judging. Slander? Gossip? You do all of those here, EVERYDAY! How about malice? How much malice do you have for T-rump? Me? krl97a? Jesus said if you hate someone, you're guilty of murder. There's a few to get you started.


Slow your gaslighting and strawmanning down there, killer. I have established more than once that I no longer practice Christianity. Therefore whatever "sins" I commit I irrelevant to my argument at hand.

What I said, Mr. Strawman, more than once is that anyone practicing Christianity and supporting Donald Trump needs to abide by the religion they are practicing.

What are you going to gaslight next? I have my popcorn ready.


Again, what is "abiding" and who does it?


So you're just going to talk out of your ass? Oh, wait... that's what you do.


If Jesus was in the business of not "liking" people, He wouldn't like anyone, you included.


The fact that a lot of people are getting triggered by this is a bit telling.


That's because Christianity is one of the main go-to's for Trumpers. They hide behind it and use it to try to take a "high ground" in arguments by claiming they're "Good Christian people" and that Trump "stands on the side of good". Like many religions in human history, they use the damn religion as ammunition and cloaking when/where necessary.

Exposing Donald's evil and the hypocrisy of Trumpers claiming to be Christian who defend his evil actions blows their little "we're the religious moral high ground" crap out of the water.

I've actually seen Christians call our country "A Christian Nation" and claiming they want Christianity to be the only religion allowed to be practiced here. The irony is this sort of thinking is the precise, same, exact sort of thinking that ISIS and other extremists have regarding THEIR own religion.

Religion is such a "get out of jail free card" for Trumpers and other people in their arguments--a convenient cloak to hide behind. You take that cloak away and what do they have? Nothing.


True colors are coming out😅


It's a a biased question from the start. I'm not religious, but my understanding is that part of the appeal of Jesus Christ, is the fact that he loves everyone, which is pretty nice of him. People are obviously offended that your question debases their religious figurehead, implicitly as part of a reply.


All speculation and hearsay. What does the son of god know?


I doubt he's on the Democrats' witness list. Most of them didn't even want God mentioned in their platform.


Trumpers would say Jesus is a libtard who is angry that Hillary lost.


What the hell are you even talking about?


The fact is, no one knows what Jesus would say. Both sides would like to believe the He's on their side but the fact is, there's no way of knowing. His ways are not even discernible by us.


So I guess Trump is POTUS because he claimed to “like” Jesus?
That’s the gist I’m getting from this volatile religion/politics thread which will never , ever end


Did you gather that from what I said? If so, you misunderstood. I don't know and neither does anyone else.


Do you think he likes Jesus?


I believe he's a Christian, so I'd say yes.


You're right. It will never end and that's okay. :)


I don't think there is any proof that Jesus Christ ever existed, except for the bible which is fiction.


And you know the Bible is fiction how? There are people with more knowledge and intelligence than you and I put together who say it isn't fiction. What makes you all knowing?


Give me the proof that it is not fiction. I don't object to people who believe in it, but I am an atheist. I believe is logic and reasoning not faith. My choice and your choice.


Give me proof that it's fiction. To cut to the chase, neither of us can. I respect people's beliefs but proclaiming your belief as fact, is intellectually dishonest. I'm a big proponent of logic but in this age old debate, logic runs out eventually and we are left with only faith. Atheists included. My faith says God is real. Your faith says God doesn't exist. Neither of us can be proven right or wrong.


Finally we agree on something.


Stranger things have happened.


It’s officially written at the Vatican that Saint Peter had a meeting with a man who claimed to be Jesus Christ of Nazareth in 62 A.D.


There's a LOT of issues with Catholicism. Not being Biblical doctrine, being one of them.
